GATE CE 2023 Set 2
Paper was held on Sun, Feb 12, 2023 9:00 AM
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M20 concrete as per IS 456: 2000 refers to concrete with a design mix having _______.
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Let πœ™ be a scalar field, and 𝒖 be a vector field. Which of the following identities is true for div(πœ™π’–)?
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Which of the following probability distribution functions (PDFs) has the mean greater than the median?
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A remote village has exactly 1000 vehicles with sequential registration numbers starting from 1000. Out of the total veh
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For the matrix $\rm [A]=\begin{bmatrix}1&-1&0\\\ -1&2&-1\\\ 0&-1&1\end{bmatrix}$ which of the
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The steady-state temperature distribution in a square plate ABCD is governed by the 2-dimensional Laplace equation. The
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The solution of the differential equation $\rm \frac{d^3y}{dx^3}-5.5\frac{d^2y}{dx^2}+9.5\frac{dy}{dx}-5y=0$ is expres
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Two vectors [2 1 0 3]𝑇 and [1 0 1 2]𝑇 belong to the null space of a 4 Γ— 4 matrix of rank 2. Which one of the following
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Cholesky decomposition is carried out on the following square matrix [𝐴].  $\rm [A]=\begin{bmatrix}8&-5\\\ -5
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In the context of Municipal Solid Waste Management, β€˜Haul’ in β€˜Hauled Container System operated in conventional mode’ in
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Which of the following is/are NOT active disinfectant(s) in water treatment?
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For the elevation and temperature data given in the table, the existing lapse rate in the environment is _____ ℃/100 m (
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Match the following air pollutants with the most appropriate adverse health effects : table {
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In the context of water and wastewater treatments, the correct statements are:
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Which of the following statements is/are TRUE for the aerobic composting of sewage sludge?
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The theoretical aerobic oxidation of biomass (C5H7O2N) is given below: C5H7O2N + 5O2 β†’ 5CO2 + NH3 + 2H2O The biochemic
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A system of seven river segments is shown in the schematic diagram. The Ri’s, Qi’s, and Ci’s (i = 1 to 7) are the river
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The pressure in a pipe at X is to be measured by an open manometer as shown in figure. Fluid A is oil with a specific gr
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A compound symmetrical open channel section as shown in the figure has a maximum of _______ critical depth(s). Bm – B
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The critical flow condition in a channel is given by _______. [Note: 𝛼 – kinetic energy correction factor; 𝑄 – discha
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Which of the following statements is/are TRUE?
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The cross-section of a small river is sub-divided into seven segments of width 1.5 m each. The average depth, and veloci
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The magnetic bearing of the sun for a location at noon is 183˚ 30ˊ. If the sun is exactly on the geographic meridian at
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If the size of the ground area is 6 km Γ— 3 km and the corresponding photo size in the aerial photograph is 30 cm Γ— 15 cm
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A delivery agent is at a location R. To deliver the order, she is instructed to travel to location P along straight-line
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A standard penetration test (SPT) was carried out at a location by using a manually operated hammer dropping system with
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A vertical sheet pile wall is installed in an anisotropic soil having coefficient of horizontal permeability, π‘˜π» and c
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The reason(s) of the nonuniform elastic settlement profile below a flexible footing, resting on a cohesionless soil whil
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An unconfined compression strength test was conducted on a cohesive soil. The test specimen failed at an axial stress of
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In the given figure, Point O indicates the stress point of a soil element at initial non-hydrostatic stress condition. F
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The figure shows a vertical retaining wall with backfill consisting of cohesive-frictional soil and a failure plane deve
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A square footing is to be designed to carry a column load of 500 kN which is resting on a soil stratum having the follow
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A circular pile of diameter 0.6 m and length 8 m was constructed in a cohesive soil stratum having the following propert
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For the flow setup shown in the figure (not to scale), the hydraulic conductivities of the two soil samples, Soil 1 and
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A consolidated drained (CD) triaxial test was carried out on a sand sample with the known effective shear strength param
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Which one of the following options provides the correct match of the terms listed in Column-1 and Column-2?
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A catchment may be idealized as a circle of radius 30 km. There are five rain gauges, one at the center of the catchment
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Identify the cross-drainage work in the figure.
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With regard to the shear design of RCC beams, which of the following statements is/are TRUE?
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Consider the singly reinforced section of a cantilever concrete beam under bending, as shown in the figure (M25 grade co
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Two plates are connected by fillet welds of size 10 mm and subjected to tension, as shown in the figure. The thickness o
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A circular solid shaft of span L = 5 m is fixed at one end and free at the other end. A torque T = 100 kN.m is applied a
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When a simply-supported elastic beam of span L and flexural rigidity EI (E is the modulus of elasticity and I is the mom
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In the frame shown in the figure (not to scale), all four members (AB, BC, CD, and AD) have the same length and same con
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In a two-dimensional stress analysis, the state of stress at a point is shown in the figure. The values of length of PQ,
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A 5 cm long metal rod AB was initially at a uniform temperature of T0Β°C. Thereafter, temperature at both the ends are ma
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A beam is subjected to a system of coplanar forces as shown in the figure. The magnitude of vertical reaction at Support
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A 2D thin plate with modulus of elasticity, 𝐸 = 1.0 N/m2, and Poisson’s ratio, πœ‡ = 0.5, is in plane stress condition.
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Muller-Breslau principle is used in analysis of structures for ________.
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For the frame shown in the figure (not to scale), all members (AB, BC, CD, GB, and CH) have the same length, 𝐿 and flex
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An idealised frame supports a load as shown in the figure. The horizontal component of the force transferred from the ho
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Which of the following is equal to the stopping sight distance?
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As per the Indian Roads Congress guidelines (IRC 86: 2018), extra widening depends on which of the following parameters?
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The figure presents the time-space diagram for when the traffic on a highway is suddenly stopped for a certain time and
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Consider the Marshall method of mix design for bituminous mix. With the increase in bitumen content, which of the follow
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General Aptitude

The line ran _______ the page, right through the centre, and divided the page into two.
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Kind : ________ :: Often : Seldom (By word meaning)
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In how many ways can cells in a 3 Γ— 3 grid be shaded, such that each row and each column have exactly one shaded cell? A
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There are 4 red, 5 green, and 6 blue balls inside a box. If 𝑁 number of balls are picked simultaneously, what is the sm
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Consider a circle with its centre at the origin (O), as shown. Two operations are allowed on the circle. Operation 1: S
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Elvesland is a country that has peculiar beliefs and practices. They express almost all their emotions by gifting flower
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Three husband-wife pairs are to be seated at a circular table that has six identical chairs. Seating arrangements are de
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Based only on the following passage, which one of the options can be inferred with certainty? When the congregation san
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If x satisfies the equation $\rm 4^{8^x}=256$, then x is equal to ______.
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Consider a spherical globe rotating about an axis passing through its poles. There are three points P, Q, and R situated
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