Chemical Kinetics · Chemistry · NEET

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MCQ (Single Correct Answer)

NEET 2024 (Re-Examination)
Following data is for a reaction between reactants A and B : .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style...
NEET 2024 (Re-Examination)
Which of the following plot represents the variation of $$\ln \mathrm{k}$$ versus $$\frac{1}{\mathrm{~T}}$$ in accordance with Arrhenius equation?...
NEET 2024 (Re-Examination)
Rate constants of a reaction at $$500 \mathrm{~K}$$ and $$700 \mathrm{~K}$$ are $$0.04 \mathrm{~s}^{-1}$$ and $$0.14 \mathrm{~s}^{-1}$$, respectively;...
NEET 2024
Activation energy of any chemical reaction can be calculated if one knows the value of
NEET 2024
Which plot of $$\ln \mathrm{k}$$ vs $$\frac{1}{\mathrm{~T}}$$ is consistent with Arrhenius equation?
NEET 2024
The rate of a reaction quadruples when temperature changes from $$27^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$$ to $$57^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$$. Calculate the energy of activa...
NEET 2023 Manipur
For a reaction $$3 \mathrm{~A} \rightarrow 2 \mathrm{~B}$$ The average rate of appearance of $$\mathrm{B}$$ is given by $$\frac{\Delta[B]}{\Delta t}$$...
NEET 2023 Manipur
The correct options for the rate law that corresponds to overall first order reaction is
NEET 2023
For a certain reaction, the rate $$=\mathrm{k}[\mathrm{A}]^{2}[\mathrm{~B}]$$, when the initial concentration of A is tripled keeping concentration of...
NEET 2023
Given below are two statements: one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R. Assertion A : A reaction can have zero activatio...
NEET 2022 Phase 2
For a chemical reaction 4A + 3B $$\to$$ 6C + 9D Rate of formation of C is 6 $$\times$$ 10$$-$$2 mol L$$-$$1 s$$-$$1 and rate of disappearance of A is ...
NEET 2022 Phase 1
The given graph is a representation of kinetics of a reaction The y and x axes for zero and first order reactions, respectively are...
NEET 2022 Phase 1
For a first order reaction A $$\to$$ Products, initial concentration of A is 0.1 M, which becomes 0.001 M after 5 minutes. Rate constant for the react...
NEET 2021
For a reaction, A $$\to$$ B, enthalpy of reaction is $$-$$4.2 kJ mol$$-$$1 and enthalpy of activation is 9.6 kJ mol$$-$$1. The correct potential energ...
NEET 2021
The slope of Arrhenius plot $$\left( {\ln \,k\,v/s{1 \over T}} \right)$$ of first order reactino is $$-$$5 $$\times$$ 103K. The value of Ea of the rea...
NEET 2020 Phase 1
An increase in the concentration of the reactants of a reaction leads to change in :
NEET 2020 Phase 1
The rate constant for a first order reaction is 4.606 $$ \times $$ 10-3 s-1. The time required to reduce 2.0 g of the reactant to 0.2 g is :...
NEET 2019
If the rate constant for a first order reaction is k, the time (t) required for the completion of 99 % of the reaction is given by :
NEET 2019
For the chemical reaction N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g) the correct option is :
NEET 2018
The correct difference between first and second order reactions is that
NEET 2018
When initial concentration of the reactant is doubled, the half-life period of a zero order reaction
NEET 2017
Mechanism of a hypothetical reaction X2 + Y2 $$ \to $$ 2XY, is given below : (i)   X2 $$ \to $$ X + X (fast) (ii)  X + Y2 $$\r...
NEET 2017
A first order reaction has a specific reaction rate of 10$$-$$2 sec$$-$$1. How much time will it take for 20 g of the reactant to reduce to 5 g? ...
NEET 2016 Phase 2
The decomposition of phosphine (PH3) on tungsten at low pressure is a first-order reaction. It is because the
NEET 2016 Phase 1
The rate of first-order reaction is 0.04 mol L$$-$$1 s$$-$$1 at 10 seconds and 0.03 mol L$$-$$1 s$$-$$1 at 20 seconds after initiation of the reaction...
NEET 2016 Phase 1
The addition of a catalyst during a chemical reaction alters which of the following quantities?
AIPMT 2015
The rate constant of the reaction A $$ \to $$ B is 0.6 $$ \times $$ 10$$-$$3 mol L$$-$$1 s$$-$$1. If the concentration of A is 5 M, then concentratio...
AIPMT 2015 Cancelled Paper
The activation energy of a reaction can be determined from the slope of which of the following graphs?
AIPMT 2015 Cancelled Paper
When initial concentration of a reactant is doubled in a reaction, its half-life period is not affected. The order of the reaction is
NEET 2013 (Karnataka)
For a reaction between A and B the order with respect to A is 2 and the other with respect to B is 3. The concentrations of both A and B are doubled, ...
NEET 2013 (Karnataka)
A reaction is 50% complete in 2 hours and 75% complete in 4 hours. The order of reaction is
NEET 2013
What is the activation energy for a reaction if its rate doubles when the temperature is raised from 20oC to 35oC? (R = 8.314 J mol$$-$$1 K$$-$$1)...
AIPMT 2012 Prelims
In a reaction, A + B $$ \to $$ product, rate is doubled when the concentration of B is doubled, and rate increases by a factor of 8 when the concentra...
AIPMT 2012 Prelims
In a zero-order reaction, for every 10oC rise of temperature, the rate is doubled. If the temperature is increased from 10oC to 100oC, the rate of the...
AIPMT 2011 Mains
The rate of the reaction :   2N2O5 $$ \to $$ 4NO2 + O2 can be written in three ways. $${{ - d\left[ {{N_2}{O_5}} \right]} \over {dt}} = k\l...
AIPMT 2011 Mains
The half-life of a substance in a certain enzyme-catalysed reaction is 138 s. The time required for the concentration of the substance to fall from 1....
AIPMT 2011 Mains
The unit of rate constant for a zero order reaction is
AIPMT 2011 Prelims
Which one of the following statements for the order of a reaction is incorrect?
AIPMT 2010 Mains
The rate of the reaction, 2NO + Cl2 $$ \to $$ 2NOCl is given by the rate equation rate = k[NO]2[Cl2]. The value of the rate constant can be increased ...
AIPMT 2010 Prelims
For the reaction N2O5(g) $$ \to $$  2NO2(g) + 1/2O2(g) the value of rate of disappearance of N2O5 is given as 6.25 $$ \times $$ 10$$-$$3 m...
AIPMT 2010 Prelims
During the kinetic study of the reaction, 2A + B $$ \to $$ C + D, following results were obtained .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} ....
AIPMT 2009
For the reaction, N2 + 3H2 $$ \to $$ 2NH3, if $${{d\left[ {N{H_3}} \right]} \over {dt}}$$ = 2 $$ \times $$ 10$$-$$4 mol L$$-$$1 s$$-$$1, the value of...
AIPMT 2009
In the reaction, BrO$$_{3(aq)}^ - $$ + 5Br$$_{(aq)}^ - $$ + 6H+ $$ \to $$ 3Br2(l) + 3H2O(l). The rate of appearance of bromine (Br2) is related...
AIPMT 2009
For the reaction A + B $$ \to $$ products, it is observed that (i)  on doubling the initial concentration of A only, the rate of reaction is...
AIPMT 2009
Half-life period of a first order reaction is 1386 seconds. The specific rate constant of the reaction is
AIPMT 2008
The rate constants k1 and k2 for two different reactions are 1016 $$ \cdot $$ e$$-$$2000/T and 1015 $$ \cdot $$ e$$-$$1000/T, respectively. The tem...
AIPMT 2008
The bromination of acetone that occurs in acid solution is represented by this equation. CH3COCH3(aq) + Br2(aq)  $$ \to $$   &nbs...
AIPMT 2007
If 60% of a first order reaction was completed in 60 minutes, 50% of the same reaction would be completed in approximately (log 4 = 0.60, log 5 = 0.6...
AIPMT 2007
In a first-order reaction A $$ \to $$ B, if k is rate constant and initial concentration of the reactant A is 0.5 M, then the half-life is
AIPMT 2007
The reaction of hydrogen and iodine monochloride is given as : H2(g) + 2ICl(g) $$ \to $$ 2HCl(g) + I2(g) This reaction is of first order with respect...
AIPMT 2006
Consider the reaction :  N2(g) + 3H2(g) $$ \to $$ 2NH3(g) The equality relationship between $${{d\left[ {N{H_3}} \right]} \over {dt}}$$ and ...
AIPMT 2006
For the reaction, 2A + B $$ \to $$ 3C + D, which of the following does not express the reaction rate?
AIPMT 2005
The rate of reaction between two reactions A and B decreases by a factor of 4 if the concentration of reactant B is doubled. The order of this reactio...
AIPMT 2005
For a first order reaction A $$ \to $$ B the reaction rate a reactant concentration of 0.01 M is found to be 2.0 $$ \times $$ 10$$-$$5 mol L$$-$$1 s$$...
AIPMT 2004
The rate of a first order reaction is 1.5 $$ \times $$ 10$$-$$2 mol L$$-$$1 min$$-$$1 at 0.5 M concentration of the reactant. The half-life of the rea...
AIPMT 2003
The temperature dependence of rate constant (k) of a chemical reaction is written in terms of Arrhenius equation, $$k = A \cdot {e^{ - E{}^ * /RT}}$$....
AIPMT 2003
If the rate of the reaction is equal to the rate constant, the order of the reaction is
AIPMT 2003
The reaction A $$ \to $$ B follows first order kinetics. The time taken for 0.8 mole of A to produce 0.6 mole of B is 1 hour. What is the time taken f...
AIPMT 2003
The activation energy for a simple chemical reaction A $$\rightleftharpoons$$ B is E$$a$$ in forward direction. The activation energy for reverse reac...
AIPMT 2002
2A $$ \to $$ B + C It would be a zero order reaction when
AIPMT 2001
When a bio-chemical reaction is carried out in laboratory, outside the human body in absence of enzyme, then rate of reaction obtained is 10$$-$$6 tim...
AIPMT 2001
For the reaction; 2N2O5 $$ \to $$ 4NO2 + O2 rate and rate constant are 1.02 $$ \times $$ 10$$-$$4 and 3.4 $$ \times $$ 10$$-$$5 sec$$-$$1 respecti...
AIPMT 2000
How enzymes increases the rate of reactions
AIPMT 2000
For the reaction H+ + BrO$$_3^ - $$ + 3Br$$-$$ $$ \to $$ 5Br2 + H2O which of the following relation correctly represents the consumption and formation...

MCQ (More than One Correct Answer)

AIPMT 2012 Mains
Activation energy (E$$a$$) and rate constants (k1 and k2) of a chemical reaction at two different temperatures (T1 and T2) are related by...
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