The current in the circuit is

$${G_c}\left( s \right)$$ is a lead compensator if
The phase of the above lead compensator is maximum at
where $$y$$ is the output and $$u$$ is the input. The system is controllable for

(i) 1 Ω connected at port B draws a current of 3 A
(ii) 2.5 Ω connected at port B draws a current of 2 A

(i) 1 Ω connected at port B draws a current of 3 A
(ii) 2.5 Ω connected at port B draws a current of 2 A

$$v\left( t \right) = {E_1}\sin \left( {\omega t} \right) + {E_3}\sin \left( {3\omega t} \right)$$ and
$$i\left( t \right) = {{\rm I}_1}\sin \left( {\omega t - {\varphi _1}} \right) + {{\rm I}_3}\sin \left( {3\omega t - {\varphi _3}} \right) + {{\rm I}_5}\sin \left( {5\omega t} \right)$$
The average power measured by the Wattmeter is

$$\,{1 \over {{s^2} + s + 1}}.$$ The unilateral Laplace transform of $$t$$ $$f(t)$$ is
$${{{d^2}y\left( t \right)} \over {d{t^2}}} + 2{{dy\left( t \right)} \over {dt}} + y\left( t \right) = \delta \left( t \right)$$
with $$y\left( t \right)\left| {_{t = 0} = - 2} \right.$$ and $${{dy} \over {dt}}\left| {_{t = 0}} \right. = 0.$$
The numerical value of $${{dy} \over {dt}}\left| {_{t = 0}.} \right.$$ is
$$\left| {z + 1} \right| = 1,$$ the value of $${1 \over {2\,\pi \,j}}\oint\limits_c {f\left( z \right)dz} $$ is

If the $$dc$$ bus voltage $${V_d} = 300\,\,V,$$ the power consumed by $$3$$-phase load is

The $$rms$$ value of load phase voltage is
$$y = j\left[ {\matrix{ { - 13} & {10} & 5 \cr {10} & { - 18} & {10} \cr 5 & {10} & { - 13} \cr } } \right]$$
If each transmission line between the two buses is represented by an equivalent $$\pi \,$$ network, the magnitude of the shunt susceptance of the line connecting bus $$1$$ and $$2$$ is
$${{\rm I}_{positive}} = j1.5\,pu,\,\,{{\rm I}_{negative}} = - j0.5\,\,pu,$$
$${{\rm I}_{zero}} = - j1\,\,pu.$$ The typeof fault in the system is

The fuel cost of generators $${G_1}$$ and $${G_2}$$ are: $${C_1}\left( {{P_{G1}}} \right) = 10,000\,\,Rs/MWhr$$ and $${C_2}\left( {{P_{G2}}} \right) = 12,500\,\,Rs/MWhr$$ and the loss in the line is $$\,{P_{loss(pu)}} = 0.5\,\,P_{G1\left( {pu} \right),}^2\,\,\,\,$$ where the loss coefficient is specified in pu on a $$100$$ $$MVA$$ base. The most economic power generation schedule in $$MW$$ is