Circular Motion · Physics · TS EAMCET
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
An aircraft executes a horizontal loop of radius 9 km at a constant speed of $540 \mathrm{kmh}^{-1}$. The wings of the aircraft are banked at an angle of (Acceleration due to gravity $=10 \mathrm{~ms}^{-2}$ )
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 10th May Morning Shift
A 20 ton truck is travelling along a curved path of radius 240 m . If the centre of gravity of the truck above the ground is 2 m and the distance between its wheels is 1.5 m , the maximum speed of the truck with which it can travel without toppling over is
(Acceleration due to gravity $=10 \mathrm{~ms}^{-2}$ )
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 9th May Evening Shift
A car is moving on circular track banked at an angle of $45^{\circ}$. If the maximum permissible speed of the car to avoid slipping is twice the optimum speed of the car to avoid the wear and tear of the tyres, then the coefficient of static friction between the wheels of the car and the road is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 9th May Morning Shift
The angular speed of a particle moving in a circular path is doubled. Then, the centripetal acceleration of the particle is
TS EAMCET 2023 (Online) 12th May Morning Shift