GATE CSE 2021 Set 1
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Items | Cost | Profit% | Marked price |
P | 5400 | - | 5860 |
Q | - | 25 | 10000 |
Details of prices of two items P and Q are presented in the above table. The ratio of cost of item P to cost of item Q is 3 : 4. Discount is calculated as the difference between the marked price and the selling price. The profit percentage is calculated as the ratio of the difference between selling price and cost, to the cost
(Profit% = $${{Selling\,price - Cost} \over {Cost}} \times 100$$).
The discount on item Q, as a percentage of its marked price, is ________.
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Two straight lines are drawn perpendicular to each other in X-Y plane. If $$\alpha $$ and $$\beta $$ are the acute angles the straight lines make with the X-axis, then $$\alpha $$ + $$\beta $$ is ______.
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The figure below shows an annular ring with outer and inner radii as b and a, respectively. The annular space has been painted in the form of blue colour circles touching the outer and inner periphery of annular space. If maximum n number of circles can be painted, then the unpainted area available in annular space is _______.

MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The total revenue of a company during 2014-2018 is shown in the bar graph. If the total expenditure of the company in each year is 500 million rupees, then the aggregate profit or loss (in percentage) on the total expenditure of the company during 2014-2018 is ______.

Questions Asked from Numerical Ability (Marks 2)
Number in Brackets after Paper Indicates No. of Questions
GATE CSE Subjects
Theory of Computation
Operating Systems
Database Management System
Data Structures
Computer Networks
Software Engineering
Compiler Design
Web Technologies
General Aptitude
Discrete Mathematics
Programming Languages