GATE CE 2022 Set 2
Paper was held on Sat, Feb 12, 2022 9:00 AM
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The activities of a project are given in the following table along with their durations and dependency. .tg {border-co
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Match all the possible combinations between Column X (Cement compounds) and Column Y (Cement properties) : .tg {border
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Let y be a non-zero vector of size 2022 $$\times$$ 1. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE?
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A pair of six-faced dice is rolled twice. The probability that the sum of the outcomes in each roll equals 4 in exactly
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Consider the polynomial f(x) = x3 $$-$$ 6x2 + 11x $$-$$ 6 on the domain S, given by 1 $$\le$$ x $$\le$$ 3. The first and
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The components of pure shear strain in a sheared are given in the matrix form: $$\varepsilon = \left[ {\matrix{ 1 &
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The function f(x, y) satisfies the Laplace equation $$\Delta$$2f(x, y) = 0 on a circular domain of radius r = 1 with its
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P and Q are two square matrices of the same order. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
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$$\int {\left( {x - {{{x^2}} \over 2} + {{{x^3}} \over 3} - {{{x^4}} \over 4} + ....} \right)dx} $$ is equal to :
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An undamped spring-mass system with mass m and spring stiffness k is shown in the figure. The natural frequency and natu
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A uniform rod KJ of weight w shown in the figure rests against a frictionless vertical wall at the point K and a rough h
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A 100 mg of HNO3 (strong acid) is added to water, bringing the final volume to 1.0 liter. Consider the atomic weights of
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In a city, the chemical formula of biodegradable fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW) is C100H250O80N. The waste has
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A sewage treatment plant receives sewage at a flow rate of 5000 m3/day. The total suspended solids (TSS) concentration i
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Match the following attributes of a city with the appropriate scale of measurements. .tg {border-collapse:collapse;bor
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To design an optimum municipal solid waste collection route, which of the following is/are NOT desired :
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A sample of air analyzed at 25$$^\circ$$C and 1 atm pressure is reported to contain 0.04 ppm of SO2. Atomic mass of S =
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A process equipment emits, 5 kg/h of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). If a hood placed over the process equipment capt
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In a solid waste handling facility, the moisture contents (MC) of food waste, paper waste, and glass waste were found to
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At a municipal waste handling facility, 30 metric ton mixture of food waste, yard waste, and paper waste was available.
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The concentration s(x, t) of pollutants, in a one-dimensional reservoir at position x and time t satisfies the diffusion
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Two discrete spherical particles (P and Q) of equal mass density are independently released in water. Particle P and par
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A hydraulic jump takes place in a 6 in wide rectangular channel at a point where the upstream depth is 0.5 m (just befor
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Water is flowing in a horizontal, frictionless, rectangular channel. A smooth hump is built on the channel floor at a se
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The dimension of dynamic viscosity is :
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If the magnetic bearing of the Sun at a place at noon is S 2$$^\circ$$E. The magnetic declination (in degrees) at that p
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The error in measuring the radius of a 5 cm circular rod was 0.2%. If the cross-sectional area of the rod was calculated
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Match the following in Column X with Column Y : Column X Column Y P. In a triaxia
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A saturated compressible clay layer of thickness h is sandwiched between two sand layers, as shown in the figure. Initia
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A concentrically loaded isolated square footing of size 2 m $$\times$$ 2 m carries a concentrated vertical load of 1000
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A soil sample is underlying a water column of height h1, as shown in the figure. The vertical effective stresses at poin
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Read the following statements : (P) While designing a shallow footing in sandy soil, monsoon season is considered for cr
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The inside diameter of a sampler tube is 50 mm. The inside diameter of the cutting edge is kept such that the Inside Cle
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A group of total 16 piles are arranged in a square grid format. The center-to-center spacing (s) between adjacent piles
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In a triaxial unconsolidated undrained (UU) test on a saturated clay sample, the cell pressure was 100 kPa. If the devia
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A flood control structure having an expected life of n years is designed by considering a flood of return period T year
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Match Column X with Column Y : .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style
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A pump with an efficiency of 80% is used to draw groundwater from a well for irrigating a flat field of area 108 hectare
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In a certain month, the reference crop evapotranspiration at a location is 6 mm day. If the crop coefficient and soil co
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Read the following statements relating to flexure of reinforced concrete beams : I. In over-reinforced sections, the fai
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A post-tensioned concrete member of span 15 m and cross-section of 450 mm $$\times$$ 450 mm is prestressed with three st
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Consider two linearly elastic rods HI and IJ. Each of length b, as shown in the figure. The rods are co-linear, and conf
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Stresses acting on an infinitesimal soil element are shown in the figure (with $$\sigma$$z > $$\sigma$$x). The major
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For a linear elastic and isotropic material, the correct relationship among Young's modulus of elasticity (E), Poisson's
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The linearly elastic planar structure shown in the figure is acted upon by two vertical concentrated forces. The horizon
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For the square steel beam cross-section shown in the figure, the shape factor about Z - Z axis is S and the plastic mome
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Which of the following statements is/are correct?
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Consider a beam PQ fixed at P, hinged at Q, and subjected to a load F as shown in figure (not drawn to scale). The stati
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A single-lane highway has a traffic density of 40 vehicles km. If the time-mean speed and space-mean speed are 40 kmph a
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The lane configuration with lane volumes in vehicles per hour of a four-arm signalized intersection is shown in the figu
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Assuming that traffic on a highway obeys the Greenshields model, the speed of a shockwave between two traffic streams (P
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It is given that an aggregate mix has 260 grams of coarse aggregates and 240 grams of fine aggregates. The specific grav
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For a traffic stream, V is the space mean speed, k is the density, q is the flow. Vf is the free flow speed, and kf is t
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The base length of the runway at the mean sea level (MSL) is 1500 m. If the runway is located at an altitude of 300 m ab
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A parabolic vertical crest curve connects two road segments with grades +1.0% and $$-$$2.0%. If a 200 m stopping sight d
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General Aptitude

The movie was funny and I ____________.
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For the picture shown above, which one of the following is the correct picture representing reflection with respect to
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An ant walks in a straight line on a plane leaving behind a trace of its movement. The initial position of the ant is at
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In a partnership business the monthly investment by three friends for the first six months is in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5. Af
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A survey of 450 students about their subjects of interest resulted in the following outcome. $$\bullet$$ 150 students ar
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$$x:y:z = {1 \over 2}:{1 \over 3}:{1 \over 4}$$ What is the value of $${{x + z - y} \over y}$$ = ?
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Both the numerator and the denominator of $${3 \over 4}$$ are increased by a positive $${15 \over 17}$$ integer, x, and
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Consider the following equations of straight lines : Line L1 : 2x $$-$$ 3y = 5 Line L2 : 3x + 2y = 8 Line L3 : 4x $$-$$
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In the last few years, several new shopping malls were opened in the city. The total number of visitors in the malls is
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Given below are two statements and four conclusions drawn based on the statements. Statement 1 : Some soaps are clean. S
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