Let a = 30! , b = 50! , and c = 100! . Consider the following numbers:
loga c, logc a, logb a, loga b
Which one of the following inequalities is CORRECT?
A square of side length 4 cm is given. The boundary of the shaded region is defined by one semi-circle on the top and two circular arcs at the bottom, each of radius 2 cm, as shown.
The area of the shaded region is __________ cm2.

In a partnership business the monthly investment by three friends for the first six months is in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5. After six months, they had to increase their monthly investments by 10%, 15% and 20%, respectively, of then initial monthly investment. The new investment ratio was kept constant for the next six months.
What is the ratio of their shares in the total profit (m the same order) at the end of the year such that the share is proportional to their individual total investment over the year?