Energy Principle · Structural Analysis · GATE CE
Marks 1
The unit load method used in Structural analysis is
GATE CE 2004
For a linear elastic structural system, minimization of potential energy yields
GATE CE 2004
Identify the FALSE statement from the following, pertaining to the effects due to a temperature rise $$\Delta T$$ of the bar $$BD$$ alone in the plane truss shown below :

GATE CE 2001
Marks 2
An idealised frame supports a load as shown in the figure. The horizontal component of the force transferred from the horizontal member PQ to the vertical member RS at P is _______ N (round off to one decimal place).

GATE CE 2023 Set 2
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
GATE CE 2022 Set 2
Consider the structural system shown in the figure under the action of weight $$W.$$ All the joints are hinged. The properties of the members in terms of length $$(L),$$ area $$(A)$$ and the modulus of elasticity $$(E)$$ are also given in the figure. Let $$L,A$$ and $$E$$ be $$1$$ $$m,$$ $$0.05$$ $${m^2}$$ and $$30 \times {10^6}\,\,N/{m^2},\,\,$$ respectively, and $$W$$ be $$100$$ $$kN.$$

Which one of the following sets gives the correct values of the force, stress and change in length of the horizontal member $$QR$$?
GATE CE 2016 Set 2
For the $$2D$$ truss with the applied loads shown below, the strain energy in the member $$XY$$ is _______________ $$kN$$-$$m$$. For member $$XY$$, assume $$AE = 30$$ $$kN,$$ where $$A$$ is cross-section area and $$E$$ is the modulus of elasticity.

GATE CE 2015 Set 1
For the truss shown below, the member $$PQ$$ is short by $$3$$ $$mm.$$ The magnitude of vertical displacement of joint $$R$$ (in $$mm$$) is ______________________

GATE CE 2014 Set 1
A uniform beam ($$EI=$$ constant) $$PQ$$ in the form of a quarter-circle of radius $$R$$ is fixed at end $$P$$ and free at the end $$Q,$$ where a load $$W$$ is applied as shown. The vertical downward displacement, $${\delta _q},$$ at the loaded point $$Q$$ is given by : $${\delta _q} = \beta \left( {{{W{R^3}} \over {EI}}} \right).$$
Find the value of $$\beta $$(correct to $$4-$$decimal places). _____________________

GATE CE 2013
The members $$EJ$$ and $$IJ$$ of a steel truss shown in the figure below are subjected to a temperature rise of $${30^ \circ }C.$$ The coefficient of thermal expansion of steel is $$0.000012$$ per $${^ \circ }C.$$ per unit length. The displacement ($$mm$$) of joint $$E$$ relative to joint $$H$$ along the direction $$HE$$ of truss, is

GATE CE 2008
The right triangular truss is made of members having equal cross sectional area of $$1550$$ $$m{m^2}$$ and Young's Modulus of $$2 \times {10^5}\,\,MPa.$$
The horizontal deflection of the joint $$Q$$ is

GATE CE 2007
A truss is shown in the figure. Members are to equal cross section $$A$$ and same modulus of elasticity $$E.$$ $$A$$ vertical force $$P$$ is applied at point $$C.$$

Force in the member $$AB$$ of the truss is
GATE CE 2005
A truss is shown in the figure. Members are to equal cross section $$A$$ and same modulus of elasticity $$E.$$ $$A$$ vertical force $$P$$ is applied at point $$C.$$

Deflection of the point $$C$$ is
GATE CE 2005
In a redundant joint model, three bar members are pin connected at $$Q$$ as shown in the figure. Under some load placed at $$Q$$, the elongation of the members $$MQ$$ and $$OQ$$ are found to be $$48$$ $$mm$$ and $$35$$ $$mm$$ respectively. Then the horizontal displacement $$'u'$$ and the vertical displacement $$'v'$$ of the node $$Q,$$ in $$mm,$$ will be respectively,

GATE CE 2003
For the structure shown below, the vertical deflection at point $$A$$ is given by

GATE CE 2000
The strain energy stored in member $$'AB'$$ of the pin jointed truss shown aside when $$'E'$$ and $$'A'$$ are same for all members is

GATE CE 1998