WB JEE 2021
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
What is the number of ways in which an examiner can assign 10 marks to 4 questions, giving not less than 2 marks to any question?
WB JEE 2020
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
In a 12 storied building, 3 persons enter a lift cabin. It is known that they will leave the lift at different floors. In how many ways can they do so if the lift does not stop at the second floor?
WB JEE 2020
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
If the total number of m-element subsets of the set A = {a1, a2, ..., an} is k times the number of m element subsets containing a4, then n is
WB JEE 2019
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
A candidate is required to answer 6 out of 12 questions which are divided into two parts A and B, each containing 6 questions and he/she is not permitted to attempt more than 4 questions from any part. In how many different ways can he/she make up his/her choice of 6 questions?
Questions Asked from Permutations and Combinations (MCQ (Single Correct Answer))
Number in Brackets after Paper Indicates No. of Questions
WB JEE Subjects
Units & Measurements Vector Algebra Motion Laws of Motion Circular Motion Work Power & Energy Center of Mass Rotational Motion Properties of Matter Heat and Thermodynamics Simple Harmonic Motion Waves Gravitation
Electrostatics Current Electricity Capacitor Magnetism Electromagnetic Induction Alternating Current Electromagnetic Waves
Modern Physics
Physical Chemistry
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Atomic Structure Redox Reaction Gaseous State Chemical Equilibrium Liquid Solution Ionic Equilibrium Thermodynamics Chemical Kinetics Radioactivity and Nuclear Chemistry Electrochemistry Solid State Surface Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Periodic Table Chemical Bonding Metallurgy Hydrogen and It's Compounds Some s Block Elements Some P Block Elements d and f Block Elements Coordination Compounds
Organic Chemistry
Sets and Relations Logarithms Sequence and Series Quadratic Equations Permutations and Combinations Mathematical Induction and Binomial Theorem Mathematical Induction Binomial Theorem Matrices and Determinants Vector Algebra Three Dimensional Geometry Probability Complex Numbers Statistics
Coordinate Geometry