A simply supported, uniformly loaded, two-way slab panel is torsionally unrestrained. The effective span lengths along the short span (x) and long span (y) directions of the panel are $l_{x}$ and $l_{y}$, respectively. The design moments for the reinforcements along the x and y directions are $M_{ux}$ and $M_{uy}$, respectively. By using Rankine-Grashoff method, the ratio $M_{ux}/M_{uy}$ is proportional to
A concrete column section of size 300 mm $\times$ 500 mm as shown in the figure is subjected to both axial compression and bending along the major axis. The depth of the neutral axis ($x_u$) is 1.1 times the depth of the column, as shown.

The maximum compressive strain ($\epsilon_c$) at highly compressive extreme fiber in concrete, where there is no tension in the section, is _______________ $\times 10^{-3}$ (rounded off to 2 decimal places).
For a thin-walled section shown in the figure, points P, Q, and R are located on the major bending axis X−X of the section. Point Q is located on the web whereas point S is located at the intersection of the web and the top flange of the section.
Qualitatively, the shear center of the section lies at
The steel angle section shown in the figure has elastic section modulus of 150.92 cm3 about the horizontal X−X axis, which passes through the centroid of the section.

The shape factor of the section is ______ (rounded off to 2 decimal places).