The ratio of the number of girls to boys in class VIII is the same as the ratio of the number of boys to girls in class IX. The total number of students (boys and girls) in classes VIII and IX is 450 and 360, respectively. If the number of girls in classes VIII and IX is the same, then the number of girls in each class is
In the given text, the blanks are numbered (i)–(iv). Select the best match for all the blanks.
Yoko Roi stands _____ (i) _____ as an author for standing _____ (ii) _____ as an honorary fellow, after she stood _____ (iii) _____ her writings that stand _____ (iv) _____ the freedom of speech.
Seven identical cylindrical chalk-sticks are fitted tightly in a cylindrical container. The figure below shows the arrangement of the chalk-sticks inside the cylinder.

The length of the container is equal to the length of the chalk-sticks. The ratio of the occupied space to the empty space of the container is
The plot below shows the relationship between the mortality risk of cardiovascular disease and the number of steps a person walks per day. Based on the data, which one of the following options is true?