Shear Force and Bending Moment · Strength of Materials Or Solid Mechanics · GATE CE

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Marks 1

GATE CE 2017 Set 1
A simply supported beam is subjected to a uniformly distributed load. Which one of the following statements is true?
GATE CE 2012
The following statements are related to bending of beams: $${\rm I}.$$ The slope of the bending moment diagram is equal to the shear force. $${\rm II}...
GATE CE 2003
A curved number with a straight vertical leg is carrying a vertical load at $$Z,$$ as shown in the figure. The stress resultants in the $$XY$$ segmen...
GATE CE 1994
A cantilever beam curved in plan and subjected to lateral loads will develop at any section
GATE CE 1991
A beams having a double cantilever attached at mid span is showing in the figure. The nature of forces in beam $$'ab'$$ is ...

Marks 2

GATE CE 2017 Set 2
Consider the three prismatic beams with the clamped supports $$P,Q$$ and $$R$$ as shown in the figures. Given that the modulus of elasticity, $$E$$ i...
GATE CE 2014 Set 2
The values of axial stress $$\left( \sigma \right)$$ in $$kN/{m^2},$$ bending moment $$(M)$$ in $$kNm,$$ and shear force $$(V)$$ in $$kN$$ acting at ...
GATE CE 2013
A uniform beam weighing $$1800$$ $$N$$ is supported at $$E$$ and $$F$$ by cable $$ABCD$$. Determine the tension (in $$N$$) in segment $$AB$$ of this c...
GATE CE 2010
Two people weighing W each are sitting on a plank of length $$L$$ floating on water at $$L/4$$ from either end. Neglecting the weight of the plank, th...
GATE CE 2010
For the simply supported beam of length $$L,$$ subjected to a uniformly distributed moment $$(M)$$ $$kN$$-$$m$$ per unit length as shown in the figure...
GATE CE 2009
Match List- $${\rm I}$$ (Shear Force Diagrams) beams with List- $${\rm II}$$ (Diagram of beams with supports and loading) and select the correct answe...
GATE CE 2006
A simply supported beam $$AB$$ has the bending moment diagram as shown in the following figure : The beam is possibly under the action of following...
GATE CE 2005
The bending Moment diagram for a beam is given below: The shear force at sections $$aa'$$ and $$bb'$$ respectively are of the magnitude ...
GATE CE 2004
A three-span continuous beam has an internal hinge at $$B.$$ Section $$B$$ is at the mid-span of $$A.C.$$ Section $$E$$ is at the mid-span of $$CG$$. ...
GATE CE 2004
A three-span continuous beam has an internal hinge at $$B.$$ Section $$B$$ is at the mid-span of $$A.C.$$ Section $$E$$ is at the mid-span of $$CG$$. ...
GATE CE 2003
List - $${\rm I}$$ shows different loads acting on a beam and list - $${\rm II}$$ shows different bending moment distributions. Match the load with th...
GATE CE 2002
For the loading given in the figure below, two statements ( $${\rm I}$$ and $${\rm II}$$ ) are made. $${\rm I}.$$ $$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$Member $$AB$...
GATE CE 2000
A frame $$ABCD$$ is supported by a roller at $$A$$ and is on a hinge at $$C$$ as shown below: The reaction at the roller end $$A$$ is given by ...
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