WB JEE 2023
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Consider the logic circuit with inputs A, B, C and output Y. How many combinations of A, B and C gives the output Y = 0 ?
WB JEE 2022
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
A Zener diode having break down voltage Vz = 6V is used in a voltage regulator circuit as shown in the figure. The minimum current required to pass through the Zener to act as a voltage regulator is 10 mA and maximum allowed current through Zener is 40 mA. The maximum value of Rs for Zener to act as a voltage regulator is
WB JEE 2022
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The expression $$\overline A (A + B) + (B + AA)(A + \overline B )$$ simplifies to
WB JEE 2021
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
What is the value of current through the diode in the circuit given?
Questions Asked from Electronic Devices (MCQ (Single Correct Answer))
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WB JEE Subjects
Units & Measurements Vector Algebra Motion Laws of Motion Circular Motion Work Power & Energy Center of Mass Rotational Motion Properties of Matter Heat and Thermodynamics Simple Harmonic Motion Waves Gravitation
Electrostatics Current Electricity Capacitor Magnetism Electromagnetic Induction Alternating Current Electromagnetic Waves
Modern Physics
Physical Chemistry
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Atomic Structure Redox Reaction Gaseous State Chemical Equilibrium Liquid Solution Ionic Equilibrium Thermodynamics Chemical Kinetics Radioactivity and Nuclear Chemistry Electrochemistry Solid State Surface Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Periodic Table Chemical Bonding Metallurgy Hydrogen and It's Compounds Some s Block Elements Some P Block Elements d and f Block Elements Coordination Compounds
Organic Chemistry
Sets and Relations Logarithms Sequence and Series Quadratic Equations Permutations and Combinations Mathematical Induction and Binomial Theorem Mathematical Induction Binomial Theorem Matrices and Determinants Vector Algebra Three Dimensional Geometry Probability Complex Numbers Statistics
Coordinate Geometry