GATE CSE 2024 Set 2
Paper was held on Sat, Feb 10, 2024 9:00 AM
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Let $T(n)$ be the recurrence relation defined as follows:$T(0) = 1$$T(1) = 2$, and$T(n) = 5T(n - 1) - 6T(n - 2)$ for $n
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Let $A$ be an array containing integer values. The distance of $A$ is defined as the minimum number of elements in $A$ t
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Let $G$ be an undirected connected graph in which every edge has a positive integer weight. Suppose that every spanning
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The number of distinct minimum-weight spanning trees of the following graph is ________
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Consider the following two sets:Set XP. Lexical AnalyzerQ. Syntax AnalyzerR. Intermediate Code GeneratorS. Code Optimize
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Which of the following statements is/are FALSE?
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Consider the following context-free grammar where the start symbol is S and the set of terminals is {a,b,c,d}.$ S \right
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Consider the following augmented grammar, which is to be parsed with a SLR parser. The set of terminals is $\{ a, b, c,
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Node X has a TCP connection open to node Y. The packets from X to Y go through an intermediate IP router R. Ethernet swi
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Which of the following statements about IPv4 fragmentation is/are TRUE?
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Which of the following fields of an IP header is/are always modified by any router before it forwards the IP packet?
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Which one of the following CIDR prefixes exactly represents the range of IP addresses to
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Consider a TCP connection operating at a point of time with the congestion window of size 12 MSS (Maximum Segment Size),
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Consider an Ethernet segment with a transmission speed of $10^8$ bits/sec and a maximum segment length of 500 meters. If
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Consider a computer with a 4 MHz processor. Its DMA controller can transfer 8 bytes in 1 cycle from a device to main mem
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An instruction format has the following structure:Instruction Number: Opcode destination reg, source reg-1, source reg-2
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A processor with 16 general purpose registers uses a 32-bit instruction format. The instruction format consists of an op
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A non-pipelined instruction execution unit operating at 2 GHz takes an average of 6 cycles to execute an instruction of
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A processor uses a 32-bit instruction format and supports byte-addressable memory access. The ISA of the processor has 1
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You are given a set $V$ of distinct integers. A binary search tree $T$ is created by inserting all elements of $V$ one b
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Consider the following expression: $x[i] = (p + r) * -s[i] + \frac{u}{w}$. The following sequence shows the list of trip
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Let S1 and S2 be two stacks. S1 has capacity of 4 elements. S2 has capacity of 2 elements. S1 already has 4 elements: 10
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Once the DBMS informs the user that a transaction has been successfully completed, its effect should persist even if the
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In the context of owner and weak entity sets in the ER (Entity-Relationship) data model, which one of the following stat
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Which of the following file organizations is/are I/O efficient for the scan operation in DBMS?
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Which of the following statements about the Two Phase Locking (2PL) protocol is/are TRUE?
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The relation schema, Person($\underline{\text{pid}}$, $city$), describes the city of residence for every person uniquely
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A functional dependency $F: X \to Y$ is termed as a useful functional dependency if and only if it satisfies all the fol
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The format of a single-precision floating-point number as per the IEEE 754 standard is:table { width: 100%; border-colla
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For a Boolean variable x, which of the following statements is/are FALSE?
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Which of the following is/are EQUAL to 224 in radix-5 (i.e., base-5) notation?
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Consider 4-variable functions $f1, f2, f3, f4$ expressed in sum-of-minterms form as given below.$f1 = \sum(0,2,3,5,7,8,1
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Let p and q be the following propositions:p: Fail grade can be given.q: Student scores more than 50% marks.Consider the
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Let $f(x)$ be a continuous function from $\mathbb{R}$ to $\mathbb{R}$ such that$f(x) = 1 - f(2 - x)$Which one of the fol
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Let $A$ be the adjacency matrix of a simple undirected graph $G$. Suppose $A$ is its own inverse. Which one of the follo
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When six unbiased dice are rolled simultaneously, the probability of getting all distinct numbers (i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
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Let $P$ be the partial order defined on the set {1,2,3,4} as follows: $P = \{(x, x) \mid x \in \{1,2,3,4\}\} \cup \{(1,2
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Let $ x $ and $ y $ be random variables, not necessarily independent, that take real values in the interval $[0,1]$. Let
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Let A be an n × n matrix over the set of all real numbers ℝ. Let B be a matrix obtained from A by swapping two rows. Whi
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The chromatic number of a graph is the minimum number of colours used in a proper colouring of the graph. The chromatic
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Let Zn be the group of integers {0, 1, 2, ..., n − 1} with addition modulo n as the group operation. The number of eleme
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Which of the following tasks is/are the responsibility/responsibilities of the memory management unit (MMU) in a system
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Consider a process P running on a CPU. Which one or more of the following events will always trigger a context switch by
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Consider a single processor system with four processes A, B, C, and D, represented as given below, where for each proces
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Consider a multi-threaded program with two threads T1 and T2. The threads share two semaphores: s1 (initialized to 1) an
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Consider a disk with the following specifications: rotation speed of 6000 RPM, average seek time of 5 milliseconds, 500
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Consider a 32-bit system with 4 KB page size and page table entries of size 4 bytes each. Assume 1 KB = $2^{10}$ bytes.
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Consider the following C program. Assume parameters to a function are evaluated from right to left. #include <studio
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Consider the following C function definition. int fX(char *a) { char *b = a; while(*b) b++; retu
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What is the output of the following C program? #include <studio.h> int main() {   double a[2]={20.0, 25.0}, *p, *
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Consider an array X that contains n positive integers. A subarray of X is defined to be a sequence of array locations wi
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Which one of the following regular expressions is equivalent to the language accepted by the DFA given below?
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Let M be the 5-state NFA with ε-transitions shown in the diagram below. Which one of the following regular expressions r
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Consider a context-free grammar $G$ with the following 3 rules. $S \rightarrow aS, \ S \rightarrow aSbS, S \rightarrow
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Let L1 be the language represented by the regular expression b*ab*(ab*ab*)* and L2 = { w ∈ (a + b)* | |w| ≤ 4 }, where |
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General Aptitude

If ‘→’ denotes increasing order of intensity, then the meaning of the words [walk → jog → sprint] is analogous to [bothe
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Two wizards try to create a spell using all the four elements, water, air, fire, and earth. For this, they decide to mix
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In an engineering college of 10,000 students, 1,500 like neither their core branches nor other branches. The number of s
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For positive non-zero real variables $x$ and $y$, if $\ln \left( \frac{x + y}{2} \right) = \frac{1}{2} [ \ln (x) + \ln (
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In the sequence 6, 9, 14, $x$, 30, 41, a possible value of $x$ is
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Sequence the following sentences in a coherent passage. P: This fortuitous geological event generated a colossal amount
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A person sold two different items at the same price. He made 10% profit in one item, and 10% loss in the other item. In
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The pie charts depict the shares of various power generation technologies in the total electricity generation of a count
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A cube is to be cut into 8 pieces of equal size and shape. Here, each cut should be straight and it should not stop till
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In the $4 \times 4$ array shown below, each cell of the first three rows has either a cross (X) or a number. The number
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