
What is the magnitude of maximum shear stress in $$MPa$$ ?

The pin-jointed $$2$$-$$D$$ truss is loaded with a horizontal force of $$15$$ ݇ܰ at joint S and another $$15$$ ݇ܰ vertical force at joint $$U,$$ as shown.Find the force in member $$RS$$ (in $$kN$$ ݇ܰ) and report your answer taking tension as positive and compression as negative. _____________

If load $$P=80$$ $$kN,$$ find the reaction ܴ$$R$$ (in $$kN$$) (correct to $$1$$-decimal place)using elastic analysis ___________

If the magnitude of loadܲ is increased till collapse and the plastic moment carrying capacity of steel beam section is $$90$$ $$kN$$-$$m$$, ݇ܰ݉determine reaction ܴ$$R$$(in ݇ܰ$$kN$$)(correct to $$1$$-decimal place) using plastic analysis. ____________

Find the value of $$\beta $$(correct to $$4-$$decimal places). _____________________