NEET 2019
Paper was held on Sun, May 5, 2019 2:00 PM
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Which of the following statements is incorrect?
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Select the correctly written scientific name of Mango which was first described by Carolus Linnaeus :
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From evolutionary point of view, retention of the female gametophyte with developing young embryo on the parent sporophy
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Consider following features: (a) Organ system level of organisation (b) Bilateral symmetry (c) True coelomates with segm
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Grass leaves curl inward during very dry weather. Select the most appropriate reason from the following :
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Phloem in gymnosperms lacks :
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Match the following organisms with their respective characteristics: .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;}
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What is the direction of movement of sugars in phloem?
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Which of the statements given below is not true about formation of Annual Rings in trees?
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Select the correct sequence of organs in the alimentary canal of cockroach starting from mouth :
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What is the site of perception of photoperiod necessary for induction of flowering in plants?
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The correct sequence of phases of cell cycle is :
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Which of the following pair of organelles does not contains DNA?
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Which of the following statements regarding mitochondria is incorrect?
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Conversion of glucose to glucose-6 phosphate, the first irreversible reaction of glycolysis, is catalyzed by
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Consider the following statements : (A) Coenzyme of metal ion that is tightly bound to enzyme protein is called prosthet
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Which of the following statements is not correct?
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Cells in G0 phase :
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Concanavalin A is :
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The ciliated epithelial cells are required to move particles or mucus in a specific direction. In humans, these cells ar
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Match the Column-I with Column-II : Select the correct option.
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Tidal Volume and Expiratory Reserve Volume of an athlete is 500 mL and 1000 mL respectively. What will be his Expiratory
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Respiratory Quotient (RQ) value of tripalmitin is :
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What would be the heart rate of a person if the cardiac output is 5L, blood volume in the ventricles at the end of diast
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Use of an artificial kindney during hemodialysis may result in : (a) Nitrogenous waste build-up in the body (b) Non –eli
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Select the correct option :
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Which of the following factors is responsible for the formation of concentrated urine?
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Which part of the brain is responsible for thermoregulation?
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Which of the following muscular disorders is inherited?
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Which of the following statements in correct?
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Match the following hormones with the respective disease : .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{bor
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How does steroid hormone influence the cellular activities?
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In some plants, the female gamete develops into embryo without fertilization. This phenomenon is known as :
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Pinus seed cannot germinate and establish without fungal association. This is because :
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Which one of the following statements regarding post-fertilization development in flowering plants is incorrect?
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Placentation, in which ovules develop on the inner wall of the ovary or in peripheral part, is :
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Persistent nucellus in the seed is known as
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Extrusion of second polar body from egg nucleus occurs :
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What is the fate of the male gametes discharged in the synergid?
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Select the horomone-releasing Intra-Uterine Devices.
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Select the correct sequence for transport of sperm cells in male reproductive system :
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Which of the following contraceptive methods do involve a role of hormone?
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In Antirrhinum (Snapdragon), a red flower was crossed with a white flower and in F1 generation, pink flowers were obtain
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The frequency of recombination between gene pairs on the same chromosome as a measure of the distance between genes was
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What is the genetic disorder in which an individual has an overall masculine development, gynaecomastia, and is sterile?
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What map unit (Centimorgan) is adopted in the construction of genetic maps?
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A gene locus has two alleles A, a. If the frequency of dominant allele A is 0.4, then what will be the frequency of homo
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Select the incorrect statement.
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Purines found both in DNA and RNA are:
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Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) refers to :
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Match the following genes of the Lac operon with their respective produces : .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spac
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Under which of the following conditions will there be no change in the reading frame of following mRNA? 5' AACAGCGGUGCUA
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Which of the following features of genetic code does allow bacteria to produce human insulin by recombinant DNA technolo
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The shorter and longer arms of a submetacentric chromosome are referred to as:
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The concept of ''Omnis cellula-e cellula'' regarding cell division was first proposed by :
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Match the hominids with their correct brain size : .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-styl
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Variations caused by mutation, as proposed by Hugo de Vries, are :
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In a species, the weight of newborn ranges from 2 to 5 kg. 97% of the newborn with an average weight between 3 to 3.3 kg
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Identify the correct pair representing the causative agent of typhoid fever and the confirmatory test for typhoid.
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Colostrum, the yellowish fluid, secreted by mother during the initial days of lactation is very essential to impart immu
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Which of the following sexually transmitted diseases is not completely curable ?
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Which of the following immune responses is responsible for rejection of kidney graft?
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Drug called ‘Heroin’ is synthesized by :
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Which of the following statement is incorrect?
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What triggers activation of protoxin to active Bt toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis in boll worm?
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Select the correct group of biocontrol agents.
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Match the following organisms with the products they produce : .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td
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Thiobacillus is a group of bacteria helpful in carrying out :
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Which of the following can be used as a biocontrol agent in the treatment of plant disease?
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DNA precipitation out of a mixture of bimolecules can be achieved by treatment with :
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Which of the following is a commercial blood cholesterol lowering agent?
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Following statements describe the characteristics of the enzyme Restriction Endonuclease. Identify the incorrect stateme
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Which of the following glucose transporters is insulin-dependent?
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The Earth summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 was called :
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Match Column-I with Column –II. .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-style:solid;border-widt
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Which of the following is the most important cause for animals and plants being driven to extinction?
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Which of the following ecological pyramids is generally inverted?
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Which one of the following is not a method of in situ conservation of biodiversity?
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The number of moles of hydrogen molecules required to produce 20 moles of ammonia through Haber’s process is :
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4d, 5p, 5f and 6p orbitals are arranged in the order of decreasing energy. The correct option is :
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Which of the following series of transitions in the spectrum of hydrogen atom falls in visible region?
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For the second period elements the correct increasing order of first ionization enthalpy is :
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The number of sigma ($$\sigma $$) and pi ($$\pi $$) bonds in pent-2-en-4-yne is -
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The manganate and permanganate ions are tetrahedral due to :
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The correct structure of tribromooctaoxide is :
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Which of the following diatomic molecular species has only $$\pi $$ bonds according to Molecular Orbital Theory?
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In which case change in entropy is negative?
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Conjugate base for Bronsted acids H2O and HF are :
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Under isothermal condition, a gas at 300 K expands from 0.1 L to 0.25 L against a constant external pressure of 2 bar. T
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pH of a saturated solution of Ca(OH)2 is 9. The solubility product (Ksp) of Ca(OH)2 is :
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Which will make basic buffer?
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Which of the following reactions are disproportionation reaction? (a) 2Cu+ $$ \to $$ Cu2+ + Cu0 (b) 3MnO42+ + 4H+ $$ \t
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Which of the following is incorrect statement?
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Which of the following species is not stable?
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The compound that is most difficult to protonate is :
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Among the following, the reaction that proceeds through an electrophilic substitution, is :
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The most suitable reagent for the following conversion, is :
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An alkene “A” on reaction with O3 and Zn + H2O gives propanone and ethanal in equimolar ratio. Addition of HCl to alkene
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Which is the correct thermal stability order for H2E (E = O, S, Se, Te and Po)?
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For an ideal solution, the correct option is :
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For a cell involving one electron $$E_{cell}^\Theta $$ = 0.59 V at 298 K, the equilibrium constant for the cell reaction
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If the rate constant for a first order reaction is k, the time (t) required for the completion of 99 % of the reaction i
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For the cell reaction 2Fe3+(aq) + 2I– (aq) $$ \to $$ 2Fe2+(aq) + I2(aq) $${E_{cell}^\Theta }$$ = 0.24 V at 298 K. The st
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For the chemical reaction N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g) the correct option is :
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Identify the incorrect statement related to PCl5 from the following :
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Match the Xenon compounds in Column-I with its structure in Column-II and assign the correct code :
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Match the following : .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-style:solid;border-width:0px;font
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The correct order of the basic strength of methyl substituted amines in aqueous solution is :
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What is the correct electronic configuration of the central atom in K4[Fe(CN)6] based on crystal field theory?
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The structure of intermediate A in the following reaction, is :
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The major product of the following reaction is :
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The non-essential amino acid among the following is :
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The mixture that forms maximum boiling azeotrope is :
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The correct Boolean operation represented by the circuit diagram drawn is :
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A force F = 20 + 10y acts on a particle in y-direction where F is in newton and y in meter. Work done by this force to m
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A hollow metal sphere of radius R is uniformly charged. The electric field due to the sphere at a distance r from the ce
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At a point A on the earth’s surface the angle of dip, $$\delta $$ = + 25o. At a point B on the earth's surface the angle
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In which of the following processes, heat is neither absorbed nor released by a system?
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Six similar bulbs are connected as shown in the figure with a DC source of emf E, and zero internal resistance. The ra
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In a double slit experiment, when light of wavelength 400 nm was used, the angular width of the first minima formed on a
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In the circuits shown below, the readings of voltmeters and the ammeters will be :
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A cylinderical conductor of radius R is carrying a constant current. The plot of the magnitude of the magnetic field. B
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Which colour of the light has the longest wavelength?
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Increase in tempertaure of a gas filled in a container would lead to :
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The radius of circle, the period of revolution, initial position and sense of revolution are indicated is the figure.
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Average velocity of a particle executing SHM in one complete vibration is :
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A solid cylinder of mass 2 kg and radius 4 cm is rotating about its axis at the rate of 3 rpm. The torque required to st
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The speed of a swimmer in still water is 20 m/s. The speed of river water is 10 m/s and is flowing due east. If he is st
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A 800 turn coil of effective area 0.05 m2 is kept. perpendicular to a magnetic filed 5 × 10–5 T. When the plane of the
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A block of mass 10 kg is in contact against the inner wall of a hollow cylindrical drum of radius 1 m. The coefficient o
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In an experiment, the percentage of error occurred in the measurement of physical quantities A, B, C and D are 1%, 2 %,
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The displacement of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is given by y = A0 + A sin$$\omega $$t + B cos$$\omega $
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An electron is accelerated through a potential difference of 10,000 V. Its de Broglie wavelength is (nearly) : (me = 9
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A mass m is attached to a thin wire and whirled in a vertical circle. The wire is most likely to break when :
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A copper rod of 88 cm and an aluminium rod of unknown length have their increase in length independent of increase in tm
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Two particles A and B are moving in uniform circular motion in concentric circles of radii rA and rB with speed vA and v
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Ionized hydrogen atoms and $$\alpha $$-particles with same momenta enters perpendicular to a constant magnetic field, B.
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When a block of mass M is suspended by a long wire of length L, the length of the wire becomes (L + $$l$$). The elastic
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For a p-type semiconductor, which of the following statements is true?
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The work done to raise a mass m from the surface of the earth to a height h, which is equal to the radius of the earth,
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In total internal reflection when the angle of incidence is equal to the critical angle for the pair of media in contact
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Two point charges A and B, having charges +Q and – Q respectively, are placed at certain distance apart and force acting
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Body A of mass 4m moving with speed u collides with another body B of mass 2 m, at rest. The collision is head on and el
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$$\alpha $$-particale consists of :
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A body weight 200 N on the surface of earth. How much will it weight half way down to the centre of the earth?
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Pick the wrong answer in the context with rainbow.
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A disc of radius 2 m and mass 100 kg rolls on a horizontal floor. Its centre of mass has speed of 20 cm/s. How much work
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A small hole of area of cross-section 2 mm2 present near the bottom of a fully filled open tank of height 2 m. Taking g
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A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance 20 $$\mu $$F is being charged by a voltage source whose potential is changing
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The unit of thermal conductivity is :
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When an object is shot from the bottom of a long smooth inclined plane kept at an angle 60o with horizontal, it can trav
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The total energy of an electron in an atom in an orbit is –3.4 eV. Its kinetic and potential energies are, respectively.
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Which of the following acts as a circuit protection device?
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A soap bubble, having radius of 1 mm, is blown from a detergent solution having a surface tension of 2.5 $$ \times $$ 10
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Two similar thin equi-convex lenses, of focal length f each, are kept coaxially in contact with each other such that the
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Two parallel infinite line charges with linear charge densities +$$\lambda $$ C/m and -$$\lambda $$ C/m are placed at a
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In which of the following devices, the eddy current effect is not used?
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A particle moving with velocity $$\overrightarrow V $$ is acted by three forces shown by the vector triangle PQR. The v
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