Given figure shows a two stage small signal transistor feedback amplifier. Match the defective component (listed on the left hand side below) with its probable effect on the circuit (listed below)
List - $${\rm I}$$
$$A.$$ Capacitor $${C_1}$$ is open
$$B.$$ Capacitor $${C_3}$$ is open
$$C.$$ Capacitor $${C_4}$$ is open
$$D.$$ $$R{C_2}$$ is shorted
List - $${\rm II}$$
$$P.$$ All $$dc$$ voltages normal, $${V_0}$$ increases marginally
$$Q.$$ Collector of $$T{R_2}$$ at $${V_{cc}},\,\,{V_0} = 0$$
$$R.$$ All $$dc$$ voltages normal, gain of $${2^{nd}}$$ stage decreases, $${V_0}$$ decreases.
$$S.$$ All $$dc$$ voltage normal, $${V_0} = 0$$
$$T.$$ All $$dc$$ voltages normal, overall gain of the amplifier increases, $${V_0}$$ increase
$$U.$$ No change
Figure below shows an op-amp amplifier. Find the output voltage in steady state condition where $$(i)$$ switch is open $$(ii)$$ $$S$$ is closed
A practical $$R$$-$$C$$ sinusoidal oscillator is built using a positive feedback amplifier with a closed loop gain slightly less than unity.
In the transistor circuit shown in figure. Collector to ground voltage is $$+20V.$$ Which of the following is the probable cause of error?
Given figure, shows a non - inverting op - amp summer with $${V_1} = 2\,V$$ and $${V_2} = \, - 1V.$$ The output voltage $${V_0} = \_\_\_\_\_$$
A differentiator has transfer function whose
The pole $$-$$ zero configuration of a phase lead compensator is given by
The matrix of any state space equations for the transfer function $$C(s)/R(s)$$ of the system, shown below in. Figure is
The closed loop system , of Figure, is stable if the transfer function $$T\left( s \right) = {{C\left( s \right)} \over {R\left( s \right)}}$$ is stable.
The number of positive real roots of the equation $${s^3} - 2s + 2 = 0$$ is __________.
The number of comparisons carried out in a $$4$$-bit flash type $$A/D$$ converter is
The contents of the accumulator in an $$8085$$ microprocessor is altered after the execution of the instruction.
The stack pointer of a microprocessor is at $$A001H.$$ At the end of execution of following instructions, the value of stack pointer is _____________
& PUSH\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,PSW \cr
& XTHL \cr
& PUSH\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,D \cr
& JMP\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,FC70H \cr} $$
Figure shows $$a$$ $$b$$ $$c$$. resistive network and its graph is drawn aside. $$A$$ 'proper tree' chosen for analyzing the network will contain the edges :
At resonance, the given parallel circuit constituted by an iron - cored coil and a capacitor behaves like
In the given circuit, the voltage $$\overline {{V_L}} $$ has a phase angle of ____________ with respect to $$\overline {{V_S}} .$$
A set of $$3$$ equal resistors, each of value $${R_X},$$ connected in star across $$RYB$$ of given Fig. consumes the same power as the unbalanced delta-connected load shown. The value of $${R_X}$$ is _____________ $$\Omega .$$
If a two-port network is passive, then we have, with the usual notation, the following relationship
Superposition principle is not applicable to a network containing time-varying registors.
A precise measurement guarantees accuracy of the measured quantity.
A $$0$$-$$10$$ $$mA$$ $$PMMC$$ ammeter reads $$4$$ $$mA$$ in a circuit. Its bottom control spring snaps suddenly. The meter will now read nearly
A d.c. potentiometer is designed to measure up to about $$2$$ $$V$$ with a slide wire of $$800$$ mm. A standard cell of emf $$1.18V$$ obtains balance at $$600$$ mm. A test cell is seen to obtain balance at $$680$$ mm. The emf of the test cell is
A lissajous pattern, as shown in figure below, is observed on the screen of a $$CRO$$ when voltages of frequencies $${f_x}$$ and $${f_y}$$ are applied to the $$x$$ and $$y$$ plates respectively. $${f_x}:{f_y}$$ is then equal to
Skew is used in induction motors in order to reduce torque due to
When a transformers winding suffers a short-circuit, the adjoining turns of the same winding experience
Two transformers of identical voltage but of different capacities are operating in parallel. For satisfactory load sharing
Match the following List-$${\rm I}$$ with List-$${\rm II}$$
List $$-$$ $${\rm I}$$
$$(a)$$ Line charge
$$(b)$$ Magnetic Flux Density
$$(c)$$ Displacement current
$$(d)$$ Power flow
List $$-$$ $${\rm II}$$
$$(P)$$ Maxwell's
$$(Q)$$ Poynting vector
$$(R)$$ Transmission line conductors
$$(S)$$ Biot-Savart's law
$$(T)$$Gauss's law
$$(U)$$ Faraday's law
In electrostatic field $$\nabla\times\overrightarrow E\equiv0$$
Static magnetic fields induce currents in closed conducting loops.
$$A$$ $$\,\,5 \times 7$$ matrix has all its entries equal to $$1.$$ Then the rank of a matrix is
The eigen values of the matrix $$\left[ {\matrix{
a & 1 \cr
a & 1 \cr
} } \right]$$ are
The number of linearly independent solutions of the system of equations
$$\left[ {\matrix{
1 & 0 & 2 \cr
1 & { - 1} & 0 \cr
2 & { - 2} & 0 \cr
} } \right]\,\,\left[ {\matrix{
{{x_1}} \cr
{{x_2}} \cr
{{x_3}} \cr
} } \right] = 0$$ is equal to
The integration of $$\int {{\mathop{\rm logx}\nolimits} \,dx} $$ has the value
The volume generated by revolving the area bounded by the parabola $${y^2} = 8x$$ and the line $$x=2$$ about $$y$$-axis is
The directional derivative of $$f\left( {x,y} \right) = 2{x^2} + 3{y^2} + {z^2}\,\,$$ at point $$P\left( {2,1,3} \right)\,\,$$ in the direction of the vector $$\,\,a = \overrightarrow i - 2\overrightarrow k \,\,$$ is
A switched mode power supply operating at $$20$$ $$kHz$$ to $$100$$ $$kHz$$ range uses as the main switching element
A triac can be triggered by a gate pulse of __________ polarity
The output voltage of a six - pulse double star rectifier is the same as that of a three - phase half wave rectifier
Match the following
List $$-$$ $${\rm I}$$
$$A.$$ Commutation
$$B.$$ $$V$$ $$-$$ Curves
$$C.$$ Free wheeling diode
$$D.$$ Overlap
List $$-$$ $${\rm II}$$
$$P.$$ Resistive load
$$Q.$$ Inductive load
$$R.$$ Capacitive load
$$S.$$ Inter pole
$$T.$$ Source Inductance
$$U.$$ Synchronous motor
Referring to the figure the type of load is

A line - commutated inverter changes $$dc$$ voltage to $$ac$$ voltage
Thysistor circuits that directly convert poly phase $$ac$$ voltage from one frequency to another frequency are called _______.
The charging current of a $$400$$ kV transmission line is more than that of a $$220$$ kV line of the same length.
In a $$400$$ kV network, $$360$$ kV is recorded at a $$400$$ kV bus. The reactive power absorbed by a shunt reactor rated for $$50$$ MVAR, $$400$$ kV connected at the bus is
Consider a three-phase, $$50$$ $$Hz$$, $$11$$ $$kV$$ distribution system. Each of the conductors is suspended by an insulator string having two identical porcelain insulators. The self capacitance of the insulator is $$5$$ times shunt capacitance. The voltage drop across botton most disc is:
The increase in resistance due to non-uniform distribution of current in a conducto $$r$$ is known as _______effect
In a system, there are two generators operating in parallel. One generator, of rating 250 MVA, has an inertia-constant of 6 MJ/MVA while the other generator of 150 MVA has an inertia-constant of 4 MJ/MVA. The inertia-constant for the combined system on 100 MVA common base is ________MJ/MVA.
In a power-system, the $$3$$-phase fault MVA is always higher than the single-line-ground fault MVA at a bus (State True or False)
HVDC transmission is preferred to EHV __ AC because
If $$f(t)$$ is the step-response of a linear time-invariant system, then its impulse response is given by ___________
The value of the integral $$\int_{-5}^{+6}e^{-2t}\delta\left(t-1\right)dt$$ is equal to ________.