GATE CE 2014 Set 1
A traffic office imposes on an average $$5$$ number of penalties daily on traffic violators. Assume that the number of penalties on different days is independent and follows a Poisson distribution. The probability that there will be less than $$4$$ penalties in a day is ________.
The probability density function of evaporation $$E$$ on any day during a year in a watershed is given by
$$$f\left( E \right) = \left\{ {\matrix{
{{1 \over 5}} & {0 \le E \le 5\,mm/day} \cr
0 & {otherwise} \cr
} } \right.$$$
The probability that $$E$$ lies in between $$2$$ and $$4$$ $$mm/day$$ in the watershed is (in decimal) _______.
The probability that $$E$$ lies in between $$2$$ and $$4$$ $$mm/day$$ in the watershed is (in decimal) _______.
A particle moves along a curve whose parametric equations are: $$\,x = {t^3} + 2t,\,y = - 3{e^{ - 2t}}\,\,$$ and $$z=2$$ $$sin$$ $$(5t),$$ where $$x, y$$ and $$z$$ show variations of the distance covered by the particle (in cm) with time $$t $$ (in $$s$$). The magnitude of the acceleration of the particle (in cm/s2) at $$t=0$$ is _______.
With reference to the conventional Cartesian $$(x,y)$$ coordinate system, the vertices of a triangle have the following coordinates: $$\,\left( {{x_1},{y_1}} \right) = \left( {1,0} \right);\,\,\,\left( {{x_2},{y_2}} \right) = \left( {2,2} \right);\,\,\,$$ and $$\,\left( {{x_3},{y_3}} \right) = \left( {4,3} \right).$$ The area of the triangle is equal to
$$\,\,\mathop {Lim}\limits_{x \to \infty } \left( {{{x + \sin x} \over x}} \right)\,\,$$ equal to
The sum of Eigen values of the matrix, $$\left[ M \right]$$
is where $$\left[ M \right] = \left[ {\matrix{ {215} & {650} & {795} \cr {655} & {150} & {835} \cr {485} & {355} & {550} \cr } } \right]$$
is where $$\left[ M \right] = \left[ {\matrix{ {215} & {650} & {795} \cr {655} & {150} & {835} \cr {485} & {355} & {550} \cr } } \right]$$
Given the matrices $$J = \left[ {\matrix{
3 & 2 & 1 \cr
2 & 4 & 2 \cr
1 & 2 & 6 \cr
} } \right]$$ and $$K = \left[ {\matrix{
1 \cr
2 \cr
{ - 1} \cr
} } \right],\,\,$$ the product $${K^T}JK$$ is ______.
For a sample of water with the ionic composition shown in the figure below, the carbonate and noncarbonate
hardness concentrations (in mg/l as $${\mathrm{CaCO}}_3$$), respectively are:

Some of the nontoxic metals normally found in natural water are
A straight 100 m long raw water gravity main is to carry water from an intake structure to the
jack well of a water treatment plant. The required flow through this water main is 0.21 $$m^3/s$$.
Allowable velocity through the main is 0.75 m/s. Assume f = 0.01, g = 9.81 $$m/s^2$$. The
minimum gradient (in cm/100m length) to be given to this gravity main so that the required
amount of water flows without any difficulty is _____.
Three rigid buckets, shown as in the figures (1), (2) and (3), are of identical heights and base areas.
Further, assume that each of these buckets have negligible mass and are full of water. The weights
of water in these buckets are denoted as W1, W2, and W3 respectively. Also, let the force of water
on the base of the bucket be denoted as F1, F2, and F3 respectively. The option giving an accurate
description of the system physics is

The dimension for kinematic viscosity is
While designing, for a steel column of $$Fe250$$ grade, a base plate resting on a concrete pedestal of $$M20$$ grade, the bearing strength of concrete (in $$N/m{m^2}$$) in limit state method of design as per $$IS:$$ $$456-2000$$ is ___________
A rectangular beam of width $$(b)$$ $$230$$ $$mm$$ and effective depth $$(d)$$ $$450$$ $$mm$$ is reinforced with four bars of $$12$$ $$mm$$ diameter. The grade of concrete is $$M20$$ and grade of steel is $$Fe500.$$ Given that for $$M20$$ grade of concrete the ultimate shear strength, $${\tau _{uc}} = 0.36\,\,N/m{m^2}$$ for steel percentage, $$p = 0.25,$$ and $${\tau _{uc}} = 0.48\,\,N/m{m^2}$$ for $$p = 0.50.$$ For a factored shear force of $$45$$ $$kN,$$ the
diameter (in $$mm$$) of $$Fe500$$ steel two legged stirrups to be used at spacing of $$375$$ $$mm,$$ should be
In a reinforced concrete section, the stress at the extreme fibre in compression is $$5.80$$ $$MPa.$$ The depth of neutral axis in the section is $$58$$ $$mm$$ and the grade of concrete is $$M25.$$ Assuming linear elastic behavior of the concrete, the effective curvature of the section (in per $$mm$$) is
For a beam of cross-section, width $$= 230$$ $$mm$$ and effective depth $$= 500$$ $$mm,$$ the number of rebars of $$12$$ $$mm$$ diameter required to satisfy minimum tension reinforcement requirement specified by $$IS:$$ $$456-2000$$ (assuming grade of steel reinforcement as $$Fe500$$) is _______________
A steel section is subjected to a combination of shear and bending actions. The applied shear force is $$V$$ and the shear capacity of the section is $${V_s}.$$ For such a section, high shear force (as per $$IS:800$$-$$2007$$) is defined as
The tension and shear force (both in $$kN$$) in each bolt of the joint, as shown below, respectively are

If the following equation establishes equilibrium in slightly bent position, the mid-span deflection of a member shown in the figure is
$${{{d^2}y} \over {d{x^2}}} + {P \over {EI}}y = 0$$
$${{{d^2}y} \over {d{x^2}}} + {P \over {EI}}y = 0$$

If $$'a'$$ is amplitude constant for $$y,$$ then
For the cantilever beam of span $$3$$ $$m$$ (shown below), a concentrated load of $$20$$ $$kN$$ applied at the free end causes a vertical displacement of $$2$$ $$mm$$ at a section located at a distance of $$1$$ $$m$$ from the fixed end. If a concentrated vertically downward load of $$10$$ $$kN$$ is applied at the section located at a distance of $$1$$ $$m$$ from the fixed end (with no other load on the beam), the maximum vertical displacement in the same beam (in $$mm$$) is ________

The possible location of shear center of the channel section, shown below, is

A box of weight 100 kN shown in the figure is to be lifted without swinging. If all forces are
coplanar, the magnitude and direction ($$\theta$$) of the force (F) with respect to x-axis should be

Mathematical idealization of a crane has three bars with their vertices arranged as shown in the figure with a load of $$80$$ $$kN$$ hanging vertically. The coordinates of the vertices are given in parentheses. The force in the member $$QR,\,\,{F_{QR}}$$ will be

Match the information given in Group $$-$$ $${\rm I}$$ with those in Group $$-$$ $${\rm II}.$$

The ultimate collapse load $$(P)$$ in terms of plastic moment $${M_P}$$ by kinematic approach for a propped cantilever of length $$L$$ with $$P$$ acting at its mid-span as shown in the figure, would be

For the truss shown below, the member $$PQ$$ is short by $$3$$ $$mm.$$ The magnitude of vertical displacement of joint $$R$$ (in $$mm$$) is ______________________

In a beam of length $$L,$$ four possible influence line diagrams for shear force at a section located at a distance of $${L \over 4}$$ from the left end support (marked as $$P,Q,R$$ and $$S$$ ) are shown below. The correct influence line diagram is

The degree of static indeterminacy of a rigid jointed frame PQR supported as shown in the figure is

The perception-reaction time for a vehicle travelling at 90 km/h, given the coefficient of
longitudinal friction of 0.35 and the stopping sight distance of 170 m (assume g = 9.81 m/s2),
is _________ seconds.