NEET 2022 Phase 1
Paper was held on Sun, Jul 17, 2022 4:30 AM
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Which of the following is not a method of ex situ conservation?
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Identify the correct set of statements: (a) The leaflets are modified into pointed hard thorns in Citrus and Bougainvill
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Given below are two statements: Statement I : Decomposition is a process in which the detritus is degraded into simpler
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Hydrocolloid carrageen is obtained form :
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Which one of the following plants shows vexillary aestivation and diadelphous stamens?
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Which of the following is incorrectly matched?
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The process of translation of mRNA to proteins begins as soon as:
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Which one of the following never occurs during mitotic cell division?
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Given below are two statements: Statement I : The primary CO2 acceptor in C4 plants is phosphoenolpyruvate and is found
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Which one of the following is not true regarding the release of energy during ATP synthesis through chemiosmosis? It inv
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Habitat loss and fragmentation, over exploitation, alien species invasion and co-extinction are causes for :
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What is the net gain of ATP when each molecule of glucose is converted to two molecules of pyruvic acid?
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"Girdling Experiment" was performed by Plant Physiologists to identify the plant tissue through which:
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Which one of the following plants does not show plasticity?
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DNA polymorphism forms the basis of:
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XO type of sex determination can be found in :
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Given below are two statements : one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). Assertion (A)
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The gaseous plant growth regulator is used in plants to:
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Given below are two statements: Statement I : Cleistogamous flowers are invariably autogamous Statement II : Cleistogamy
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Exoskeleton of arthropods is composed of:
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Read the following statements and choose the set of correct statements: (a) Euchromatin is loosely packed chromatin (b)
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Which one of the following statements cannot be connected to Predation?
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The flowers are Zygomorphic in : (a) Mustard (b) Gulmohar (c) Cassia (d) Datura (e) Chilly Choose the correct answer fro
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Read the following statements about the vascular bundles: (a) In roots, xylem and phloem in a vascular bundle are arrang
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Identify the incorrect statement related to Pollination:
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Which one of the following statement is not true regarding gel electrophoresis technique?
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Production of Cucumber has increased manifold in recent years. Application of which of the following phytohormones has r
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What amount of energy is released from glucose during lactic acid fermentation?
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In old trees the greater part of secondary xylem is dark brown and resistant to insect attack due to : (a) secretion of
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The appearance of recombination nodules on homologous chromosomes during meiosis characterizes:
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Given below are two statements: Statement I : Mendel studied seven pairs of contrasting traits in pea plants and propose
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Transposons can be used during which one of the following?
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While explaining interspecific interaction of population, (+) sign is assigned for beneficial interaction, ($$-$$) sign
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Which part of the fruit, labelled in the given figure makes it a false fruit?
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Match the plant with the kind of life cycle it exhibits: .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{borde
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Match List I with List II. .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style:sol
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Which of the following occurs due to the presence of autosome linked dominant trait?
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Which one of the following will accelerate phosphorus cycle?
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In the following palindromic base sequences of DNA, which one can be cut easily by particular restriction enzyme?
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Read the following statements on lipids and find out correct set of statements : (a) Lecithin found in the plasma membra
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what is the role of large bundle sheath cells found around the vascular bundles in C4 plants?
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If a geneticist uses the blind approach for sequencing the whole genome of an organism, followed by assignment of functi
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Given below are two statements : one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). Assertion (A)
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The anatomy of springwood shows some peculiar features. Identify the correct set of statements about springwood. (a) It
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In-situ conservation refers to :
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In which of the following animals, digestive tract has additional chambers like crop and gizzard?
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If the length of a DNA molecule is 1.1 metres, what will b the approximate number of base pairs?
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Given below are two statements: Statement I : Autoimmune disorder is a condition where body defense mechanism recognizes
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Which of the following statements are true for spermatogenesis but do not hold true for Oogenesis? (a) It results in the
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Given below are two statements : one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). Assertion (A)
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Given below are two statements: Statement I : Restriction endonucleases recognise specific sequence to cut DNA known as
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Lippe's loop is a type of contraceptive used as:
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Under normal physiological conditions in human being every 100 ml of oxygenated blood can deliver ____________ ml of O2
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Given below are two statements : one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). Assertion (A)
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Which of the following is not a connective tissue?
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Nitrogenous waste is excreted in the form of pellet or paste by :
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Regarding Meiosis, which of the statements is incorrect?
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In an E. Coli strain i gene gets mutated and its product can not bind the inducer molecule. If growth medium is provided
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Which of the following is a correct match for disease and its symptoms?
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Identify the microorganism which is responsible for the production of an immunosuppressive molecule cyclosporin A :
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Given below are two statements: Statement I : Mycoplasma can pass through less than 1 micron filter size. Statement II :
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Given below are two statements: Statement I : The coagulum is formed of network of threads called thrombins. Statement I
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A dehydration reaction links two glucose molecules to product maltose. If the formula for glucose is C6H12O6 then what i
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Which of the following statements with respect to Endoplasmic Reticulum is incorrect?
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Tegmina in cockroach, arises from
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Given below are two statements : Statement I : The release of sperms into the seminiferous tubules is called spermiation
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If '8' Drosophila in a laboratory population of '80' died during a week, the death rate in the population is ___________
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Natural selection where more individuals acquire specific character value other than the mean character value, leads to
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Which of the following is not the function of conducting part of respiratory system?
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In the taxonomic categories which hierarchical arrangement in ascending order is correct in case of animals?
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At which stage of life the oogenesis process is initiated?
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In gene therapy of Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) deficiency, the patient requires periodic infusion of genetically engineere
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Select the incorrect statement with reference to mitosis :
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Detritivores breakdown detritus into smaller particles. This process is called :
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If a colour blind female marries a man whose mother was also colour blind, what are the chances of her progeny having co
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Select the incorrect statement with respect to acquired immunity.
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Statements related to human Insulin are given below. Which statements is/are correct about genetically engineered Insuli
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Which one of the following statements is correct?
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Match List-I with List-II: .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style:sol
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Ten E.coli cells with 15N - dsDNA are incubated in medium containing 14N nucleotide. After 60 minutes, how many E.coli c
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The recombination frequency between the genes a & c 5&, b & c is 15%, b & d is 9%, a & b is 20%, c & d is 25% and a & d
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Which of the following are not the effects of Parathyroid hormone? (a) Stimulates the process of bone resorption (b) Dec
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Which of the following is not a desirable feature of a cloning vector?
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Which of the following statements is not true?
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Select the incorrect statement regarding synapses :
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Match List - I with List - II .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style:
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Match List-I with List-II with respect to methods of Contraception and their respective actions. .tg {border-collapse:
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Which of the following is a correct statement?
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Which of the following p-V curve represents maximum work done?
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Given below are two statements : one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R) Assertion (A)
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Which compound amongst the following is not an aromatic compound?
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The IUPAC name of an element with atomic number 119 is
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Match List-I with List-II. .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style:sol
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The incorrect statement regarding enzymes is
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The IUPAC name of the complex - [Ag(H2O)2][Ag(CN)2] is:
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Gadolinium has a low value of third ionisation enthalpy because of
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Amongst the following which one will have maximum 'lone pair - lone pair' electron repulsions?
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Which of the following statement is not correct about diborane?
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Given below are two statements : Statement I : The boiling points of aldehydes and ketones are higher than hydrocarbons
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Given below are two statements Statement I : The boiling points of the following hydrides of group 16 elements increases
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The given graph is a representation of kinetics of a reaction The y and x axes for zero and first order reactions, resp
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The incorrect statement regarding chirality is
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Which of the following sequence of reactions is suitable to synthesize chlorobenzene?
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Identify the incorrect statement from the following.
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The Kjeldahl's method for the estimation of nitrogen can be used to estimate the amount of nitrogen in which one of the
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Given below are two statements: Statement I: The acidic strength of monosubstituted nitrophenol is higher than phenol be
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At 298 K, the standard electrode potentials of Cu2+ / Cu, Zn2+ / Zn, Fe2+ / Fe and Ag+ / Ag are 0.34 V, $$-$$0.76 V, $$-
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Given below are two statements Statement I : Primary aliphatic amines react with HNO2 to give unstable diazonium salts.
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In one molal solution that contains 0.5 mole of a solute, there is
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RMgX + CO2 $$\mathrel{\mathop{\kern0pt\longrightarrow} \limits_{ether}^{dry}} $$ Y $$\buildrel {{H_3}{O^ + }} \over \lo
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Given below are half cell reactions: $$MnO_4^ - + 8{H^ + } + 5{e^ - } \to M{n^{2 + }} + 4{H_2}O$$, $$E_{M{n^{2 + }}/MnO
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What mass of 95% pure CaCO3 will be required to neutralise 50 mL of 0.5 M HCl solution according to the following reacti
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The pH of the solution containing 50 mL each of 0.10 M sodium acetate and 0.01 M acetic acid is [Given pKa of CH3COOH =
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Match List-I with List-II. .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style:sol
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Which amongst the following is incorrect statement?
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Given below are two statements: Statement I : In Lucas test, primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols are distinguished
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If radius of second Bohr orbit of the He+ ion is 105.8 pm, what is the radius of third Bohr orbit of Li2+ ion?
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For a first order reaction A $$\to$$ Products, initial concentration of A is 0.1 M, which becomes 0.001 M after 5 minute
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The correct IUPAC name of the following compound is
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Find the emf of the cell in which the following reaction takes place at 298 K Ni(s) + 2Ag+ (0.001 M) $$\to$$ Ni2+ (0.001
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The product formed from the following reaction sequence is
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The order of energy absorbed which is responsible for the color of complexes (A) [Ni(H2O)2(en)2]2+ (B) [Ni(H2O)4(en)]2+
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Compound X on reaction with O3 followed by Zn/H2O gives formaldehyde and 2-methyl propanal as products. The compound X i
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3O2(g) $$\rightleftharpoons$$ 2O3(g) for the above reaction at 298 K, Kc is found to be 3.0 $$\times$$ 10$$-$$59. If the
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Which one of the following is not formed when acetone reacts with 2-pentanone in the presence of dilute NaOH followed by
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Match List - I with List - II .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style:
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An ideal gas undergoes four different processes from the same initial state as shown in the figure below. Those processe
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The angular speed of a fly wheel moving with uniform angular acceleration changes from 1200 rpm to 3120 rpm in 16 second
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In the given circuits (a), (b) and (c), the potential drop across the two p-n junctions are equal in
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A biconvex lens has radii of curvature, 20 cm each. If the refractive index of the material of the lens is 1.5, the powe
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As the temperature increases, the electrical resistance
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A spherical ball is dropped in a long column of a highly viscous liquid. The curve in the graph shown, which represents
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The dimensions [MLT$$-$$2A$$-$$2] belong to the
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In half wave rectification, if the input frequency is 60 Hz, then the output frequency would be
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If the initial tension on a stretched string is doubled, then the ratio of the initial and final speeds of a transverse
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A shell of mass m is at rest initially. It explodes into three fragments having mass in the ratio 2 : 2 : 1. If the frag
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Two objects of mass 10 kg and 20 kg respectively are connected to the two ends of a rigid rod of length 10 m with neglig
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If a soap bubble expands, the pressure inside the bubble
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An electric lift with a maximum load of 2000 kg (lift + passengers) is moving up with a constant speed of 1.5 ms$$-$$1.
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The angle between the electric lines of force and the equipotential surface is
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When two monochromatic lights of frequency, v and $${v \over 2}$$ are incident on a photoelectric metal, their stopping
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A long solenoid of radius 1 mm has 100 turns per mm. If 1 A current flows in the solenoid, the magnetic field strength a
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Given below are two statements: Statement I : Biot-Savart's law gives us the expression for the magnetic field strength
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The ratio of the radius of gyration of a thin uniform disc about an axis passing through its centre and normal to its pl
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The peak voltage of the ac source is equal to
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The energy that will be ideally radiated by a 100 kW transmitter in 1 hour is
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In a Young's double slit experiment, a student observes 8 fringes in a certain segment of screen when a monochromatic li
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A square loop of side 1 m and resistance 1 $$\Omega$$ is placed in a magnetic field of 0.5 T. If the plane of loop is pe
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Two resistors of resistance, 100 $$\Omega$$ and 200 $$\Omega$$ are connected in parallel in an electrical circuit. The r
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The ratio of the distances travelled by a freely falling body in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th second
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A body of mass 60 g experiences a gravitational force of 3.0 N, when placed at a particular point. The magnitude of the
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A light ray falls on a glass surface of refractive index $$\sqrt3$$, at an angle 60$$^\circ$$. The angle between the ref
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When light propagates through a material medium of relative permittivity $$\varepsilon $$r and relative permeability $$\
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Two hollow conducting spheres of radii R1 and R2 (R1 >> R2) have equal charges. The potential would be
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A copper wire of length 10 m and radius $$\left( {{{{{10}^{ - 2}}} \over {\sqrt \pi }}} \right)$$ m has electrical resi
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The displacement-time graphs of two moving particles make angles of 30$$^\circ$$ and 45$$^\circ$$ with the x-axis as sho
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Plane angle and solid angle have
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Let T1 and T2 be the energy of an electron in the first and second excited states of hydrogen atoms, respectively. Accor
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Match List - I with List - II .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style:
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Two pendulums of length 121 cm and 100 cm start vibrating in phase. At some instant, the two are at their mean position
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The area of a rectangular field (in m2) of length 55.3 m and breadth 25 m after rounding off the value for correct signi
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A ball is projected with a velocity, 10 ms$$-$$1, at an angle of 60$$^\circ$$ with the vertical direction. Its speed at
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The truth table for the given logic circuit is
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From Ampere's circuital law for a long straight wire of circular cross-section carrying a steady current, the variation
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A series LCR circuit with inductance 10 H, capacitance 10 $$\mu$$F, resistance 50 $$\Omega$$ is connected to an ac sourc
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Two point charges $$-$$q and +q are placed at a distance of L, as shown in the figure. The magnitude of electric field
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Given below are two statements : One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). Assertion (A)
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A big circular coil of 1000 turns and average radius 10 m is rotating about its horizontal diameter at 2 rad s$$-$$1. If
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The volume occupied by the molecules contained in 4.5 kg water at STP, if the intermolecular forces vanish away is
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A capacitor of capacitance C = 900 pF is charged fully by 100 V battery B as shown in figure (a). Then it is disconnecte
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A wheatstone bridge is used to determine the value of unknown resistance X by adjusting the variable resistance Y as sho
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Two transparent media A and B are separated by a plane boundary. The speed of light in those media are 1.5 $$\times$$ 10
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A nucleus of mass number 189 splits into two nuclei having mass number 125 and 64. The ratio of radius of two daughter n
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