GATE ME 2019 Set 1
General Aptitude
John Thomas, an _______________ writer, passed away in 2018.
Under a certain legal system, prisoners are allowed to make one statement. If their statement turns
out to be true then they are hanged. If the statement turns out to be false then they are shot. One
prisoner made a statement and the judge had no option but to set him free. Which one of the
following could be that statement?
_________ I permitted him to leave, I wouldn’t have had any problem with him being absent, _____
The minister avoided any mention of the issue of women’s reservation in the private in the private
sector. He was accused of _______ the issue.
The sum and product of two integers are 26 and 165 respectively. The difference between these
two integers is ____.
A worker noticed that the hour hand on the factory clock had moved by 225 degrees during her
stay at the factory. For how long did she stay in the factory?
M and N had four children P, Q, R and S. Of them, only P and R were married. They had children
X and Y respectively. If Y is a legitimate child of W, which one of the following statements is
necessarily FALSE?
A firm hires employees at five different skill levels P, Q, R, S, T. The shares of employment at
these skill levels of total employment in 2010 is given in the pie chart as shown. There were a total
of 600 employees in 2010 and the total employment increased by 15% from 2010 to 2016. The
total employment at skill levels P, Q and R remained unchanged during this period. If the
employment at skill level S increased by 40% from 2010 to 2016, how many employees were there
at skill level T in 2016?
Congo was named by Europeans. Congo’s dictator Mobuto later changed the name of the country
and the river to Zaire with the objective of Africanising names of persons and spaces. However, the
name Zaire was a Portuguese alternation of Nzadi o Nzere, a local African term meaning 'River that swallows Rivers'. Zaire was the Portuguese name for the Congo river in the 16th and 17th
Which one of the following statements can be inferred from the paragraph above?
Which one of the following statements can be inferred from the paragraph above?
A person divided an amount of Rs. 100,000 into two parts and invested in two different schemes.
In one he got 10% profit and in the other he got 12%. If the profit percentages are interchanged
with these investments he would have got Rs.120 less. Find the ratio between his investments in
the two schemes