GATE CSE 2021 Set 1
Paper was held on Sat, Feb 13, 2021 4:00 AM
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Consider the following three functions. f1 = 10n, f2 = nlogn, f3 = n√n Which one of the following options arranges the
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Consider the following array. 23 32 45 69 72 73
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Consider the following undirected graph with edge weights as shown: The number of minimum-weight spanning trees of t
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Consider the following recurrence relation. $$T(n) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {T(n/2) + T(2n/5) + 7n \ \ \ if\
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Let G = (V, E) be an undirected unweighted connected graph. The diameter of G is defined as: diam(G) = $$\displays
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Consider the following statements. S1 : Every SLR(1) grammar is unambiguous but there are certain unambiguous grammars
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Consider the following grammar (that admits a series of declarations, followed by expressions) and the associated syntax
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Consider the following C code segment: a = b + c; e = a + 1; d = b + c; f = d + 1; g = e + f; In a
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Consider two hosts P and Q connected through a router R. The maximum transfer unit (MTU) value of the link between P and
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Consider the sliding window flow-control protocol operating between a sender and a receiver over a full-duplex error-fre
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A TCP server application is programmed to listen on port number P on host S. A TCP client connected to the TCP server ov
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Consider the following two statements. S1 : Destination MAC address of an ARP reply is a broadcast address. S2 : Desti
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A five-stage pipeline has stage delays of 150, 120, 150, 160 and 140 nanoseconds. The registers that are used between th
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Consider the following instruction sequence where register R1, R2 and R3 are general purpose and MEMORY[X] denotes the c
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Consider a computer system with a byte-addressable primary memory of size 232 bytes. Assume the computer system has
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Consider the following sequence of operations on an empty stack. push(54); push(52); pop(); push(55); push(62); s = pop
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Consider a dynamic hashing approach for 4-bit integer keys: 1. There is a main hash table of size 4. 2. The 2 least si
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Let P be an array containing n integers. Let t be the lowest upper bound on the number of comparisons of the array eleme
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A binary search tree T contains n distinct elements. What is the time complexity of picking an element in T that is smal
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Consider the following statements. S1 : The sequence of procedure calls corresponds to a preorder traversal of the acti
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Define Rn to be the maximum amount earned by cutting a rod of length n meters into one or more pieces of integer length
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Suppose a database system crashes again while recovering from a previous crash. Assume checkpointing is not done by the
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Consider a linear list based implementation in a file system. Each directory is a list of nodes, where each node contain
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A relation r(A, B) in a relational database has 1200 tuples. The attribute A has integer values ranging from 6 to 20, an
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The following relation records the age of 500 employees of a company, where empNo (Indicating the employee number) is th
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Consider the relation R(P, Q, S, T, X, Y, Z, W) with the following functional dependencies. PQ → X; P → YX; Q
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Let ri(z) and wi(z) denote read and write operations respectively on a data item z by a transaction Ti. Consider the fol
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Assume that a 12-bit Hamming codeword consisting of 8-bit data and 4 check bits is d8d7d6d5c8d4d3d2c4d1c2c1, where the d
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Let the representation of a number in base 3 be 210. What is the hexadecimal representation of the number?
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Consider the following Boolean expression. $$F = (X + Y + Z)(\overline X + Y)(\overline Y + Z)$$ Which of the followin
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Consider a 3-bit counter, designed using T flip-flop, as shown below: Assuming the initial state of the counter gi
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Consider the following representation of a number in IEEE 754 single-precision floating point format with a bias of 127.
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Let p and q be two propositions. Consider the following two formulae in propositional logic. S1 : (¬p ∧ (p&nb
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There are 6 jobs with distinct difficulty levels, and 3 computers with distinct processing speeds. Each job is assigned
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Consider the two statements. S1 : There exist random variables X and Y such that (E[X - E(X)) (Y - E(Y))])2 >
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An articulation point in a connected graph is a vertex such that removing the vertex and its incident edges disconnects
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A relation R is said to be circular if aRb and bRc together imply cRa. Which of the following options is/are correct?
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The lifetime of a component of a certain type is a random variable whose probability density function is exponentially d
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Let G be a group order 6, and H be a subgroup of G such that 1 < |H| < 6. Which one of the following options is co
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A sender (S) transmits a signal, which can be one of the two kinds: H and L with probabilities 0.1 and 0.9 respectively,
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Consider the following expression $$\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x \to -3} \frac{{\sqrt {2x + 22} - 4}}{{x + 3}}$$ The valu
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Consider the following matrix. $$\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} 0&1&1&1\\ 1&0&1&1\\ 1&1&am
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In an undirected connected planar graph G, there are eight vertices and five faces. The number of edges in G is ______
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In the context operating systems, which of the following statements is/are correct with respect to paging?
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Three processes arrive at time zero with CPU bursts of 16, 20, and 10 milliseconds. If the scheduler has prior knowledge
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Which of the following standard C library functions will always invoke a system call when executed from a single-threade
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Consider the following pseudocode, where S is a semaphore intialized to 5 in line#2 an counter is a shared variable inti
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Consider the following ANSI C program. #include <stdio.h> int main( ) { int i, j, count; count = 0; i = 0; f
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Consider the following ANSI C function: int SimpleFunction (int y[], int n, int x) { int total = y[0], loopIndex; fo
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Suppose that L1 is a regular and L2 is a context-free language, Which one of the following languages is NOT necessarily
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Consider the following context-free grammar where the set of terminals is {a, b, c, d, f}. S → d a T | R f T&nbsp
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For a Turing machine M, {M} denotes an encoding of M. Consider the following two languages. L1 = {(M) | M takes more th
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In a pushdown automaton P = (Q, ∑, Γ, δ, q0, F), a transition of the form, where p, q ∈ Q, a&nb
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Consider the following language. L = { w ∈ {0, 1}* | w ends with the substring 011} Which one of the following de
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Let $$\left\langle M \right\rangle $$ denote an encoding of an automation M. Suppose that ∑ = {0, 1}. Whi
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General Aptitude

Given below are two statements I and II and two conclusions I and II :Statement :I. All bacteria are microorganisms.II.
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There are five bags each containing identical sets of ten distinct chocolates. One chocolate is picked from each bag.The
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A circular sheet of paper is folded along the lines in the directions shown. The paper, after being punched in the fili
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We have 2 rectangular sheets of paper, M and N, of dimensions 6 cm $$\times$$ 1 cm each. Sheet M is rolled to form an op
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Consider the following sentences :(i) Everybody in the class is prepared for the exam.(ii) Babu invited Danish to his ho
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Some people suggest anti-obesity measures (AOM) such as displaying calorie information in restaurant menus. Such measure
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________ is to surgery as writer is to ________Which one of the following options maintains a similar logical relation i
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A polygon is convex if, for every pair of points. P and Q belonging to the polygon, the line segment PQ lies completely
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Items Cost Profit% Marked price P 5400 - 5860 Q - 25
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The ratio of boys to girls in a class is 7 to 3. Among the options below, an acceptable value for the total number of st
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