GATE ME 2022 Set 2
Paper was held on Sun, Feb 13, 2022 9:00 AM
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F(t) is a periodic square wave function as shown. It takes only two values, 4 and 0, and stays at each of these values f
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Consider a cube of unit edge length and sides parallel to co-ordinate axes, with its centroid at the point (1, 2, 3). Th
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Consider the definite integral $\int^2_1(4x^2+2x+6)dx$ Let Ie be the exact value of the integral. If the same int
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Given $\int^{\infty}_{-\infty}e^{-x^2}dx=\sqrt{\pi}$ If a and b are positive integers, the value of $\int^{\i
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A polynomial ψ(s) = ansn + an-1sn-1 + ......+ a1s + a0 of degree n > 3 with constant real co
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For the exact differential equation, $\frac{du}{dx}=\frac{-xu^2}{2+x^2u}$ which one of the following is the solution?
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A is a 3 × 5 real matrix of rank 2. For the set of homogeneous equations Ax = 0, where 0 is a zero vector and x is
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If the sum and product of eigenvalues of a 2 × 2 real matrix $\begin{bmatrix}3&p\\\ p&q\end{bmatrix} $
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Given z = x +iy, i = √-1 C is a circle of radius 2 with the centre at the origin. If the contour C is traversed anticloc
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A massive uniform rigid circular disc is mounted on a frictionless bearing at the end E of a massive uniform rigid shaft
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Match the additive manufacturing technique in Column I with its corresponding input material in Column II.
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A square plate is supported in four different ways (configurations (P) to (S) as shown in the figure). A couple moment C
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A rope with two mass-less platforms at its two ends passes over a fixed pulley as shown in the figure. Discs with narrow
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A rigid homogeneous uniform block of mass 1 kg, height h = 0.4 m and width b = 0.3 m is pinned at one corner and placed
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A rigid body in the X-Y plane consists of two point masses (1 kg each) attached to the ends of two massless rods, each o
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A rigid beam AD of length 3a = 6 m is hinged at frictionless pin joint A and supported by two strings as shown in the fi
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The lengths of members BC and CE in the frame shown in the figure are equal. All the members are rigid and lightweight,
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Consider a steady flow through a horizontal divergent channel, as shown in the figure, with the supersonic flow at the i
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The velocity field in a fluid is given to be $\vec{V}=(4xy)\hat{i}+2(x^2-y^2)\hat{j}$ Which of the following statem
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A tube of uniform diameter D is immersed in a steady flowing inviscid liquid stream of velocity V, as shown in the figur
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The steady velocity field in an inviscid fluid of density 1.5 is given to be $\vec{V}=(y^2-x^2)\hat{i}+(2xy)\hat{j} $. N
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A uniform wooden rod (specific gravity = 0.6, diameter = 4 cm and length = 8 m) is immersed in the water and is hinged w
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Which of the following non-dimensional terms is an estimate of Nusselt number?
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Wien’s law is stated as follows: λmT = C, where C is 2898 μm.K and λm is the wavelength at which the emissive power
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Consider steady state, one-dimensional heat conduction in an infinite slab of thickness 2L (L = 1 m) as shown in the fig
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Saturated vapor at 200 °C condenses to saturated liquid at the rate of 150 kg/s on the shell side of a heat exchanger (e
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Consider a hydrodynamically and thermally fully-developed, steady fluid flow of 1 kg/s in a uniformly heated pipe with d
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An electric car manufacturer underestimated the January sales of car by 20 units, while the actual sales was 120 units.
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The demand of a certain part is 1000 parts/year and its cost is Rs. 1000/part. The orders are placed based on the econom
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Parts P1 - P7 are machined first on a milling machine and then polished at a separate machine. Using the information in
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A project consists of five activities (A, B, C, D and E). The duration of each activity follows beta distribution. The t
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A manufacturing unit produces two products Pl and P2. For each piece of P1 and P2, the table below provides quantities o
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Which one of the following CANNOT impart linear motion in a CNC machine?
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A shaft AC rotating at a constant speed carries a thin pulley of radius r = 0.4 m at the end C which drives a belt. A mo
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Fluidity of a molten alloy during sand casting depends on its solidification range. The phase diagram of a hypothetical
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A shaft of diameter $25^{-0.04}_{-0.07}$ mm is assembled in a hole of diameter $25^{+0.02}_{-0.00}$&
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Consider sand casting of a cube of edge length a. A cylindrical riser is placed at the top of the casting. Assume solidi
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Which of these processes involve(s) melting in metallic workpieces?
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A straight-teeth horizontal slab milling cutter is shown in the figure. It has 4 teeth and diameter (D) of 200 mm. The r
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In an orthogonal machining operation, the cutting and thrust forces are equal in magnitude. The uncut chip thickness is
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The best size wire is fitted in a groove of a metric screw such that the wire touches the flanks of the thread on the pi
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In a direct current arc welding process, the power source has an open circuit voltage of 100 V and short circuit current
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A cylindrical billet of 100 mm diameter and 100 mm length is extruded by a direct extrusion process to produce a bar of
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Which one of the following is the definition of ultimate tensile strength (UTS) obtained from a stress-strain test on a
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A structural member under loading has a uniform state of plane stress which in usual notations is given by σx 
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A linear elastic structure under plane stress conditions is subjected to two sets of loading, I and II. The resulting st
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A shaft of length L is made of two materials, one in the inner core and the other in the outer rim, and the two are perf
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For a dynamical system governed by the equation, $\ddot{x}(t)+2 ζ \omega_n \dot{x}(t)+\omega_n^2x(t)=0$ the damping ra
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A spring mass damper system (mass m, stiffness k, and damping coefficient c) excited by a force F(t) = B sin ωt, where B
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In the configuration of the planar four-bar mechanism at a certain instant as shown in the figure, the angular velocity
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Which one of the following is an intensive property of a thermodynamic system?
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Consider 1 kg of an ideal gas at 1 bar and 300 K contained in a rigid and perfectly insulated container. The specific he
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In a vapour compression refrigeration cycle, the refrigerant enters the compressor in saturated vapour state at evaporat
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A rigid tank of volume of 8 m3 is being filled up with air from a pipeline connected through a valve. Initially the valv
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At steady state, 500 kg/s of steam enters a turbine with specific enthalpy equal to 3500 kJ/kg and specific entropy equa
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General Aptitude

Direction: Fill in the blank spaces in the given sentence selecting an appropriate set of words from the following optio
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Which one of the following is a representation (not to scale and in bold) of all values of x satisfying the inequality&n
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If $f(x)=2\ln(\sqrt{e^x})$, what is the area bounded by f(x) for the interval [0, 2] on the x-axis?
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A person was born on the fifth Monday of February in a particular year. Which one of the following statements is correct
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Which one of the groups given below can be assembled to get the shape that is shown above using each piece only once w
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Fish belonging to species S in the deep sea have skins that are extremely black (ultra-black skin). This helps them not
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For the past m days, the average daily production at a company was 100 units per day. If today’s production of 180 unit
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Consider the following functions for non-zero positive integers, p and q. $\rm f(p,q)=\frac{p\times p\times p\times....
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Four cities P, Q, R and S are connected through one-way routes as shown in the figure. The travel time between any two c
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Equal sized circular regions are shaded in a square sheet of paper of 1 cm side length. Two cases, case M and case N, ar
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