Definitions and Properties of Soils · Geotechnical Engineering · GATE CE

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The contact pressure distribution shown in the figure belongs to a

GATE CE 2024 Set 2 Geotechnical Engineering - Definitions and Properties of Soils Question 8 English

GATE CE 2024 Set 2

Which one of the following saturated fine-grained soils can attain a negative Skempton’s pore pressure coefficient (A)?

GATE CE 2024 Set 2

A reinforced concrete pile of 10 m length and 0.7 m diameter is embedded in a saturated pure clay with unit cohesion of 50 kPa. If the adhesion factor is 0.5, the net ultimate uplift pullout capacity (in kN) of the pile is ____________ (rounded off to the nearest integer).

GATE CE 2024 Set 2

A 2 m wide strip footing is founded at a depth of 1.5 m below the ground level in a homogeneous pure clay bed. The clay bed has unit cohesion of 40 kPa. Due to seasonal fluctuations of water table from peak summer to peak monsoon period, the net ultimate bearing capacity of the footing, as per Terzaghi’s theory, will

GATE CE 2024 Set 1

An embankment is constructed with soil by maintaining the degree of saturation as 75% during compaction. The specific gravity of soil is 2.68 and the moisture content is 17% during compaction. Consider the unit weight of water as 10 kN/m$^3$. The dry unit weight (in kN/m$^3$) of the compacted soil is _________________ (rounded off to 2 decimal places).

GATE CE 2024 Set 1
If the water content of a fully saturated soil mass is 100%, the void ratio of the sample is
GATE CE 2015 Set 2
A certain soil has the following properties: Gs = 2.71, n = 40% and w = 20%. The degree of saturation of the soil (rounded off to the nearest percent) is _________
GATE CE 2014 Set 2
In its natural condition, a soil sample has a mass of 1.980 kg and a volume of 0.001 m3. After being completely dried in an oven, the mass of the sample is 1.800 kg. Specific gravity G is 2.7. Unit weight of water is 10 kN/m3. The degree of saturation of soil is
GATE CE 2013
The ratio of saturated unit weight to dry unit weight of a soil is 1.25. If the specific gravity of solids (Gs) is 2.65, the void ratio of the soil is
GATE CE 2004
A soil sample has a void ratio of 0.5 and its porosity will be closed to
GATE CE 2000
A borrow pit soil has a dry density of 17 kN/m3. How many cubic meters of this soils will be required to construct an embankment of 100 m3 volume with a dry density of 16 kN/m3.
GATE CE 2000
Principle involved in the relationship between submerged unit weight and saturated weight of a soil is based on
GATE CE 1999
If the porosity of a soil sample is 20%, the void ratio is
GATE CE 1997
Which one of the following relations is not correct?
GATE CE 1996
The void ratio of a soil sample can exceed unity.
GATE CE 1995
The void ratio of a soil sample is 1. The corresponding porosity of the sample is _______.
GATE CE 1994

Marks 2


Consider the statements P and Q related to the analysis/design of retaining walls.

P: When a rough retaining wall moves toward the backfill, the wall friction force/resistance mobilizes in upward direction along the wall.

Q: Most of the earth pressure theories calculate the earth pressure due to surcharge by neglecting the actual distribution of stresses due to surcharge.

Which one of the following options is CORRECT?

GATE CE 2024 Set 2

Consider the statements P, Q, and R.

P: Compacted fine-grained soils with flocculated structure have isotropic permeability.

Q: Phreatic surface/line is the line along which the pore water pressure is always maximum.

R: The piping phenomenon occurring below the dam foundation is typically known as blowout piping.

Which of the following option(s) is/are CORRECT?

GATE CE 2024 Set 2

A homogeneous earth dam has a maximum water head difference of 15 m between the upstream and downstream sides. A flownet was drawn with the number of potential drops as 10 and the average length of the element as 3 m. Specific gravity of the soil is 2.65. For a factor of safety of 2.0 against piping failure, void ratio of the soil is __________ (rounded off to 2 decimal places).

GATE CE 2024 Set 2

The in-situ percentage of voids of a sand deposit is 50%. The maximum and minimum densities of sand determined from the laboratory tests are 1.8 g/cm3 and 1.3 g/cm3, respectively. Assume the specific gravity of sand as 2.7.

The relative density index of the in-situ sand is ______________ (rounded off to 2 decimal places).

GATE CE 2024 Set 2

A drained triaxial test was conducted on a saturated sand specimen using a stress-path triaxial testing system. The specimen failed when the axial stress reached a value of 100 kN/m2 from an initial confining pressure of 300 kN/m2.

The angle of shearing plane (in degrees) with respect to horizontal is ______________ (rounded off to the nearest integer).

GATE CE 2024 Set 2

A vertical smooth rigid retaining wall is supporting horizontal ground with dry cohesionless backfill having a friction angle of 30°. The inclinations of failure planes with respect to the major principal plane for Rankine’s active and passive earth pressure conditions, respectively, are

GATE CE 2024 Set 1

Which of the following statement(s) is/are CORRECT?

GATE CE 2024 Set 1

The total primary consolidation settlement ($S_c$) of a building constructed on a 10 m thick saturated clay layer is estimated to be 50 mm. After 300 days of the construction of the building, primary consolidation settlement was reported as 10 mm. The additional time (in days) required to achieve 50% of $S_c$ will be ________________ (rounded off to the nearest integer).

GATE CE 2024 Set 1

An infinite slope is made up of cohesionless soil with seepage parallel to and up to the sloping surface. The angle of slope is 30° with respect to the horizontal ground surface. The unit weights of the saturated soil and water are 20 kN/m3 and 10 kN/m3, respectively.

The minimum angle of shearing resistance of the soil (in degrees) for the critically stable condition of the slope is ________________ (rounded off to the nearest integer).

GATE CE 2024 Set 1

A soil sample was consolidated at a cell pressure of 20 kPa and a back pressure of 10 kPa for 24 hours during a consolidated undrained (CU) triaxial test. The cell pressure was increased to 30 kPa on the next day and it resulted in the development of pore water pressure of 1 kPa. The soil sample failed when the axial stress was gradually increased to 50 kPa. The pore water pressure at failure was recorded as 21 kPa. The value of Skempton's pore pressure parameter B for the soil sample is ________________ (rounded off to 2 decimal places).

GATE CE 2024 Set 1
The porosity (n) and the degree of saturation (S) of a soil sample are 0.7 and 40%, respectively. In a 100 $$m^3$$ volume of the soil, the volume (expressed in $$m^3$$) of air is _____.
GATE CE 2016 Set 1
A 588 $$cm^3$$ volume of moist sand weighs 1010 gm. Its dry weight is 918 gm and specific gravity of solids, G is 2.67. Assuming density of water as 1 gm/$$cm^3$$, the void ratio is __________.
GATE CE 2015 Set 2
The water content of a saturated soil and the specific gravity of soil solids were found to be 30% and 2.70, respectively. Assuming the unit weight of water to be 10 $$kN /m^3$$, the saturated unit weight ($$kN /m^3$$), and the void ratio of the soil are
GATE CE 2007
For sand of uniform spherical particles, the void ratio in the loosest and the densest states are ________ and ________ respectively.
GATE CE 1991
A saturated sand sample has dry unit weight of 18 $$kN/m^3$$ and a specific gravity of 2.65. If $$\gamma_w$$ = 10 $$kN/m^3$$, the water content of the soil is _____%.
GATE CE 1991
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