GATE CE 1991
The length of a baseline measured on ground at an elevation of 300m above mean sea level is 2250 m. The required correction to reduce to sea level length. (given the radius of earth is 6370km) is _______.
The quadrantal bearings of the lines AB and CA are S $$30^o$$ E and S $$75^o$$ E, respectively the inclined angle CAB is _____.
A saturated sand sample has dry unit weight of 18 $$kN/m^3$$ and a specific gravity of 2.65. If $$\gamma_w$$ = 10 $$kN/m^3$$, the water content of the soil is _____%.
For sand of uniform spherical particles, the void ratio in the loosest and the densest states are ________ and ________ respectively.
When the product of rock weathering is not transported as sediment but remains in place, is called
A tropical cyclone in a northern hemisphere is a wind stream with
A prestressed concrete beam has a cross-section with the following properties: Area $$A = 46,000\,\,m{m^2},$$ $${\rm I} = 75.8 \times {10^7}\,\,m{m^4},$$ $${Y_{bottom}} = 244\,\,mm,$$ $${Y_{top}} = 156\,\,mm.$$ It is subjected to a prestressing force at an eccentricity $$'e'$$ so as to have a zero stress at the top fibre. The value of $$'e'$$ given by
Setting time of cement sample is tested by
The moments at the end $$'A'$$ and $$'B'$$ of a beam $$'AB'$$ where end $$(a)$$ is fixed and $$(b)$$ is hinged, when the end $$(b)$$ sinks by an amount $$\Delta $$ are given as
A thin cylindrical vessel of mean diameter $$D$$ and of length $$'L'$$ closed at both the ends is subjected to a water pressure $$'P'$$. The value of hoop stress and longitudinal stress in the shell shall be respectively.
For a given shear force across a symmetrical $$'{\rm I}'$$ section the intensity of shear stress is maximum at the
A beams having a double cantilever attached at mid span is showing in the figure. The nature of forces in beam $$'ab'$$ is

A cantilever beam of tubular section consists of 2 materials copper as outer cylinder and steel as inner cylinder. It is subjected to a temperature rise of $$20^\circ C$$ and $$\alpha_{copper}\;>\;\alpha_{steel}$$ the stresses developed in the tubes will be
In a linear elastic structural element
The maximum value of Poisson's ratio for an elastic material is
In a linear elastic structural element
Number of independent displacement modes (sway mechanisms) for the given frame with the load shown there in are

If the design speed is 80kmph, perception reaction time is 3sec and coefficient of friction is 0.5, then the SSD is ________.