GATE CE 2024 Set 1
The initial cost of an equipment is Rs. 1,00,000. Its salvage value at the end of accounting life of 5 years is Rs. 10,000. The difference in depreciation (in Rs.) computed using ‘double-declining balance method’ and ‘straight line method’ of depreciation in Year-2 is ___________ (in positive integer).
Your input ____
GATE CE 2015 Set 2
According to the concept of Limit State Design as per IS 456: 2000, the probability of failure of a
structure is __________.
Your input ____
GATE CE 2015 Set 1
The composition of an air-entrained concrete is given below:
Water : 184 kg /m3
Ordinary Portland Cement(OPC) : 368 kg /m3
Sand : 606 kg /m3
Coarse aggregate : 1155 kg /m3
Assume the specific gravity of OPC, sand and coarse aggregate to be 3.14, 2.67 and 2.74, respectively. The air content is_________ liters/m3Your input ____
GATE CE 2011
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Consider a reinforcing bar embedded in concrete. In a marine environment this bar undergoes
uniform corrosion, which leads to deposition of corrosion products on its surface and an
increase in apparent volume of the bar. This subjects the surrounding concrete to expansive
pressure. As a result, corrosion cracks appear at surface of concrete. Which of the following
statement is true?
Questions Asked from Workmenship and Fundamentals (Marks 2)
Number in Brackets after Paper Indicates No. of Questions
GATE CE Subjects
Engineering Mechanics
Strength of Materials Or Solid Mechanics
Structural Analysis
Construction Material and Management
Reinforced Cement Concrete
Steel Structures
Geotechnical Engineering
Origin of Soils Definitions and Properties of Soils Classification of Soils and Clay Mineralogy Effective Stress and Permeability Seepage Analysis Compaction of Soil Compressibility and Consolidation Shear Strength of Soil Stress Distribution of Soil Retaining Wall and Earth Pressure Stability of Slopes Shallow Foundation Pile Foundation Soil Stabilization
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines
Geomatics Engineering Or Surveying
Levelling Traversing Theodolites and Plane Table Surveying Measurement of Area, Volume and Theory of Errors and Survey Adjustment Field Astronomy and Photogrammetric Surveying Basics of GIS, GPS and Remote Sensing Angular Measurements and Compass Survey Basic Concepts Linear Measurements and Chain Survey
Environmental Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Engineering Mathematics
General Aptitude