Sequence and Series · Mathematics · WB JEE

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MCQ (Single Correct Answer)

WB JEE 2008
If the mth term and the nth term of an A.P. are respectively $${1 \over n}$$ and $${1 \over m}$$, then the (mn)th term of the A.P. is...
WB JEE 2008
The sum of the series $$(1 + 2) + (1 + 2 + {2^2}) + (1 + 2 + {2^2} + {2^3}) + ....$$ upto n terms is
WB JEE 2008
The 5th term of the series $${{10} \over 9},{1 \over 3}\sqrt {{{20} \over 3}} ,{2 \over 3}$$ is
WB JEE 2008
If a, b, c be in Arithmetic progression, then the value of $$(a + 2b - c)(2b + c - a)(a + 2b + c)$$ is
WB JEE 2008
If three real numbers a, b, c are in Harmonic Progression, then which of the following is true?
WB JEE 2008
The sum of the infinite series $${\left( {{1 \over 3}} \right)^2} + {1 \over 3}{\left( {{1 \over 3}} \right)^4} + {1 \over 5}{\left( {{1 \over 3}} \ri...
WB JEE 2009
If a, b, c are G.P. (a > 1, b > 1, c > 1), then for any real number x (with x > 0, x $$\ne$$ 1) logax, logbx, logcx are in...
WB JEE 2009
If three positive real numbers a, b, c are in A.P. and abc = 4 then the minimum possible value of b is
WB JEE 2009
For what value of m, $${{{a^{m + 1}} + {b^{m + 1}}} \over {{a^m} + {b^m}}}$$ is the arithmetic mean of a and b?
WB JEE 2009
The coefficient of xn, where n is any positive integer, in the expansion of (1 + 2x + 3x2 + ....... $$\infty$$)1/2 is...
WB JEE 2009
The sum of the infinite series $$1 + {1 \over {2!}} + {{1\,.\,3} \over {4!}} + {{1\,.\,3\,.\,5} \over {6!}} + \,....$$ is
WB JEE 2010
If sum of an infinite geometric series is $${4 \over {3}}$$ and its 1st term is $${3 \over {4}}$$, then its common ratio is
WB JEE 2010
Sum of n terms of the following series 13 + 33 + 53 + 73 ......... is
WB JEE 2010
G.M. and H.M. of two numbers are 10 and 8 respectively. The numbers are
WB JEE 2010
The value of n for which $${{{x^{n + 1}} + {y^{n + 1}}} \over {{x^n} + {y^n}}}$$ is the geometric mean of x and y is
WB JEE 2010
If angles A, B and C are in A.P., then $${{a + c} \over b}$$ is equal to
WB JEE 2010
The value of $${2 \over {3!}} + {4 \over {5!}} + {6 \over {7!}} + $$ ............ is
WB JEE 2012
The value of $$\sum\limits_{r = 2}^\infty {{{1 + 2 + .... + (r - 1)} \over {r!}}} $$
WB JEE 2024
Given an A.P. and a G.P. with positive terms, with the first and second terms of the progressions being equal. If $$a_n$$ and $$b_n$$ be the $$n^{\tex...
WB JEE 2024
If for the series $$a_1, a_2, a_3$$, ...... etc, $$\mathrm{a}_{\mathrm{r}}-\mathrm{a}_{\mathrm{r}+\mathrm{i}}$$ bears a constant ratio with $$\mathrm{...
WB JEE 2024
If $$\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \ldots, \alpha_n$$ are in A.P. with common difference $$\theta$$, then the sum of the series $$ \sec \alpha_1 \sec \alpha_2+\...
WB JEE 2023
If the n terms $${a_1},{a_2},\,......,\,{a_n}$$ are in A.P. with increment r, then the difference between the mean of their squares & the square of th...
WB JEE 2023
If $$1,{\log _9}({3^{1 - x}} + 2),{\log _3}({4.3^x} - 1)$$ are in A.P., then x equals
WB JEE 2023
Consider a quadratic equation $$a{x^2} + 2bx + c = 0$$ where a, b, c are positive real numbers. If the equation has no real root, then which of the fo...
WB JEE 2023
Let $${a_1},{a_2},{a_3},\,...,\,{a_n}$$ be positive real numbers. Then the minimum value of $${{{a_1}} \over {{a_2}}} + {{{a_2}} \over {{a_3}}}\, + \,...
WB JEE 2022
If a, b, c are in G.P. and log a $$-$$ log 2b, log 2b $$-$$ log 3c, log 3c $$-$$ log a are in A.P., then a, b, c are the lengths of the sides of a tri...
WB JEE 2022
Let $${a_n} = {({1^2} + {2^2} + .....\,{n^2})^n}$$ and $${b_n} = {n^n}(n!)$$. Then
WB JEE 2021
Let a, b, c be real numbers, each greater than 1, such that $${2 \over 3}{\log _b}a + {3 \over 5}{\log _c}b + {5 \over 2}{\log _a}c = 3$$. If the valu...
WB JEE 2021
Consider the real valued function h : {0, 1, 2, ...... 100} $$\to$$ R such that h(0) = 5, h(100) = 20 and satisfying h(p) = $${1 \over 2}$$ {h(p + 1) ...
WB JEE 2021
The digit in the unit's place of the number 1! + 2! + 3! + .... + 99! is
WB JEE 2021
Three unequal positive numbers a, b, c are such that a, b, c are in G.P. while $$\log \left( {{{5c} \over {2a}}} \right),\log \left( {{{7b} \over {5c}...
WB JEE 2020
If a and b are arbitrary positive real numbers, then the least possible value of $${{6a} \over {5b}} + {{10b} \over {3a}}$$ is
WB JEE 2020
Let I(n) = nn, J(n) = 13.5 ......... (2n $$ - $$ 1) for all (n > 1), n $$ \in $$ N, then
WB JEE 2018
Given that n numbers of arithmetic means are inserted between two sets of numbers a, 2b and 2a, b where a, b $$ \in $$ R. Suppose further that the mth...
WB JEE 2017
In a GP series consisting of positive terms, each term is equal to the sum of next two terms. Then, the common ratio of this GP series is


WB JEE 2009
Find the sum of the first n terms of the series 0.2 + 0.22 + 0.222 + ......
WB JEE 2011
The harmonic mean of two numbers is 4. Their arithmetic mean A and the geometric mean G satisfy the relation 2A + G2 = 27. Find the numbers....

MCQ (More than One Correct Answer)

WB JEE 2020
In a certain test, there are n questions. In this test 2n-i students gave wrong answers to at least i questions, where i = 1, 2, ..., n. If the total ...
WB JEE 2019
Let x1, x2 be the roots of $${x^2} - 3x + a = 0$$ and x3, x4 be the roots of $${x^2} - 12x + b = 0$$. If $${x_1} < {x_2} < {x_3} < {x_4}$$ an...
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