MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
A 3-ary max heap is like a binary max heap, but instead of 2 children, nodes have 3 children. A 3-ary heap can be represented by an array as follows: The root is stored in the first location, a[0], nodes in the next level, from left to right, is stored from a[1] to a[3]. The nodes from the second level of the tree from left to right are stored from a[4] location onward. An item x can be inserted into a 3-ary heap containing n items by placing x in the location a[n] and pushing it up the tree to satisfy the heap property.
Which one of the following is a valid sequence of elements in an array representing 3-ary max heap?
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Given two arrays of numbers a1,......,an and b1,......, bn where each number is 0 or 1,
the fastest algorithm to find the largest span (i, j) such that
ai+ai+1......aj = bi+bi+1......bj or report that there is not such span,
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Let G(V, E) an undirected graph with positive edge weights. Dijkstra's single-source shortest path algorithm can be implemented using the binary heap data structure with time complexity:
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Suppose there are $$\lceil \log n \rceil$$ sorted lists of $$\left\lfloor {{n \over {\log n}}} \right\rfloor $$ elements each. The time complexity of producing a sorted list of all these elements is :
(Hint : Use a heap data structure)
(Hint : Use a heap data structure)
Questions Asked from Searching and Sorting (Marks 2)
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GATE CSE 2016 Set 2 (1)
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GATE CSE 2015 Set 2 (1)
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GATE CSE Subjects
Theory of Computation
Operating Systems
Database Management System
Data Structures
Computer Networks
Software Engineering
Compiler Design
Web Technologies
General Aptitude
Discrete Mathematics
Programming Languages