Marks 1
A two-hour duration storm event with uniform excess rainfall of 3 cm occurred on a watershed. The ordinates of streamflow hydrograph resulting from this event are given in the table.
Time (hours) | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Streamflow (m$$^3$$/s) | 10 | 16 | 34 | 40 | 31 | 25 | 16 | 10 |
Considering a constant baseflow of 10 m3/s, the peak flow ordinate (in m3/s) of one-hour unit hydrograph for the watershed is ____________. (in integer)
GATE CE 2022 Set 1
The ratio of actual evapo-transpiration to potential evapo-transpiration is in the range
GATE CE 2012
Lysimeter and Tensiometer are used to measure respectively, one of the following groups of quantities:
GATE CE 1997
Marks 2
The average surface area of a reservoir in the month of June is 20 km2. In the same month, the average rate of inflow is 10 m3/s, outflow rate is 15 m3/s, monthly rainfall is 10 cm, monthly seepage loss is 1.8 cm and the storage change is 16 million m3. The evaporation (in cm) in that month is
GATE CE 2015 Set 2
During a 6-hour storm the rainfall intensity was 0.8 cm/hr on a catchment of area 8.6 km2. The measured runoff volume during this period was 2,56,000 m3. The total rainfall was lost due to infiltration, evaporation and transpiration in cm/hr is
GATE CE 2002