The ultimate moment capacity (in $$kNm$$) of the section, as per the Limit State Method of $$IS$$ $$456$$ - $$2000$$ is

The value of $${{x_u}}$$ (in $$mm$$) computed per the Limit State Method of $$IS$$ $$456:2000$$ is

As per the Limit State Method of $$IS$$ $$800:2007,$$ the minimum length (rounded off to the nearest higher multiple of $$5$$ $$mm$$) of each weld to transmit a force $$P$$ equal to $$270$$ $$kN$$ (factored) is

$${\rm I}.$$ The slope of the bending moment diagram is equal to the shear force.
$${\rm II}.$$ The slope of the shear force diagram is equal to the load intensity.
$${\rm III}.$$ The slope of the curvature is equal to the flexural rotation.
$${\rm IV}.$$ The second derivative of the deflection is equal to the curvature.
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