Which one or more of the following need to be saved on a context switch from one thread (T1) of a process to another thread (T2) of the same process?
Which one or more of the following options guarantee that a computer system will transition from user mode to kernel mode?
Which one or more of the following CPU scheduling algorithms can potentially cause starvation?
Consider the two functions incr and decr shown below.
incr() {
X = X+1;
decr() {
X = X-1;
There are 5 threads each invoking incr once, and 3 threads each invoking decr once, on the same shared variable X. The initial value of X is 10.
Suppose there are two implementations of the semaphore s, as follows:
I-1: s is a binary semaphore initialized to 1.
I-2: s is a counting semaphore initialized to 2.
Let V1, V2 be the values of X at the end of execution of all the threads with implementations I-1, I-2, respectively.
Which one of the following choices corresponds to the minimum possible values of V1, V2, respectively?