Logical Reasoning · General Aptitude · GATE CE
Marks 1
If '→' denotes increasing order of intensity, then the meaning of the words [drizzle → rain → downpour] is analogous to [ ______ → quarrel → feud].
Which one of the given options is appropriate to fill the blank?
1. All heroes are winners.
2. All winners are lucky people.
I. All lucky people are heroes.
II. Some lucky people are heroes.
III. Some winners are heroes.
Which of the above inferences can be logically deduced from statements 1 and 2?
A duck named Donald Duck says “All ducks always lie.”
Based only on the information above, which one of the following statements can be logically inferred with certainty?
A line of symmetry is defined as a line that divides a figure into two parts in a way such that each part is a mirror image of the other part about that line.
The figure below consists of 20 unit squares arranged as shown. In addition to the given black squares, upto 5 more may be coloured black. Which one among the following options depicts the minimum number of boxes that must be coloured black to achieve two lines of symmetry? (The figure is representative)

For the picture shown above, which one of the following is the correct picture representing reflection with respect to the mirror shown as the dotted line?
A survey of 450 students about their subjects of interest resulted in the following outcome.
$$\bullet$$ 150 students are interested in Mathematics.
$$\bullet$$ 200 students are interested in Physics.
$$\bullet$$ 175 students are interested in Chemistry.
$$\bullet$$ 50 students are interested in Mathematics and Physics.
$$\bullet$$ 60 students are interested in Physics and Chemistry.
$$\bullet$$ 40 students are interested in Mathematics and Chemistry.
$$\bullet$$ 30 students are interested in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
$$\bullet$$ Remaining students are interested in Humanities.
Based on the above information, the number of students interested in Humanities is
Consider the following equations of straight lines :
Line L1 : 2x $$-$$ 3y = 5
Line L2 : 3x + 2y = 8
Line L3 : 4x $$-$$ 6y = 5
Line L4 : 6x $$-$$ 9y = 6
Which one of the following is the correct statement?
Given the statements :
$$\bullet$$ P is the sister of Q.
$$\bullet$$ Q is the husband of R.
$$\bullet$$ R is the mother of S.
$$\bullet$$ T is the husband of P.
Based on the above information, T is _________ of S.
Healthy eating is a critical component of healthy aging. When should one start eating healthy? It turns out that it is never too early. For example, babies who start eating healthy in the first year are more likely to have better overall health as they get older. Which one of the following is the CORRECT logical inference based on the information in the above passage?
The above frequency chart shows the frequency distribution of marks obtained by a set of students in an exam.
From the data presented above, which one of the following is CORRECT?
In the square grid shown on the left, a person standing at P2 position is required to move to P5 position.
The only movement allowed for a step involves, "two moves along one direction followed by one move in a perpendicular direction". The permissible directions for movement are shown as dotted arrows in the right.
For example, a person at a given position Y can move only to the positions marked X on the right.
Without occupying any of the shaded squares at the end of each step, the minimum number of steps required to go from P2 to P5 is
Consider a cube made by folding a single sheet of paper of appropriate shape. The interior faces of the cube are all blank. However, the exterior faces that are not visible in the above view may not be blank.
Which one of the following represents a possible unfolding of the cube?
Marks 2
Five cubes of identical size and another smaller cube are assembled as shown in Figure A. If viewed from direction X, the planar image of the assembly appears as Figure B.

If viewed from direction Y, the planar image of the assembly (Figure A) will appear as
Elvesland is a country that has peculiar beliefs and practices. They express almost all their emotions by gifting flowers. For instance, if anyone gifts a white flower to someone, then it is always taken to be a declaration of one’s love for that person. In a similar manner, the gifting of a yellow flower to someone often means that one is angry with that person.
Based only on the information provided above, which one of the following sets of statement(s) can be logically inferred with certainty?
(i) In Elvesland, one always declares one’s love by gifting a white flower.
(ii) In Elvesland, all emotions are declared by gifting flowers.
(iii) In Elvesland, sometimes one expresses one’s anger by gifting a flower that is not yellow.
(iv) In Elvesland, sometimes one expresses one’s love by gifting a white flower.
Based only on the following passage, which one of the options can be inferred with certainty?
When the congregation sang together, Apenyo would also join, though her little screams were not quite audible because of the group singing. But whenever there was a special number, trouble would begin; Apenyo would try singing along, much to the embarrassment of her mother. After two or three such mortifying Sunday evenings, the mother stopped going to church altogether until Apenyo became older and learnt to behave.
At home too, Apenyo never kept quiet; she hummed or made up silly songs to sing by herself, which annoyed her mother at times but most often made her become pensive. She was by now convinced that her daughter had inherited her love of singing from her father who had died unexpectedly away from home.
The James Webb telescope, recently launched in space, is giving humankind unprecedented access to the depths of time by imaging very old stars formed almost 13 billion years ago. Astrophysicists and cosmologists believe that this odyssey in space may even shed light on the existence of dark matter. Dark matter is supposed to interact only via the gravitational interaction and not through the electromagnetic-, the weak- or the strong-interaction. This may justify the epithet “dark” in dark matter.
Based on the above paragraph, which one of the following statements is FALSE?
In the last few years, several new shopping malls were opened in the city. The total number of visitors in the malls is impressive. However, the total revenue generated through sales in the shops in these malls is generally low.
Which one of the following is the CORRECT logical inference based on the information in the above passage?
Given below are two statements and four conclusions drawn based on the statements.
Statement 1 : Some soaps are clean.
Statement 2 : All clean objects are wet.
Conclusion I : Some clean objects are soaps.
Conclusion II : No clean object is a soap.
Conclusion III : Some wet objects are soaps.
Conclusion IV : All wet objects are soaps.
Which one of the following options can be logically inferred?