A certain country has 504 universities and 25951 colleges. These are categorised into Grades I, II, and III as shown in the given pie charts.
What is the percentage, correct to one decimal place, of higher education institutions (colleges and universities) that fall into Grade III?

The symbols O$, *, \Delta$, and $\square$ are to be filled, one in each box, as shown below.
The rules for filling in the four symbols are as follows.
1) Every row and every column must contain each of the four symbols.
2) Every 2 Γ 2 square delineated by bold lines must contain each of the four symbols.
Which symbol will occupy the box marked with β?β in the partially filled figure?

In a recently held parent-teacher meeting, the teachers had very few complaints about Ravi. After all, Ravi was a hardworking and kind student. Incidentally, almost all of Raviβs friends at school were hardworking and kind too. But the teachers drew attention to Raviβs complete lack of interest in sports. The teachers believed that, along with some of his friends who showed similar disinterest in sports, Ravi needed to engage in some sports for his overall development.
Based only on the information provided above, which one of the following statements can be logically inferred with certainty?