Two statements are given below.
Statement I : Molten NaCl is electrolysed using Pt electrodes. $\mathrm{Cl}_{2}$ is liberated at anode.
Statement II : Aqueous $\mathrm{CuSO}_{4}$ is electrolysed using Pt electrodes. $\mathrm{O}_{2}$ is liberated at cathode.
The correct answer is
Identify the correct statements from the following
(A) At 298 K , the potential of hydrogen electrotle placed in a solution of $\mathrm{pH}=10$, is -0.59 V
(B) The limiting molar conductivity of $\mathrm{Ca}^{2+}$ and $\mathrm{Cl}^{-}$is 119 and $76 \mathrm{~S} \mathrm{~cm}^2 \mathrm{~mol}^{-1}$ respectively. The limiting molar conductivity of $\mathrm{CaCl}_2$ is $195 \mathrm{Scm}^2 \mathrm{~mol}^{-1}$
(C) The correct relationship between $K_C$ and $E_{\text {cell }}^{\ominus}$ is $$ E_{\text {cell }}^\theta=\frac{2303 R T}{n F} \log K_C $$