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Which of the following statements are correct for basic transistor Amplifier configurations?
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For good stabilized biasing of the transistor of the CE Amplifier of fig, we should have
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If the input to the circuit of figure is a sine wave the output will be.
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The Op-Amp of fig has a very poor open loop voltage gain of 45 but is otherwise ideal. The gain of the Amplifier equals:
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The CMRR of the differential Amplifier of the fig is equal to
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In a BPSK signal detector, the local oscillator has a fixed phase error of 200. This phase error deteriorates the SNR at
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An image uses $$512\, \times \,512$$ picture elements. Each of the picture elements can take any of the 8 distinguishabl
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The steady state error of a stable 'type 0' unity feedback system for a unit step function is
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An electromechanical closed-loop control system has the following characteristic equation $$s^3+6Ks^2+\left(K+2\right)s+
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The transfer function of a simple RC network functioning as a controller is: $${G_c}(s) = {{s + {z_1}} \over {s + {p_1}
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A system is characterized by the following state-space equations: a) Find the transfer function of the system b) Comput
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The number of Boolean functions that can be generated by n variable is equal to:
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The minimum function that can detect a "divisible by 3" 8421 BCD code digit (representation is D8 D4 D2 D1) is given b
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A 4 bit modulo-16 ripple counter uses JK flip-flops. If the propagation delay of each FF is 50ns, the maximum clock freq
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Which of the resistance networks of figure can be used as 3 bit R-2R ladder DAC. Assume $${V_0}$$ corresponds to LSB.
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The incoming solar radiation at a place on the surface of the earth is 1.2 KW/m2.The amplitude of the electric field cor
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A 200 volt (r. m. s) generator having an internal resistance of 200 ohm is feeding a loss-less transmission line. The ch
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Which of the following field equations indicate that the free magnetic charges do not exits?
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Choose the correct statements. For a wave propagating in an air filled rectangular wave guide
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A 300 MHz plane E.M. wave is propagating in free space. The wave is incident normally on an infinite copper sl
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Two isotropic antennas are separated by a distance of two wavelengths. If both the antennas are fed with currents of equ
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In a junction diode
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If the Laplace transform of the voltage across a capacitor of value of $$\frac12\;\mathrm F$$ is $$V_C\;\left(s\right
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The switch $$S$$ in figure is thrown to position $$'a'$$ at $$t = 0$$. At $$t = 1$$ second, the switch is thrown to posi
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The resonant frequency of this series circuit shown in figure is
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The transfer function of simple RC network functioning as a controller is $$$G\,{}_c\left( s \right)\,\,\,\,{{s + {z_1}
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The Z-transform of the following real exponential sequence: x(nT) = $${a^n}$$, nT $$ \ge $$ 0 =0, nT<0, a> 0 g
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The response of an initially relaxed linear constant parameter network to a unit impulse applied at $$t = 0$$ is $$4{e^{
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The impulse response and the excitation function of a linear time invariant casual system are shown in Fig. a and b resp
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The magnitude and phase transfer functions for a distortionless filter should respectively be:
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A 4 GHz carrier is DSB-SC modulated by a low pass message signal with maximum frequency of 2 MHz. The resultant signal
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Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering
Civil Services
UPSC Civil Service
Staff Selection Commission
Class 12