GATE CE 2022 Set 1
Paper was held on Sat, Feb 12, 2022 3:30 AM
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Which of the following equations is correct for the Pozzolanic reaction?
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The project activities are given in the following table along with the duration and dependency. .tg {border-collapse:c
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Consider the following expression: z = sin(y + it) + cos(y $$-$$ it) where z, y, and t are variables, and $$i = \sqrt {
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For the equation $${{{d^3}y} \over {d{x^3}}} + x{\left( {{{dy} \over {dx}}} \right)^{3/2}} + {x^2}y = 0$$ the correct de
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The matrix M is defined as $$M = \left[ {\matrix{ 1 & 3 \cr 4 & 2 \cr } } \right]$$ and has eigenvalues 5 an
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Consider the following recursive iteration scheme for different values of variable P with the initial guess x1 = 1: $${x
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The Fourier cosine series of a function is given by : $$f(x) = \sum\limits_{n = 0}^\infty {{f_n}\cos nx} $$ For f(x) =
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The Cartesian coordinates of a point P in a right-handed coordinate system are (1, 1, 1). The transformed coordinates of
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Let max {a, b} denote the maximum of two real numbers a and b. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE about the f
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Consider the differential equation $${{dy} \over {dx}} = 4(x + 2) - y$$ For the initial condition y = 3 at x = 1, the va
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A set of observations of independent variable (x) and the corresponding dependent variable (y) is given below. .tg {bo
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A horizontal force of P kN is applied to a homogeneous body of weight 25 kN, as shown in the figure. The coefficient of
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The total hardness in raw water is 500 milligram per liter as CaCO3. The total hardness of this raw water, expressed in
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For wastewater coming from a wood pulping industry, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and 5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BO
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Which of the following processes can be used for conversion of salt water into fresh water?
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Henry's law constant for transferring O2 from air into water, at room temperature, is 1.3 $${{mmol} \over {liter - atm}}
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In a water sample, the concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+ and HCO$$_3^ - $$ are 100 mg/L, 36 mg/L and 122 mg/L, respectively.
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A wastewater sample contains two nitrogen species, namely ammonia and nitrate. Consider the atomic weight of N, H, and O
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A 2% sewage sample (in distilled water) was incubated for 3 days at 27$$^\circ$$C temperature. After incubation, a disso
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A water treatment plant has a sedimentation basin of depth 3 m, width 5 m, and length 40 m. The water inflow rate is 500
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With respect to fluid flow, match the following in Column X with Column Y: Column X Column Y
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A rectangular channel with Gradually Varied Flow (GVF) has a changing bed slope. If the change is from a steeper slope t
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Two reservoirs are connected by two parallel pipes of equal length and of diameters 20 cm and 10 cm, as shown in the fig
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Depth of water flowing in a 3 m wide rectangular channel is 2 m. The channel carries a discharge of 12 m3/s. Take g = 9.
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An aerial photograph is taken from a flight at a height of 3.5 km above mean sea level, using a camera of focal length 1
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A line between stations P and Q laid on a slope of 1 in 5 was measured as 350 m using a 50 m tape. The tape is known to
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The bearing of a survey line is N31$$^\circ$$17'. Its azimuth observed from north is __________ deg. (round off to two d
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Four different soils are classified as CH, ML, SP, and SW, as per the Unified Soil Classification System. Which one of t
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Let $$\sigma$$'v and $$\sigma$$'h denote the effective vertical stress and effective horizontal stress, respectively. Wh
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Let $$\psi $$ represent soil suction head and K represent hydraulic conductivity of the soil. If the soil moisture conte
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An uncompacted heap of soil has a volume of 10000 m3 and void ratio of 1. If the soil is compacted to a volume of 7500 m
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A concentrated vertical load of 3000 kN is applied on a horizontal ground surface. Points P and Q are at depths 1 m and
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At a site, Static Cone Penetration Test was carried out. The measured point (tip) resistance qc was 1000 kPa at a certai
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The correct match between the physical states of the soils given in Group-I and the governing conditions given in Group-
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As per Rankine's theory of earth pressure, the inclination of failure planes is $$\left( {45 + {\phi \over 2}} \right)^
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A square concrete pile of 10 m length is driven into a deep layer of uniform homogenous clay. Average unconfined compres
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A raft foundation of 30 m $$\times$$ 25 m is proposed to be constructed at a depth of 8 m in a sand layer. A 25 m thick
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A two-hour duration storm event with uniform excess rainfall of 3 cm occurred on a watershed. The ordinates of streamflo
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During a particular stage of the growth of a crop, the consumptive use of water is 2.8 mm/day. The amount of water avail
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In the context of cross-damage structures, the correct statement(s) regarding the relative positions of a natural drain
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In the context of elastic theory of reinforced concrete, the modular ratio is defined as the ratio of
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A reinforced concrete beam with rectangular cross section (width = 300 mm, effective depth = 580 mm) is made of M30 grad
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A weld is used for joining an angle section ISA 100 mm $$\times$$ 100 mm $$\times$$ 10 mm to a gusset plate of thickness
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The hoop stress at a point on the surface of a thin cylindrical pressure vessel is computed to be 30.0 MPa. The value of
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Consider the cross-section of a beam made up of thin uniform elements having thickness t(t << a) shown in the figu
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Consider a simply supported beam PQ as shown in the figure. A truck having 100 kN on the front axle and 200 kN on the re
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A semi-circular bar of radius R m, in a vertical plane, is fixed at the end G, as shown in the figure. A horizontal load
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The plane truss shown in the figure is subjected to an external force P. It is given that P = 70 kN, a = 2 m, and b = 3
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Consider the linearly elastic plane frame shown in the figure. Members HF, FK and FG are welded together at joint F. Joi
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A horizontal curve is to be designed in a region with limited space. Which of the following measure(s) can be used to de
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Consider the four points P, Q, R and S shown in the Greenshields fundamental speed-flow diagram. Denote their correspond
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A two-phase signalized intersection is designed with a cycle time of 100 s. The amber and red times for each phase are 4
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At a traffic intersection, cars and buses arrive randomly according to independent Poisson processes at an average rate
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The vehicle count obtained in every 10 minute interval of a traffic volume survey done in peak one hour is given below.
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For the dual-wheel carrying assembly shown in the figure, P is the load on each wheel, a is the radius of the contact ar
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General Aptitude

You should __________ when to say __________.
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Two straight lines pass through the origin (x0, y0) = (0, 0). One of them passes through the point (x1, y1) = (1, 3) and
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If p : q = 1 : 2 q : r = 4 : 3 r : s = 4 : 5 and u is 50% more than s, what is the ratio p : u?
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Given the statements : $$\bullet$$ P is the sister of Q. $$\bullet$$ Q is the husband of R. $$\bullet$$ R is the mother
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In the following diagram, the point R is the center of the circle. The lines PQ and ZV are tangential to the circle. The
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Healthy eating is a critical component of healthy aging. When should one start eating healthy? It turns out that it is n
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P invested Rs.5000 per month for 6 months of a year and Q invested Rs. x per month for 8 months of the year in a partner
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The above frequency chart shows the frequency distribution of marks obtained by a set of students in an exam. From the
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In the square grid shown on the left, a person standing at P2 position is required to move to P5 position. The only move
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Consider a cube made by folding a single sheet of paper of appropriate shape. The interior faces of the cube are all bl
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