Heat and Thermodynamics · Physics · TS EAMCET

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A pendulum clock loses 10.8 s a day when the temperature is $38^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ and gains 108 s a day when the temperature is $18^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$. The coefficient of linear expansion of the metal of the pendulum clock is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 11th May Morning Shift
A liquid cools from a temperature of 368 K to 358 K in 22 min . In the same room, the same liquid takes 12.5 min to cool from 358 K to 353 K . The room temperature is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 11th May Morning Shift
For a gas in a thermodynamic process, the relation between internal energy $U$, the pressure $p$ and the volume $V$ is $U=3+15 p V$. The ratio of the specific heat capacities of the gas at constant volume and constant pressure is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 11th May Morning Shift
At a pressure $p$ and temperature $127^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$, a vessel contains 21 g of a gas. A small hole is made into the vessel, so that the gas in it leaks out. At a pressure of $\frac{2 p}{3}$ and a temperature of $t^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$, the mass of the gas leaked out is 5 g . Then, $t=$
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 11th May Morning Shift
Steam of mass 60 g at a temperature $100^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ is mixed with water of mass 360 g at a temperature $40^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$. The ratio of the masses of steam and water in equilibrium is (Latent heat of steam is $540 \mathrm{cal} \mathrm{g}^{-1}$ and specific heat capacity of water is $1 \mathrm{cal} \mathrm{g}^{-1}{ }^{\circ} \mathrm{C}^{-1}$ )
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 10th May Evening Shift
The temperature difference between the ends of two cylindrical rods $A$ and $B$ of the same material is $2: 3$. In steady state the ratio of the rates of flow of heat through the rods $A$ and $B$ is $5: 9$. If the radii of the rods $A$ and $B$ are in the ratio $1: 2$, then the ratio of lengths of the rods $A$ and $B$ is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 10th May Evening Shift
When $Q_{1}$ amount of heat supplied to a monoatomic gas, the work done by the gas is $W$. When $Q_{2}$ amount of heat is supplied to a diatomic gas, the work done by the gas is $2 W$. Then, $Q_{1}: Q_{2}$.
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 10th May Evening Shift
The temperature at which the rms speed of oxygen molecules is $75 \%$ or rms speed of nitrogen molecules at a temperature of $287^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 10th May Evening Shift
A big liquid drop splits into $n$ similar small drops under isothermal conditions, then in the process
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 10th May Morning Shift
37 g of ice at $0^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ temperature is mixed with 74 g of water at $70^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ temperature. The resultant temperature is (specific heat capacity of water $=1 \mathrm{cal} {\mathrm{g}^{-1o}} \mathrm{C}^{-1}$ and latent heat of fusion of ice $=80 \mathrm{cal} \mathrm{g}^{-1}$ )
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 10th May Morning Shift
The thickness of a uniform rectangular metal plate is 5 mm and the area of each surface is $5 \mathrm{~cm}^5$. In steady state, the temperature difference between the two surfaces of the plate is $14^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$. If the heat flowing through the plate in one second from one surface to the other surface is 42 J , then the thermal conductivity of the metal is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 10th May Morning Shift
The ratio of the specific heat capacities of a gas is 1.5 . When the gas undergoes adiabatic process, its volume is doubled and pressure becomes $p_1$. When the gas undergoes isothermal process, its volume is doubled and pressure becomes $p_2$. If $p_1=p_2$, the ratio of the initial pressures of the gas when it undergoes adiabatic and isothermal processes is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 10th May Morning Shift
A vessel contains hydrogen and nitrogen gases in the ratio $2: 3$ by mass. If the temperature of the mixture of the gases is $30^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$, then the ratio of the average kinetic energies per molecule of hydrogen and nitrogen gases is (Molecular mass of hydrogen $=2$ and molecular mass of nitrogen $=28$ )
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 10th May Morning Shift
When 54 g of ice at $-20^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ is mixed with 25 g of steam at $100^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$, then the final mixture at thermal equilibrium contains
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 9th May Evening Shift
A solid sphere at a temperature $T \mathrm{~K}$ is cut in to two hemisphere. The ratio of energies radiated by one hemisphere to the whole sphere per second is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 9th May Evening Shift
If $d Q, d U$ and $d W$ are heat energy absorbed, change in internal energy and external work done respectively by a diatomic gas at constant pressure, then $d W: d U: d Q$ is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 9th May Evening Shift
If the temperature of a gas increased from $27^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ to $159^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$, the increase in the rms speed of the gas molecules is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 9th May Evening Shift
The temperature on a fahrenheit temperature scale that is twice the temperature on a celsius temperature scale is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 9th May Morning Shift
The temperatures of equal masses of three different liquids $A, B$ and $C$ are $15^{\circ} \mathrm{C}, 24^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ and $30^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$, respectively. The resultant temperature when liquids $A$ and $B$ are mixed is $20^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ and when liquids $B$ and $C$ are mixed is $26^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$. Then, the ratio of specific heat capacities of the liquids $A, B$ and $C$ is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 9th May Morning Shift
The efficiency of a reversible heat engine working between two temperatures is $50 \%$. The coefficient of performance of a refrigerator working between the same two temperatures but in reverse direction is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 9th May Morning Shift
The total internal energy of 4 moles of a diatomic gas at a temperature of $27^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ is (gas constant $=831$ $\mathrm{J} \mathrm{mol}^{-1} \mathrm{~K}^{-1}$ )
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 9th May Morning Shift
Two objects made of the same material have masses $m$ and $2 m$ and are at temperatures $2 T$ and $T$ respectively. When heat $Q$ is supplied to the object of mass $2 m$, its temperature raises to $2 T$. If the same heat is supplied to the object of mass $m$, its temperature raises to
TS EAMCET 2023 (Online) 12th May Morning Shift
On a new temperature scale, the melting point of ice is $20^{\circ} \mathrm{X}$ and the boiling point of water is $110^{\circ} \mathrm{X}$. A temperature of $40^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ would be indicated on this new temperature scale as
TS EAMCET 2023 (Online) 12th May Morning Shift
The percentage of heat supplied to a diatomic ideal gas that is converted into work in an isobaric process is
TS EAMCET 2023 (Online) 12th May Morning Shift
Ratio of translational degrees of freedom to rotational degrees of freedom of a polyatomic linear gas molecule is
TS EAMCET 2023 (Online) 12th May Morning Shift
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