GATE CE 1993
Given the differential equation $${y^1} = x - y$$ with initial condition $$y(0)=0.$$ The value of $$y(0.1)$$ calculated numerically upto the third place of decimal by the $${2^{nd}}$$ order Runge-Kutta method with step size $$h=0.1$$ is
The factored loads at the limit state of collapse for DL + LL, DL + WL, and DL + LL + WL combinations, according to IS: 456 - 2000 are respectively
Interaction diagram of a rectangular reinforced concrete beam-column is shown in Fig. with reference to this figure, which of the following statements in $$(a)$$ and in $$(b)$$ below are correct?

Interaction diagram of a rectangular reinforced concrete beam-column is shown in Fig. with reference to this figure, which of the following statements in $$(a)$$ and in $$(b)$$ below are correct?

Let $$jd$$ be the lever arm between the resultant tensile force $$T$$ in the reinforcing prestressing steel and the resultant compressive force $$C$$ in concrete of a reinforced / prestressed concrete beam. When subjected to increase in the external bending moment, which one of the following statements is true in reinforced and prestressed concrete beams?
In reinforced concrete beams
Let $$jd$$ be the lever arm between the resultant tensile force $$T$$ in the reinforcing prestressing steel and the resultant compressive force $$C$$ in concrete of a reinforced / prestressed concrete beam. When subjected to increase in the external bending moment, which one of the following statements is true in reinforced and prestressed concrete beams?
In prestressed concrete beams
Which of the following Mohr's circles shown below qualitatively and correctly represents the state of plane stress at a point in a beam above the neutral axis, where it is subjected to combined shear and bending compressive stresses
A simply supported beam of span length $$L$$ and flexural stiffness $$EI$$ has another spring support at the center span of stiffness $$K$$ as shown in fig. The central deflection of the beam due to a central concentrated load of $$P$$ would be

The plane figure shown below is

The degrees of freedom of the following frames is ___________

Method of Indeterminate structural analysis may be grouped under force method or displacement method. Which of the groupings given below is correct?
Equilibrium condition, yield conditions $$\left( {M \le {M_p}} \right)$$ and mechanism condition (formation of a plastic collapse mechanism) are the conditions to be satisfied by any correct plastic analysis results. Which of the above conditions does the statical methods of plastic analysis consider?