GATE EE 2010
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Assuming that the diodes an ideal in the given circuit, the voltage $${V_0}$$ is
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The transistor circuit shown uses a silicon transistor with $${V_{BE}} = 0.7V,{{\rm I}_C} \approx {{\rm I}_E}$$ and a $$
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Given that the op-amp is ideal, the $$O/P$$ voltage $${V_0}$$ is
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As shown in the figure, a negative feedback system has an amplifier of gain $$100$$ with $$ \pm 10\% $$ tolerance in the
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For the system $${2 \over {\left( {s + 1} \right)}},$$ the approximate time taken for a step response to reach $$98$$% o
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The characteristic equation of a closed-loop system is $$s\left( {s + 1} \right)\left( {s + 3} \right) + \,\,k\left( {s
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The frequency response of $$G\left( s \right) = 1/\left[ {s\left( {s + 1} \right)\left( {s + 2} \right)} \right]$$ plott
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The system $$\mathop X\limits^ \bullet = AX + BU$$ with $$A = \left[ {\matrix{ { - 1} & 2 \cr 0 & 2
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A minimized form of the function $$F$$ is
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Which of the following circuits is a realization of the previous function $$F$$ $$?$$
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The $$TTL$$ circuit shown in the figure is fed with the waveform $$X$$ (also shown). All gates have equal propagation de
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When a $$''CALL$$ $$addr'$$ instruction is executed, the $$CPU$$ carries out the following sequential operations interna
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As shown in the figure, a 1 Ω resistance is connected across a source that has a load line v + i = 100. The current thro
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If the electrical circuit of figure (b) is an equivalent of the coupled tank system of figure (a), then
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If the 12 Ω resistor draws a current of 1A as shown in the figure, the value of resistance R is
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The switch in the circuit has been closed for a long time. It is opened at t = 0. At t = 0+, the current through the 1μF
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The two-port network P shown in the figure has ports 1 and 2, denoted by terminals (a, b) and (c, d), respectively. It h
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An ammeter has a current range of $$0$$-$$5A,$$ and its internal resistance is $$0.2\Omega $$. In order to change the ra
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The Maxwell's bridge shown in the fig. is at balance, the parameters of the inductive coil are
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A wattmeter is connected as shown in the fig. the wattmeter reads
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A separately excited DC motor runs at 1500 rpm under no-load with 200 V applied to the armature. The field voltage is ma
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A separately excited DC motor runs at 1500 rpm under no-load with 200 V applied to the armature. The field voltage is ma
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A single-phase transformer has a turns ratio of 1:2, and is connected to a purely resistive load as shown in the figure.
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A balanced star-connected and purely resistive load is connected at the secondary of a star-delta transformer as shown i
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A balanced three-phase voltage is applied to a star-connected induction motor, the phase to neutral voltage being V. The
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A $$50$$ $$Hz$$ synchronous generator is initially connected to a long lossless transmission line which is open circuite
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A separately excited $$dc$$ machine is coupled to a $$50Hz,$$ three-phase, 4-pole induction machine as shown in the figu
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Divergence of the three-dimentional radial vector field $$\overrightarrow F$$ is
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For the set of equations $$${x_1} + 2{x_2} + {x_3} + 4{x_4} = 2,$$$ $$$3{x_1} + 6{x_2} + 3{x_3} + 12{x_4} = 6.$$$ The f
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An eigen vector of $$p = \left[ {\matrix{ 1 & 1 & 0 \cr 0 & 2 & 2 \cr 0 & 0 & 3 \c
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The value of the quantity, where $$P = \int\limits_0^1 {x{e^x}\,dx\,\,\,} $$ is
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At $$t=0,$$ the function $$f\left( t \right) = {{\sin t} \over t}\,\,$$ has
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Divergence of the $$3$$ $$-$$ dimensional radial vector field $$\overrightarrow r $$ is
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A box contains $$4$$ white balls and $$3$$ red balls. In succession, two balls are randomly selected and removed from th
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For the differential equation $${{{d^2}x} \over {d{t^2}}} + 6{{dx} \over {dt}} + 8x = 0$$ with initial conditions $$x(
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Given $$f\left( t \right) = {L^{ - 1}}\left[ {{{3s + 1} \over {{s^3} + 4{s^2} + \left( {k - 3} \right)}}} \right].$$ $$
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Figure shows a composite switch consisting of a power transistor $$(BJT)$$ in series with a diode. Assuming that the tra
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The fully controlled thyristor converter in the figure is fed from a single-phase source. When the firing angle is $${0^
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The power electronic converter shown in the figure has a single-pole double-throw switch. The pole $$P$$ of the switch i
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The L-C circuit shown in the figure has an inductance $$L=1mH$$ and a capacitance $$C = 10\mu F.$$ The initial current t
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The L-C circuit shown in the figure has an inductance $$L=1mH$$ and a capacitance $$C = 10\mu F.$$ The $$L$$-$$C$$ circu
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Consider a step voltage wave of magnitude $$1$$ pu travelling along a loss less transmission line that terminates in a r
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Consider two buses connected by an impedance of $$\left( {0 + j5} \right)\Omega .$$ The bus $$1$$ voltage is $$100$$$$\a
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Consider a three-core, three phase, $$50$$ $$Hz$$, $$11$$ $$kV$$ cable whose conductors are denoted as $$R, Y$$ and $$B$
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A $$50$$ $$Hz$$ synchronous generator is initially connected to a long lossless transmission line which is open circuite
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Consider a three-phase, $$50Hz,$$ $$11$$ $$kV$$ distribution system. Each of the conductors is suspended by an insulator
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The zero-sequence circuit of the three phase transformer shown in the figure is
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A three-phase, $$33$$ kV oil circuit breaker is rated $$1200$$ A, $$2000$$ MVA, $$3$$s. The symmetrical breaking current
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Consider a stator winding of an alternator with an internal high resistance ground fault. The currents under the fault c
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Power is transferred from system $$A$$ to system $$B$$ by an $$HVDC$$ link as shown in the figure. If the voltage $${V_{
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For the power system shown in the figure below, the specifications of the components are the following: $$G1: 25$$ $$kV,
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For the system $$\frac2{\left(s+1\right)}$$, the approximate time taken for a step response to reach 98% of its final va
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Given the finite length input x[n] and the corresponding finite length output y[n] of an LTI system as shown below, the
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The system represented by the input-output relationship $$y\left(t\right)=\int_{-\infty}^{5t}x\left(\tau\right)d\tau$$,
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The second harmonic component of the periodic waveform given in the figure has an amplitude of
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The period of the signal $$x\left(t\right)=8\sin\left(0.8\mathrm{πt}+\frac{\mathrm\pi}4\right)$$ is
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x(t) is a positive rectangular pulse from t = -1 to t = +1 with unit height as shown in the figure. The value of $$\int_
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Given f(t) and g(t)as shown below: The Laplace transform of g(t) is
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Given f(t) and g(t)as shown below: g(t) can be expressed as
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