Numerical Methods · Engineering Mathematics · GATE CE

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Marks 1

GATE CE 2024 Set 2
The second derivative of a function $f$ is computed using the fourth-order Central Divided Difference method with a step length $h$. The CORRECT expre...
GATE CE 2024 Set 1
Consider the data of $f(x)$ given in the table. table { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; margin: 20px 0; } th { background-color: blue; ...
GATE CE 2016 Set 2
The quadratic approximation of $$f\left( x \right) = {x^3} - 3{x^2} - 5\,\,$$ at the point $$x=0$$ is
GATE CE 2012
The estimate of $$\int\limits_{0.5}^{1.5} {{{dx} \over x}} \,\,$$ obtained using Simpson's rule with three-point function evaluation exceeds the exact...
GATE CE 2008
The Newton-Raphson iteration $${x_{n + 1}} = {1 \over 2}\left( {{x_n} + {R \over {{x_n}}}} \right)$$ can be used to compute
GATE CE 2007
Given that one root of the equation $$\,{x^3} - 10{x^2} + 31x - 30 = 0\,\,$$ is $$5$$ then other roots are
GATE CE 2007
The following equation needs to be numerically solved using the Newton $$-$$ Raphson method $${x^3} + 4x - 9 = 0.\,\,$$ The iterative equation for thi...
GATE CE 2005
Given $$a>0,$$ we wish to calculate it reciprocal value $${1 \over a}$$ by using Newton - Raphson method for $$f(x)=0.$$ The Newton - Raphson algor...
GATE CE 1995
Let $$\,\,f\left( x \right) = x - \cos \,x.\,\,\,$$ Using Newton-Raphson method at the $$\,{\left( {n + 1} \right)^{th}}$$ iteration, the point $$\,{...
GATE CE 1993
Given the differential equation $${y^1} = x - y$$ with initial condition $$y(0)=0.$$ The value of $$y(0.1)$$ calculated numerically upto the third pla...

Marks 2

GATE CE 2017 Set 1
Consider the equation $${{du} \over {dt}} = 3{t^2} + 1$$ with $$u=0$$ at $$t=0.$$ This is numerically solved by using the forward Euler method with a ...
GATE CE 2016 Set 1
Newton-Raphson method is to be used to find root of equation $$\,3x - {e^x} + \sin \,x = 0.\,\,$$ If the initial trial value for the root is taken as ...
GATE CE 2015 Set 1
The integral $$\,\int_{{x_1}}^{{x_2}} {{x^2}dx\,\,} $$ with $${x_2} > {x_1} > 0$$ is evaluated analytically as well as numerically using a singl...
GATE CE 2015 Set 1
The quadratic equation $${x^2} - 4x + 4 = 0$$ is to be solved numerically, starting with the initial guess $${x_0} = 3.$$ The Newton- Raphson method i...
GATE CE 2015 Set 2
In Newton-Raphson iterative method, the initial guess value $$\left( {{x_{ini}}} \right)$$ is considered as zero while finding the roots of the equati...
GATE CE 2015 Set 2
For step-size, $$\Delta x = 0.4,$$ the value of following integral using Simpson's $$1/3$$ rule is ______
GATE CE 2013
There is no value of $$x$$ that can simultaneously satisfy both the given equations. Therefore, find the 'least squares error' solution to the two equ...
GATE CE 2011
The square root of a number $$N$$ is to be obtained by applying the Newton $$-$$ Raphson iteration to the equation $$\,{x^2} - N = 0.\,\,$$ If $$i$$ d...
GATE CE 2010
The table below gives values of a function $$f(x)$$ obtained for values of $$x$$ at intervals of $$0.25$$ The value of the integral of the function...
GATE CE 2009
The area under the curve shown between $$x=1$$ and $$x=5$$ is to be evaluated using the trapezoidal rule. The following points on the curve are given ...
GATE CE 2008
If the interval of integration is divided into two equal intervals of width $$1.0,$$ the value of the definite integral $$\,\,\int\limits_1^3 {\log _e...
GATE CE 2005
Given $$a>0,$$ we wish to calculate its reciprocal value $${1 \over a}$$ by using Newton - Raphson method for $$f(x)=0.$$ For $$a=7$$ and starting ...
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