MHT CET 2019 2nd May Morning Shift
Paper was held on Thu, May 2, 2019 3:30 AM
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Which of following methods is used to separate wolframite and stannic oxide present in cassiterite?
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$$\begin{aligned} & \text { In the reaction, } \\ & \mathrm{MnO}_4^{-1}(a q)+\mathrm{Br}^{-1}(a q) \longrightarrow \math
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How many isoprene units are present in abscisic acid?
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Action of hydrogen iodide on anisole gives,
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Which among the following compounds is used to decaffeinate coffee?
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Which complex among the following gives a white precipitate on treatment with an aqueous solution of barium chloride?
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When $\mathrm{CuSO}_4$ solution in water is treated with concentrated HCl it turns
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Which of the following polymer is used in paints?
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Three moles of an ideal gas are expanded isothermally from a volume of $300 \mathrm{~cm}^3$ to 2.5 L at 300 K against a
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Which among the following is used in the treatment of cancer?
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Which among the following pairs of compounds is not isomorphous?
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Which among the following compounds is used as selective weed killer?
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Calculate the difference between heat of combustion of carbon monoxide gas at constant pressure and at constant volume a
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The conductivity of an electrolytic solution decreases on dilution due to
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Identify $B$ in the following reaction, $$\text { Acetaldoxime } \xrightarrow[\text { alcohol }]{\mathrm{Na}} A \xrighta
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Which among the following solids shows Frenkel defect?
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A cold drink bottle contains 200 mL liquid, in which $\mathrm{CO}_2$ is 0.1 molar. Considering $\mathrm{CO}_2$ as an ide
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In the reaction, $2 n R-X \xrightarrow[\text { Dry ether }]{+2 n \mathrm{Na}}$ product The product obtained is
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The bacteriostatic antibiotic from the following is
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Nitroalkanes are obtained in laboratory from primary or secondary alkyl halides by the action of
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Which of following bonds has maximum bond length?
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Which of the following sets of components form homogeneous mixture?
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Which among the following compounds in crystalline form is used for making Nicol's prism?
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Two electrolytic cells are connected in series containing $\mathrm{CuSO}_4$ solution and molten $\mathrm{AlCl}_3$. If in
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Mandelonitrile is obtained by the reaction between hydrogen cyanide and
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The ionic charges on chromate ion and dichromate ion respectively is
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In the reaction, $\mathrm{C}_6 \mathrm{H}_5 \mathrm{COCH}_3 \xrightarrow[\mathrm{Zn}-\mathrm{Hg} / \text { conc. } \math
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What is the percentage of carbon in urea? (Atomic mass $C=12, H=1, N=14, O=16$)
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$\alpha$ - butylene when subjected to hydroboration oxidation reaction, yields
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Calculate van't Hoff-factor for 0.2 m aqueous solution of KCl which freezes at $-0.680^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$. $\left(K_f=1
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Which among the following sets of compounds is used as raw material for the preparation of sodium carbonate by Solvay pr
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What is the $\mathrm{H}-\mathrm{S}-\mathrm{H}$ bond angle in $\mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{~S}$ ?
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' $K$ is Henry's constant and has the unit
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For the conversion of oxygen to ozone in the atmosphere, nitric oxide in gaseous phase acts as
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Which among the following group 15 elements does not exhibit allotropy?
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Which among the following oxides of nitrogen is called nitrogen sesquioxide?
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For the elementary reaction $2 \mathrm{SO}_2(\mathrm{~g})+\mathrm{O}_2(\mathrm{~g}) \longrightarrow 2 \mathrm{SO}_3(g)$,
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For a process, entropy change of a system is expressed as
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Which among the following is not a semi-synthetic polymer?
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Bassemerisation is used in the extraction of
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Which among the following reaction is an example of a zero order reaction?
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The resistance of $\frac{1}{10} M$ solution is $25 \times 10^3$ ohm. What is the molar conductivity of solution? (cell c
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If the van't Hoff-factor for $0.1 \mathrm{~M} \mathrm{~Ba}\left(\mathrm{NO}_3\right)_2$ solution is 2.74 , the degree of
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What happens when ionic hydrides of $s$-block elements in molten state are electrolysed?
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Which of following is not a property of red phosphorus?
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The bond line formula of 1-iodo -2, 3-dimethyl pentane is
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When propene reacts with HCl in presence of peroxide, the product is
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Which hydride among the following is strongest reducing agent?
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Which of the following is not as antiseptic compound?
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$\beta$-pleated sheets of polypeptide chains are present in
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If $P\left(x_1, y_1\right)$ is a point on the hyperbola $x^2-y^2=a^2$, then $S P$. S'P $=$ .............
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If $f(x)=\cos ^{-1}\left[\frac{1-(\log x)^2}{1+(\log x)^2}\right]$, then $f^{\prime}(e)=\ldots$
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The order of the differential equation of all circles whose radius is 4 , is ...........
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If $A=\left[\begin{array}{ll}x & 1 \\ 1 & 0\end{array}\right]$ and $A=A^{-1}$, then $x=\ldots \ldots$
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Which of the following function is not continuous at $x=0$ ?
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It is observed that $25 \%$ of the cases related to child labour reported to the police station are solved. If 6 new cas
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For a GP, if $S_n=\frac{4^n-3^n}{3^n}$, then $t_2=$ ...........
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The area of the region bounded by the curve $y=2 x-x^2$ and the line $y=x$ is ........... units. square
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The general solution of $x \frac{d y}{d x}=y-x \tan \left(\frac{y}{x}\right)$ is .............
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The statement pattern $(p \wedge q) \wedge[\sim r \vee(p \wedge q)] \vee(\sim p \wedge q)$ is equivalent to ...........
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A bag contains 6 white and 4 black balls. Two balls are drawn at random. The probability that they are of the same colou
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$$\int \frac{\cos x+x \sin x}{x^2+x \cos x} d x=$$ ...........
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A stone is dropped into a pond. Waves in the form of circles are generated and radius of outermost ripple increases at t
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If $f(x)=3 x-2$ and $g(x)=x^2$, then $(f \circ g)(x)=$
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Which of the following is not equivalent to $p \rightarrow q$.
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The value of $\int_{-3}^3\left(a x^5+b x^3+c x+k\right) d x$, where $a, b, c, k$ are constants, depends only on
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The general solution of the differential equation of all circles having centre at $A(-1,2)$ is ........
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If $A$ is non-singular matrix such that $(A-2 l)(A-4 I)=0$ then $A+8 A^{-1}=$ ..........
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If $G(3,-5, r)$ is centroid of triangle $A B C$ where $A(7,-8,1), B(p, q, 5)$ and $C(q+1,5 p, 0)$ are vertices of a tria
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$$\int \frac{1}{\left(x^2+1\right)^2} d x=\ldots$$
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If $\theta=\frac{17 \pi}{3}$ then, $\tan \theta-\cot \theta=\ldots$
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Derivative of $\log _{e^2}(\log x)$ with respect to $x$ is
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In $\triangle A B C$; with usual notations, if $\cos A=\frac{\sin B}{\sin C}$ then the triangle is ............
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For a GP, if $(m+n)^{\text {th }}$ term is $p$ and $(m-n)^{\mathrm{th}}$ term is $q$, then $m^{\text {th }}$ term is ...
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A random variable X has following probability distribution .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{bor
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The equation of normal to the curve $y=\log _\theta x$ at the point $P(1,0)$ is ............
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The values of $x$ in $\left(0, \frac{\pi}{2}\right)$ satisfying the equation $\sin x \cos x=\frac{1}{4}$ are ..........
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If $\mathbf{a}+\mathbf{b}, \mathbf{b}+\mathbf{c}$ anc $\mathbf{c}+\mathbf{a}$ are coterminous edges of a parallel opiped
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If the c.d.f (cumulative distribution function) is given by $F(x)=\frac{x-25}{10}$, then $P(27 \leq x \leq 33)=\ldots \l
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 The joint equation of pair of straight lines passing through origin and having slopes $(1+\sqrt{2})$ and $\left(\frac{1
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The angle between lines $\frac{x-2}{2}=\frac{y-3}{-2}=\frac{z-5}{1}$ and $\frac{x-2}{1}=\frac{y-3}{2}=\frac{z-5}{2}$ is
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If the line passes through the points $P(6,-1,2), Q(8,-7,2 \lambda)$ and $R(5,2,4)$ then value of $\lambda$ is .........
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The equivalent form of the statement $\sim(p \rightarrow \sim q)$ is $\ldots$
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If $A=\left(x \in R: x^2-5|x|+6=0\right\}$, then $n(A)=\ldots \ldots$
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If the function $f(x)=\frac{\log (1+a x)-\log (1-b x)}{x}$ $x \neq 0$ is continuous at $x=0$ then, $f(0)=\ldots \ldots$
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The co-ordinates of the foot of perpendicular drawn from origin to the plane $2 x-y+5 z-3=0$ are $\ldots \ldots$
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$$\int \frac{\sqrt{x^2-a^2}}{x} d x=\ldots \ldots$$
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The maximum value of $z=9 x+11 y$ subject to $3 x+2 y \leq 12,2 x+3 y \leq 12, x \geq 0, y \geq 0$ is $\ldots \ldots$.
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$$\int_0^4 \frac{1}{1+\sqrt{x}} d x=\ldots \ldots$$
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The number of solutions of $\sin ^2 \theta=\frac{1}{2}$ in $[0, \pi]$ is ..........
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If $\mathbf{p}, \mathbf{q}$ and $\mathbf{r}$ are non-zero, non-coplanar vectors
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Which of the following equations has no solution?
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The minimum value of $z=10 x+25 y$ subject to $0 \leq x \leq 3,0 \leq y \leq 3, x+y \geq 5$ is $\ldots$
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If $f(x)=3 x^3-9 x^2-27 x+15$, then the maximum value of $f(x)$ is ...........
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The equation of the plane passing through the point $(-1,2,1)$ and perpendicular to the line joining the points $(-3,1,2
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If the lengths of the transverse axis and the latusrectum of a hyperbola are 6 and $\frac{8}{3}$ respectively, then the
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The value of $\tan ^{-1} \frac{1}{3}+\tan ^{-1} \frac{1}{5}+\tan ^{-1} \frac{1}{7}+\tan ^{-1} \frac{1}{8}$ is ..........
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The joint equation of the lines passing through the origin and trisecting the first quadrant is
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If $P(2,2), Q(-2,4)$ and $R(3,4)$ are the vertices of $\triangle P Q R$ then the equation of the median through vertex $
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If $x=\sqrt{a^{\sin ^{-1} t}}, y=\sqrt{a^{\cos ^{-1} t}}$, then $\frac{d y}{d x}=\ldots .$.
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A stone of mass 1 kg is tied to a string 2 m long and it's rotated at constant speed of $40 \mathrm{~ms}^{-1}$ in a vert
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2. Two coils have a mutual inductance of 0.01 H . The current in the first coil changes according to equation, $I=5 \sin
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The radius of the earth and the radius of orbit around the sun are 6371 km and $149 \times 10^6 \mathrm{~km}$ respective
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Two open pipes of different lengths and same diameter in which the air column vibrates with fundamental frequencies ' $n
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If ' $C_P$ ' and ' $C_V$ ' are molar specific heats of an ideal gas at constant pressure and volume respectively. If ' $
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In a series $L C R$ circuit $R=300 \Omega, L=0.9 \mathrm{H}$, $C=2 \mu \mathrm{~F}, \omega=1000 \mathrm{rad} / \mathrm{s
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The quantity which does not vary periodically for a particle performing SHM is
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Which of the following combinations of 7 identical capacitors each of $2 \mu \mathrm{~F}$ gives a resultant capacitance
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Bohr model is applied to a particle of mass ' $m$ ' and charge ' $q$ ' is moving in a plane under the influence of a tra
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In moving coil galvanometer, strong horse shoe magnet of concave shaped pole pieces is used to
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1. Two identical wires of substances ' $P$ ' and ' $Q$ ' are subjected to equal stretching force along the length. If th
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 If $W_1, W_2$ and $W_3$ represent the work done in moving a particle from $A$ to $B$ along three different paths 1
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Assuming that the junction diode is ideal, the current in the arrangement shown in figure is
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The equation of simple harmonic progressive wave is given by $Y=a \sin 2 \pi(b t-c x)$. The maximum particle velocity wi
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In a fundamental mode,the time required for the sound wave to reach upto the closed end of a pipe filled with air is ' $
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Two small drops of mercury each of radius ' $R$ ' coalesce to form a large single drop. The ratio of the total surface e
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If radius of the solid sphere is doubled by keeping its mass constant, the ratio of their moment of inertia about any of
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For a metallic wire, the ratio of voltage to corresponding current is
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In air, a charged soap bubble of radius ' $R$ ' breaks into 27 small soap bubbles of equal radius ' $r$ '. Then the rati
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Two parallel conductors carrying unequal currents in the same direction ............
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A layer of atmosphere that reflects medium frequency radio waves which is ineffective during night, is
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A transverse wave is propagating on the string. The linear density of a vibrating string is $10^{-3} \mathrm{~kg} / \mat
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The kinetic energy of a revolving satellite (mass $m$ ) at a height equal to thrice the radius of the earth $(R)$ is
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A particle executes the simple harmonic motion with an amplitude ' $A$ '. The distance travelled by it in one periodic t
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A galvanometer has resistance of $100 \Omega$ and a current of 10 mA produces full scale deflection in it. The resistanc
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The angle made by orbital angular momentum of electron with the direction of the orbital magnetic moment is
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The circuit in 1$$\Omega$$ resistor in the following circuit is
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The wavelength of the first line in Balmer series in the hydrogen spectrum is ' $\lambda$ '. What is the wavelength of t
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Work done in stretching a wire through 1 mm is 2 J . What amount of work will be done for elongating another wire of sam
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The resultant $\mathbf{R}$ of $\mathbf{P}$ and $\mathbf{Q}$ is perpendicular to $\mathbf{P}$. Also $|\mathbf{P}|=|\mathb
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A telescope has large diameter of the objective. Then its resolving power is
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A uniform rod of length ' 6 L ' and mass ' 8 m ' is pivoted at its centre ' $C$ '. Two masses ' $m$ ' and ' $2 m^{\prime
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If $\sqrt{A^2+B^2}$ represents the magnitude of resultant of two vectors $(\mathbf{A}+\mathbf{B})$ and $(\mathbf{A}-\mat
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A thin metal wire of length 'L' and uniform linear mass density '$\rho$' is bent into a circular coil with 'O' as centre
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The dimensions of torque are same as that of
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. For a transistor, the current ratio ' $\beta_{d c}$ ' is defined as the ratio of
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A clock pendulum having coefficient of linear expansion. $\alpha=9 \times 10^{-7} /{ }^{\circ} \mathrm{C}^{-1}$ has a pe
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Two capillary tubes of different diameters are dipped in water. The rise of water is
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A thin hollow prism of refracting angle $3^{\circ}$, filled with water gives a deviation of $1^{\circ}$. The refractive
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A body is projected vertically from the surface of the earth of radius ' $R$ ' with velocity equal to half of the escape
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In biprism experiment, the distance between source and eyepiece is 1.2 m, the distance between two virtual sources is 0.
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When photons of energy $h v$ fall on a metal plate of work function ' $W_0$ ', photoelectrons of maximum kinetic energy
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If a star emitting yellow light is accelerated towards earth, then to an observer on earth it will appear
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The magnitude of the magnetic induction at a point on the axis at a large distance ( $r$ ) from the centre of a circular
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A metal sphere of radius ' $R$ ' and density ' $\rho_1$ ' is dropped in a liquid of density ' $\sigma$ ' moves with term
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If $\alpha$ is the coefficient of performance of a refrigerator and ' $Q$ ' is heat released to the hot reservoir, then
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The real force ' $F$ ' acting on a particle of mass $m$ ' performing circular motion acts along the radius of circle ' $
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Dimensions of Gyromagnetic ratio are
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The maximum velocity of the photoelectron emitted by the metal surface is ' $v$ '. Charge and mass of the photoelectron
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The equi-convex lens has a focal length ' $f$ '. If the lens is cut along the line perpendicular to the principal axis a
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