The closed loop transfer function of the system is

The interfacing circuit makes use of $$3$$ line to $$8$$ line decoder having $$3$$ enable lines $${E_1}\,\,\overline E {}_2,$$ $$\,\overline E {}_3$$. The address of the device is

It was found that the lamps are becoming dark in the sequence $${L_a} - {L_b} - {L_c}.$$ It means that the phase sequence of incoming generator is
Open circuit test: VOC = 400 V (rms, line–to–line) at field current, If = 2.3 A
Short circuit test: ISC = 10 A(rms, phase) at field current, If =1.5 A
The value of per phase synchronous impedance in Ω at rated voltage is __________.
Then $$\,x\left( {{0^ + }} \right)$$ is
Which of the following is true its solutions
The absolute value of the ratio of the maximum eigenvalue to the minimum eigenvalue is ___________.

Plant $${P_1}:\,{C_1} = 0.05\,Pg_1^2 + AP{g_1} + B$$
Plant $${P_2}:\,{C_2} = 0.10\,Pg_2^2 + 3AP{g_2} + 2B$$
Where, $$P{g_1}$$ and $$P{g_2}$$ are the generator powers of two plants and $$A$$ and $$B$$ are the constants. If the two plants optimally share $$1000$$ $$MW$$ load at incremental fuel cost of $$100$$ $$Rs/MWh,$$ the ratio of load shared by plants $${P_1}$$ and $${P_2}$$ is

The relays are IDMT is natural having the characteristic
$${t_{op}} = {{0.14\, \times \,time\,\,multiplier\,\,setting} \over {{{(plug\,\,setting\,\,multiplier)}^{0.02}} - 1}}$$
The maximum and minimum fault current at bus $$B$$ are $$2000A$$ and $$500$$ $$A$$ respectively. Assuming the time multiplier setting and plug setting for relay $${R_B}$$ to be $$0.1$$ and $$5$$ $$A$$ respectively, the operating time of $${R_B}$$ (in seconds) is __________.

The transformers T1 and T2 are connected as

The contributions of $${S_1}$$ and $${S_2}$$ in $$100$$ $$A$$ current supplied at location $$P$$ respectively, are

The value of $${V_1}$$ in $$p.u$$ and $${\delta _2}$$ respectively are

If the fault takes place at location $${F_1}$$, then the voltage and the current at bus A are $${V_F1}$$ and $${{\rm I}_{F1}}$$ respectively. If the fault takes place at location $${F_2}$$, then the voltage and the current at bus A are $${V_{F2}}$$ and $${{\rm I}_{F2}}$$ respectively.
The correct statement about voltages and currents during faults at $${F_1}$$ and $${F_2}$$ is