The correct relation between total magnetic field $(B)$, magnetic intensity $(\mathrm{H})$, permeability of free space $\left(\mu_0\right)$ and susceptibility $(\chi)$ is
The resultant gate and its Boolean expression in the given circuit is
The temperature of a liquid falls from 365 K to 359 K in 3 minutes. The time during which temperature of this liquid falls from 342 K to 338 K is [Let the room temperature be 296 K ]
Air capacitor has capacitance of $1 \mu \mathrm{~F}$. Now the space between two plates of capacitor is filled with two dielectrics as shown in figure. The capacitance of the capacitor is [ $\mathrm{d}=$ distance between two plates of capacitor, $\mathrm{K}_1$ and $\mathrm{K}_2$ are dielectric constants of first dielectric and second dielectric respectively]