Some s Block Elements · Chemistry · WB JEE
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Na$$_2$$CO$$_3$$ is prepared by Solvay process but K$$_2$$CO$$_3$$ cannot be prepared by the same because
WB JEE 2023
A sample of MgCO3 is dissolved in dil. HCl and the solution is neutralized with ammonia and buffered with NH4Cl / NH4OH. Disodium hydrogen phosphate reagent is added to the resulting solution. A white precipitate is formed. What is the formula of the precipitate?
WB JEE 2022
To a solution of colourless sodium salt, a solution of lead nitrate was added to have a white precipitate which dissolves in warm water and reprecipitates on cooling. Which of the following acid radical is present in the salt?
WB JEE 2022
Indicate the products (X) and (Y) in the following reactions
Na2S + nS(n = 1 $$-$$ 8) $$\to$$ (X)
Na2SO3 + S $$\to$$ (Y)
Na2S + nS(n = 1 $$-$$ 8) $$\to$$ (X)
Na2SO3 + S $$\to$$ (Y)
WB JEE 2021
The white precipitate (Y), obtained on passing colorless and odourless gas (X) through an ammoniacal solution of NaCl, losses about 37% of its weight on heating and a white residue (Z) of basic nature is left. Identify (X), (Y) and (Z) from following sets.
WB JEE 2021
In the extraction of Ca by electro reduction of molten CaCl2 some CaF2 is added to the electrolyte for the following reason :
WB JEE 2020
The compound, which evolves carbon dioxide on treatment with aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate at 25$$^\circ$$C, is
WB JEE 2019
The reactive species in chlorine bleach is
WB JEE 2019
Which of the following is least thermally stable?
WB JEE 2018
Which of the following solutions will turn violet when a drop of lime juice is added to it?
WB JEE 2017