AIPMT 2012 Mains
Paper was held on Fri, Apr 13, 2012 10:00 AM
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Which one of the following organisms is scientifically correctly named, correctly printed according to the internationa
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In the five kingdom classification, Chlamydomonas and Chlorella have been included in
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Which one of the following pairs is wrongly matched?
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Read the following five statements (A - E) and answer as asked next to them. (A)   In Equisetum, the fema
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How many organisms in the list given below are autotrophs? Lactobacillus, Nostoc, Chara, Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter, Stre
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Which one of the following pairs of animals are similar to each other pertaining to the feature stated against them?
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Which one of the following categories of animals, is correctly described with no single exception in it?
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Which one of the following organisms is correctly matched with its three characteristic?
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How many plants in the list given below have marginal placentation? Mustard, Gram, Tulip, Asparagus, Arhar, Sun hemp, C
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Which one of the following biomolecules is correctly characterized?
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Identify the meiotic stage in which the homologous chromosomes separate while the sister chromatids remain associated at
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Read the following four statements (A $$-$$ D). phosphorylation involve uphill transport of protons across the membrane.
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Through their effects on plant growth regulators, what do the temperature and light control in the plants?
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Vernalization simulates flowering in
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Which one of the following generally acts as an antagonist to gibberellins?
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Which one of the following human organs is often called the ''graveyard'' of RBCs?
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A fall in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) activates
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Which one of the following options gives the correct categorization of six animals according to the type of nitrogenous
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Which one of the following characteristics is common both in humans and adult frogs?
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What is the function of germ pore?
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Which one of the following statements is wrong?
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Plants with ovaries having only one or a few ovules, are generally pollinated by
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The secretory phase in the human menstrual cycle is also called :
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Represented below is the inheritance pattern of the certain type of traits in humans. Which one of the following conditi
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A test cross is carried out to :
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The idea of mutations was brought forth by :
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Identify the molecules (a) and (b) shown below and select the right option giving their source and use.
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In gobar gas, the maximum amount is that of :
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Read the following four statements (A-D) : (A) In transcription, adenosine pairs with uracil (B) Regulation of lac oper
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Consider the following four statements (a-d) and select the option which includes all the correct ones only : (a) Singl
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The domestic sewage in large cities :
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Biolistics (gene-gun) is suitable for -
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Which one of the following represents a palindromic sequence in DNA ?
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In genetic engineering, the antibiotics are used
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The figure below shows three steps (A, B, C) of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Select the option giving correct identi
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The first clinical gene therapy was given for treating -
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What is it that forms the basis of DNA Fingerprinting ?
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Tobacco plants resistant to a nematode have been developed by the introduction of DNA that produced (in the host cells)
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Cuscuta is an example of :
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Identify the likely organisms (a), (b), (c) and (d) in the food web shown below :
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The second stage of hydrosere is occupied by plants like
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The rate of formation of new organic matter by rabbit in a grassland, is called :
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Select the correct statement about biodiversity :
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Sacred groves are specially useful in
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As compared to a dicot root, a monocot root has
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The supportive skeletal structures in the human external ears and in the nose tip are examples of
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Given below is the diagrammatic sketch of a certain type of connective tissue. identify the parts labeled A, B, C and D
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The four sketches (A, B, C and D) given below, represent four different types of animal tissues. Which one of these is c
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Which one of the following cellular parts is correctly described ?
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Which one of the following structures is an organelle within an organelle ?
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Identify the human developmental stage shown below as well as the related right place of its occurrence in a normal preg
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Which one of the following pairs of chemical substances, is correctly categarised ?
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Which one of the following sets of items in the option A – D are correctly categorized with one exception in it ?
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Read the following four statements (A-D) : (A) Colostrum is recommended for the new born because it is rich in antigen
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Which one of the following statements is correct with respect to immunity?
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Which one of the following is a wrong statement regarding mutations ?
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The orbital angular momentum of a p-electron is given as
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During change of O2 to O$$_2^{ - }$$ ion, the electron adds on which one of the following orbitals ?
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Four diatomic species are listed below. Identify the correct order in which the bond order is increasing in them
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Given that the equilibrium constant for the reaction, 2SO2(g) + O2(g) $$\rightleftharpoons$$ 2SO3(g) has a value of 27
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Given the reaction between 2 gases represented by A2 and B2 to give the compound AB(g), A2(g) + B2(g) $$\rightlefthar
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Which of the following reagents will be able to distinguish between 1-butyne and 2-butyne?
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In the replacement reaction The reaction will be most favourable if M happens to be
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Which of the following compounds can be used as antifreeze in automobile radiators?
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Consider the reaction : RCHO + NH2NH2 $$ \to $$ RCH $$=$$ N $$-$$ NH2 What sort of reaction is it?
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Which of the following compounds will give a yellow precipitate with iodine and alkali?
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Consider the following reaction The product A is
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An organic compound (C3H9N) (A), when treated with nitrous acid, gave an alcohol and N2 gas was evolved. (A) on warming
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Vapour pressure of chloroform (CHCl3) and dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) at 25oC are 200 mm Hg and 41.5 mm Hg respectively. Va
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Standard reduction potentials of the half reactions are given below : F2(g) + 2e$$-$$ $$ \to $$ 2F$$-$$(aq) ;  &
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The Gibb's energy for the decomposition of Al2O3 at 500oC is as follows $${2 \over 3}$$ Al2O3 $$ \to $$ $${4 \over 3}$
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Molar conductivities $$\left( {\Lambda _m^o} \right)$$ at infinite dilution of NaCl, Hcl and CH3COONa are 126.4, 425.9 a
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Activation energy (E$$a$$) and rate constants (k1 and k2) of a chemical reaction at two different temperatures (T1 and T
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In which of the following arrangements the given sequence is not strictly according to the property indicated against it
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Which one of the following does not correctly represent the correct order of the property indicated against it?
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Four successive members of the first series of the transition metals are listed below. For which one of them the standar
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The catalytic activity of transition metals and their compounds is ascribed mainly to
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Which of the following exhibits only + 3 oxidation state?
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Low spin complex of d6-cation in an octahedral field will have the following energy
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Red precipitate is obtained when ethanol solution of dimethylglyoxime is added to ammoniacal Ni(II). Which of the follow
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The dimensions of $${\left( {{\mu _0}{\varepsilon _0}} \right)^{ - 1/2}}$$ are
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A stone is dropped from a height h. It hits the ground with a certain momentum P. If the same stone is dropped from a he
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A car of mass m starts from rest and accelerates so that the instantaneous power delivered to the car has a constant mag
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A circular platform is mounted on a frictionless vertical axle. Its radius R = 2 m and its moment of inertia about the a
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A car of mass m is moving on a level circular track of radius R. If $$\mu $$s represents the static friction between the
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The moment of inertia of a uniform circular disc is maximum about an axis perpendicular to the disc and passing through
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Three masses are placed on the x-axis : 300 g at origin, 500 g at x = 40 cm and 400 g at x = 70cm. The distance of the c
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If $${v_e}$$ is escape velocity and $${v_o}$$ is orbital velocity of a satellite for orbit close to the earth's surface,
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Which one of the following plots represents the variation of gravitiational field on a particle with distance r due to a
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A slab of stone of area 0.36 m2 and thickness 0.1 m is exposed on the lower surface to steam at 100oC. A block of ice at
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An ideal gas goes from state A to state B via three different processes as indicated in the P-V diagram. If Q1, Q2, Q3
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The equation of a simple harmonic wave is given by y = 3 sin$${\pi \over 2}$$(50t $$-$$ x), where x and y are in metre
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A parallel plate capacitor has a uniform electric field E in the space between the plates. If the distance between the p
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Two metallic spheres of radii 1 cm and 3 cm are given charges of $$-$$1 $$ \times $$ 10$$-$$2 C and 5 $$ \times $$ 10$$
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The power dissipated in the circuit shown in the figure is 30 watts. The value of R is
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A cell having an emf $$\varepsilon $$ and internal resistance r is connected across a variable external resistance R. As
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A proton carrying 1 MeV kinetic energy is moving in a circular path of radius R in uniform magnetic field. What should b
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A magnetic needle suspended parallel to a magnetic field requires $$\sqrt 3 J$$ of work to turn it through 60o. The torq
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The instantaneous values of alternating current and voltage in a circuit are given as $$i = {1 \over {\sqrt 2 }}$$ sin
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In a coil of resistance 10 $$\Omega $$, the induced current developed by changing magnetic flux through it, is shown in
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The ratio of amplitude of magnetic field to the amplitude of electric field for an electromagnetic wave propagatting in
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For the angle of minimum deviation of a prism to be equal to its refracting angle, the prism must be made of a material
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A rod of length 10 cm lies along the principal axis of a concave mirror of focal length 10 cm in such a way that its enf
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Two radiations of photons energies 1 eV and 2.5 eV, successively illuminate a photosensitive metallic surface of work fu
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If the momentum of an electron is changed by P, then the de Broglie wavelength associated with changes by 0.5%. The init
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The transition from the state n = 3 to n = 1 in a hydrogen like atom results in ultraviolet radiation. Infrared radiatio
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To get an output Y= 1 in given circuit which of the following input will be correct ?
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