GATE CE 2024 Set 2
Paper was held on Sun, Feb 12, 2023 9:00 AM
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Consider the statements P and Q. P: In a Pure project organization, the project manager maintains complete authority and
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Consider the following data for a project of 300 days duration.Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS) = Rs. 200Budgeted
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A critical activity in a project is estimated to take 15 days to complete at a cost of Rs. 30,000. The activity can be e
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In the context of pavement material characterization, the CORRECT statement(s) is/are
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The table shows the activities and their durations and dependencies in a project.table { width: 100%; border-collapse: c
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A partial differential equation$$\frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial y^2} = 0$$is defined f
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The statements P and Q are related to matrices A and B, which are conformable for both addition and multiplication. P: $
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The second derivative of a function $f$ is computed using the fourth-order Central Divided Difference method with a step
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The function $f(x) = x^3 - 27x + 4$, $1 \leq x \leq 6$ has
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Consider two Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs):P: $ \dfrac{dy}{dx} = \dfrac{x^4 + 3x^2 y^2 + 2y^4}{x^3 y} $Q: $ \df
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In a sample of 100 heart patients, each patient has 80% chance of having a heart attack without medicine X. It is clinic
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Three vectors $\overrightarrow{p}$, $\overrightarrow{q}$, and $\overrightarrow{r}$ are given as$ \overrightarrow{p} = \h
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The expression for computing the effective interest rate $(i_{eff})$ using continuous compounding for a nominal interest
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Consider two matrices $A = \begin{bmatrix}2 & 1 & 4 \\ 1 & 0 & 3\end{bmatrix}$ and $B = \begin{bmatrix}-1 & 0 \\ 2 & 3 \
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A 3 m long, horizontal, rigid, uniform beam PQ has negligible mass. The beam is subjected to a 3 kN concentrated vertica
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What is the CORRECT match between the air pollutants and treatment techniques given in the table?table { width: 100%; bo
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Which one of the following products is NOT obtained in anaerobic decomposition of glucose?
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A circular settling tank is to be designed for primary treatment of sewage at a flow rate of 10 million liters/day. Assu
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An organic waste is represented as C240O200H180N5S5.(Atomic weights: S-32, H-1, C-12, O-16, N-14).Assume complete conver
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The following figure shows a plot between shear stress and velocity gradient for materials/fluids P, Q, R, S, and T.Whic
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A 2 m wide rectangular channel is carrying a discharge of 30 m3/s at a bed slope of 1 in 300. Assuming the energy correc
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A round-bottom triangular lined canal is to be laid at a slope of 1 in 1500, to carry a discharge of 25 m3/s. The side s
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A hypothetical multimedia filter, consisting of anthracite particles (specific gravity: 1.50), silica sand (specific gra
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A 500 m long water distribution pipeline P with diameter 1.0 m, is used to convey 0.1 m3/s of flow. A new pipeline Q, wi
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A 2 m × 1.5 m tank of 6 m height is provided with a 100 mm diameter orifice at the center of its base. The orifice is pl
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A rectangular channel is 4.0 m wide and carries a discharge of 2.0 m3/s with a depth of 0.4 m. The channel transitions t
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For a reconnaissance survey, it is necessary to obtain vertical aerial photographs of a terrain at an average scale of 1
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What is the CORRECT match between the survey instruments/parts of instruments shown in the table and the operations carr
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To finalize the direction of a survey, four surveyors set up a theodolite at a station P and performed all the temporary
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A child walks on a level surface from point P to point Q at a bearing of 30°, from point Q to point R at a bearing of 90
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Differential levelling is carried out from point P (BM: +200.000 m) to point R. The readings taken are given in the tabl
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The contact pressure distribution shown in the figure belongs to a
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Which one of the following saturated fine-grained soils can attain a negative Skempton’s pore pressure coefficient (A)?
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A reinforced concrete pile of 10 m length and 0.7 m diameter is embedded in a saturated pure clay with unit cohesion of
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Consider the statements P and Q related to the analysis/design of retaining walls.P: When a rough retaining wall moves t
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Consider the statements P, Q, and R. P: Compacted fine-grained soils with flocculated structure have isotropic permeabil
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A homogeneous earth dam has a maximum water head difference of 15 m between the upstream and downstream sides. A flownet
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The in-situ percentage of voids of a sand deposit is 50%. The maximum and minimum densities of sand determined from the
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A drained triaxial test was conducted on a saturated sand specimen using a stress-path triaxial testing system. The spec
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A storm with a recorded precipitation of 11.0 cm, as shown in the table, produced a direct run-off of 6.0 cm. table {
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A simply supported, uniformly loaded, two-way slab panel is torsionally unrestrained. The effective span lengths along t
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A concrete column section of size 300 mm $\times$ 500 mm as shown in the figure is subjected to both axial compression a
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For a thin-walled section shown in the figure, points P, Q, and R are located on the major bending axis X−X of the secti
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The steel angle section shown in the figure has elastic section modulus of 150.92 cm3 about the horizontal X−X axis, whi
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A linearly elastic beam of length 2l with flexural rigidity EI has negligible mass. A massless spring with a spring cons
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A homogeneous, prismatic, linearly elastic steel bar fixed at both the ends has a slenderness ratio (l/r) of 105, where
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For the 6m long horizontal cantilever beam PQR shown in the figure, Q is the midpoint. Segment PQ of the beam has flexur
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The structural design method that DOES NOT take into account the safety factors on the design loads is
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The horizontal beam PQRS shown in the figure has a fixed support at point P, an internal hinge at point Q, and a pin sup
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The longitudinal sections of a runway have gradients as shown in the table. table { width: 100%; border-co
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In general, the outer edge is raised above the inner edge in horizontal curves for
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Various stresses in jointed plain concrete pavement with slab size of 3.5 m × 4.5 m are denoted as follows: Wheel load s
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The consolidated data of a spot speed study for a certain stretch of a highway is given in the table.table { width: 100%
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A horizontal curve of radius 1080 m (with transition curves on either side) in a Broad Gauge railway track is designed a
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A vertical summit curve on a freight corridor is formed at the intersection of two gradients, +3.0% and −5.0%.Assume the
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General Aptitude

If '→' denotes increasing order of intensity, then the meaning of the words [drizzle → rain → downpour] is analogous to
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Statements:1. All heroes are winners.2. All winners are lucky people.Inferences:I. All lucky people are heroes.II. Some
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A student was supposed to multiply a positive real number $p$ with another positive real number $q$. Instead, the studen
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If the sum of the first 20 consecutive positive odd numbers is divided by $20^2$, the result is
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The ratio of the number of girls to boys in class VIII is the same as the ratio of the number of boys to girls in class
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In the given text, the blanks are numbered (i)–(iv). Select the best match for all the blanks.Yoko Roi stands _____ (i)
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Seven identical cylindrical chalk-sticks are fitted tightly in a cylindrical container. The figure below shows the arran
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The plot below shows the relationship between the mortality risk of cardiovascular disease and the number of steps a per
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Five cubes of identical size and another smaller cube are assembled as shown in Figure A. If viewed from direction X, th
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Visualize a cube that is held with one of the four body diagonals aligned to the vertical axis. Rotate the cube about th
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