GATE EE 1997
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Determine the frequency of Oscillation of the circuit shown in figure, Assume the OP-amp to be ideal GATE EE 1997 Analog Electronics - Feedback Amplifiers and Oscillator Circuits Question 3 English
A major advantage of active filters is that they can be realized without using
The circuit shown in Figure, acts as a ... and for the given inputs, its output voltage is . . . . . $$V.$$ GATE EE 1997 Analog Electronics - Operational Amplifier Question 49 English
For the differential amplifier circuit shown in Figure, determine the differential gain, the common-mode gain and the common mode rejection ratio. GATE EE 1997 Analog Electronics - Operational Amplifier Question 42 English
Introduction of integral action in the forward path of a unity feedback system result in a
The system represented by the transfer function $$G\left( s \right) = {{{s^2} + 10s + 24} \over {{s^4} + 6{s^3} - 39{s^2} + 19s + 84}}$$ has . . . pole $$(s)$$ in the right-half $$s$$-plane.
Determine whether the system given by the block diagram of Figure, is stable GATE EE 1997 Control Systems - Routh Hurwitz Stability Question 4 English
A unity feedback system with the open loop transfer function $$G\left( s \right) = {1 \over {s\left( {s + 2} \right)\left( {s + 4} \right)}}$$ has gain margin of ... $$dB.$$
Determine the transfer function of the system having the following state variable representation:
$$\eqalign{ & X = \left[ {\matrix{ 0 & 1 & 0 \cr 0 & 0 & 1 \cr { - 40} & { - 44} & { - 14} \cr } } \right]x + \left[ {\matrix{ 0 \cr 1 \cr 0 \cr } } \right]u \cr & y = \left[ {\matrix{ 0 & 1 & 0 \cr } } \right]x \cr} $$
A $$3$$-input $$2$$-output priority encoder has the following truth table where $$'X'$$ indicate don't care conditions. Realize the logic using $$NAND$$ gates and inverters. GATE EE 1997 Digital Electronics - Combinational Circuits Question 4 English
In a microprocessor, the address of the next instruction to be executed, is stored in
The range of address for which the memory chip shown in Figure, will be selected is .... to ......... GATE EE 1997 Digital Electronics - Microprocessor Question 2 English
For the two port network shown in Fig. the admittance matrix is GATE EE 1997 Electric Circuits - Two Port Networks Question 9 English
Energy stored in a capacitor over a cycle, when excited by an $$a.c.$$ source is
A $$10$$ $$V$$ battery with an internal resistance of $$1\,\Omega $$ is connected across a nonlinear load whose $$V-1$$ characteristic is given by $$7{\rm I} = {V^2} + 2V.$$ The current delivered by the battery is ............... $$A.$$
The value of $$E$$ and $${\rm I}$$ for the circuit shown in Figure, are ..... $$V$$ and ...... $$A.$$ GATE EE 1997 Electric Circuits - Network Elements Question 12 English
The voltage and current waveforms for an element are shown in Figure. The circuit element is .......... and its value is ......... GATE EE 1997 Electric Circuits - Network Elements Question 11 English
For the circuit shown in Fig, the Norton equivalent source current value is _________ $$A$$ and its resistance is ___________ $$Ohms$$ GATE EE 1997 Electric Circuits - Network Theorems Question 12 English
Find the Thevenin equivalent about $$AB$$ for the circuit shown in Figure. GATE EE 1997 Electric Circuits - Network Theorems Question 9 English
In the circuit shown in Fig., $${e_g}\left( t \right) = 2.5t$$ volts. What are the values of $$i(t)$$ and $${V_L}\left( t \right)$$ at $$t=4$$ seconds? GATE EE 1997 Electric Circuits - Transient Response Question 14 English
Two identical coils of negligible resistance when connected in series across a $$200V,$$ $$50$$ $$Hz$$ source draws, a current of $$10$$ $$A.$$ When the terminals of one of the coils are reversed, then current drawn is $$8$$ $$A.$$ The coefficient of coupling between the two coils is
The primary current in a current transformer is dictated by
In the circuit shown in fig. For measuring resistance $$'R'$$ if the ammeter indicates $$1$$ $$A$$ and the voltmeter indicate $$100V$$, then the value of $$R$$ is ___________ Ohms and the error in measurement using the ratio $$V/$$$${\rm I}$$ is ________% GATE EE 1997 Electrical and Electronics Measurement - Error Analysis and Measurement Question 6 English
A dynamometer type wattmeter responds to the
A potentiometer is basically
A transfer instrument employed in the standardization of a polar type $$a.c$$ potentiometer is ______
For the circuit shown in Fig, the wattmeter reading will be .... W and the power dissipted in the load is ......W GATE EE 1997 Electrical and Electronics Measurement - Measurement of Energy and Power Question 2 English
If an induction machine is run at above synchronous speed, it acts as
A single-phase alternator has a synchronous reactance of $$2$$ $$ohms$$ and negligible resistance. If it supplies $$10$$ $$A$$ to a purely capacitive load at $$200V,$$ then generated $$e.m.f$$ will be ... $$V$$ and the regulation will be ...... $$\% $$
A $$5MVA$$, $$11kV$$, $$3$$-phase star connected alternator is synchronized to the bus bars and is operating with an induced $$EMF$$ of $$125\% $$ of the rated voltage. If the load current is $$500$$ $$A,$$ what is the power factor of operation? The machine has a synchronous reactance of $$5\,\,\Omega $$ and negligible resistance per phase.
A $$200V$$, $$10$$ $$kW$$ lap-wound $$d.c.$$ generator has $$10$$ poles and $$500$$ conductors on it's armature. If the pole face covers $$80\% $$ of the pole pitch, the pole face conductors required to fully compensate for armature reaction will be ___________________ conductors/pole.
A $$5$$ $$kW,$$ $$200V$$ $$d.c.$$ shunt motor has an armature resistance of $$1$$ $$ohm$$ and shunt field resistance of $$100$$ $$ohms.$$ At no-load, the motor draws $$6A$$ from a $$200$$ $$V$$ supply and runs at $$1000$$ $$rpm.$$ The rotational loss of the machine is ______________ $$W$$ and the no load torque is ____________ $$N$$-$$m$$
The field coil of a two-pole $$d.c.$$ series motor is made up of two identical sections In one case
$$(i)$$ of two sections of the field coil are connected in series, and in another case
$$(ii)$$ the two sections are connected in parallel. If the motor takes the rated current in both the cases, then ratio of torque $$(1):$$ torque $$(2)$$ and speed $$(1):$$ speed $$(2)$$ respectively are
At $$50\% $$ of full load, the armature current drawn by a $$d.c.$$ shunt motor is $$40$$ A when connected to a $$200$$ $$V$$ $$d.c.$$ mains. By decreasing the field flux, its speed is raised by $$20\% $$ this also causes a $$10\% $$ increase in load torque. Calculate the percentage change in field current. The armature resistance including the brushes is $$1$$ $$Ohm.$$ Neglect saturation and armature reaction.
The low voltage winding of a $$400/230V,$$ $$1$$-phase, $$50$$ $$Hz$$ transformer is to be connected to a $$25$$ $$Hz,$$ the supply voltage should be
A voltage $$V=400$$ sin $$314.16t$$ is applied to a $$1$$-phase transformer on no-load. If the no load current of the transformer is $$2\sin \left( {314.16t - {{85}^0}} \right),\,\,$$ then magnetization branch impedance will be approximately
A $$3$$-phase transformer bank consists of three identical $$2300/230$$ $$V,$$ $$15$$ $$kVA$$ single-phase transformers connected in delta/delta. The bank supplies a $$20$$ $$kVA,$$ unity $$p.f.$$ $$3$$-phase load. If one of the single-phase transformer develops a fault, and is removed, the load carried by each of the two transformers now operating in open delta will be __________$$kVA.$$
Determine the electric field intensity at the point $$P$$ for the arrangement shown in Fig. GATE EE 1997 Electromagnetic Fields - Electrostatics Question 8 English
The capacitance of the arrangement shown in Fig. is ................... $$pF$$ GATE EE 1997 Electromagnetic Fields - Electrostatics Question 7 English
A infinitely long straight wire carries $$1000$$ $$A$$ of current and in the vicinity, there is a circular conducting loop of $$100$$ $$mm$$ diameter with the center of the loop $$1$$ $$m$$ away from the straight conductor. Both the wire and the loop are coplanar. Determine the magnitude and direction of current in the loop that produces a zero flux density at its center.
A square coil of $$10$$ turns and $$10$$ $$cm$$ side is moved through a steady magnetic field of $$1$$ $$Wb/{m^2}$$ at a constant velocity of $$2$$ $$m/sec$$ with its plane perpendicular to the field as shown in Fig. Plot the variation of induced $$e.m.f$$ as the coil moves along the field. GATE EE 1997 Electromagnetic Fields - Time Varying Fields Question 1 English
The capacitance of an isolated sphere of radius 10 cm in air is equal to _____ pF.
The velocity of propagation of electromagnetic wave 'n' an underground cable with relative permittivity of 3 will be ________m/sec
In a uniform electric field, field lines and equipotentials
Express the given matrix $$A = \left[ {\matrix{ 2 & 1 & 5 \cr 4 & 8 & {13} \cr 6 & {27} & {31} \cr } } \right]$$
as a product of triangular matrices $$L$$ and $$U$$ where the diagonal elements of the lower triangular matrices $$L$$ are unity and $$U$$ is an upper triangular matrix.
$$\mathop {Lim}\limits_{\theta \to 0} \,{{\sin \,m\,\theta } \over \theta },$$ where $$m$$ is an integer, is one of the following :
If a diode is connected in anti - parallel with a thyristor, then
In a dual converter, the circulating current
An $$SCR$$ is connected in series with a $$300V$$ $$ac$$ supply and a $$300$$ ohms load resistor calculate

(a) The reading of a moving coil ammeter connected in series with the load and

(b) The reading of a moving iron voltmeter connected across the $$SCR$$ for firing angle of $${45^ \circ }$$

A single - phase bridge inverter is fed from a $$200V$$ $$d.c$$ supply and is operated at $$50$$ $$Hz.$$ It is connected to a load having a resistance of $$20$$ $$ohms$$ and an inductance of $$0.2.$$ $$H.$$ Draw the load current waveform in the the steady indicating the peak values.
A factory draws $$100$$ kW at $$0.7$$ p.f. lagging from a $$3$$-phase, $$11$$ kV supply. It is desired to the p.f. to $$0.95$$ lagging using series capacitors. Calculate the rating of the capacitor required.
A $$100$$ $$MVA$$, $$11$$ $$kV$$, $$3$$-phase, $$50$$ $$Hz$$, $$8$$-pole synchronous generator has an inertia constant H equal to $$4$$ $$MJ/MVA.$$ The stored energy in the rotor of the generator at synchronous speed will be $$H = {E \over G}$$
A synchronous motor is receiving 50% of the power it is cable to receiving from an infinite bus. If the load on the motor is suddenly reduced to 80% of the previous value, swing of the motor around is new equilibrium position.
For a fault at the terminals of a synchronous generator, the fault current is maximum for a
The use of high-speed of circuit-breakers
Reactance relay is normally preferred for protection against
A first order system is initially at rest and excited by a step input at time $$t=0.$$ Its output becomes $$1.1$$ $$V$$ is in $$4$$ seconds and eventually reaches a steady state value of $$2V$$. Determine its time
Compute the amplitude of the fundamental component of the waveform given in figure. GATE EE 1997 Signals and Systems - Continuous Time Periodic Signal Fourier Series Question 3 English
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