Gravitation · Physics · TS EAMCET
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The range of gravitational forces is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 11th May Morning Shift
An object of mass $m$ at a distance of $20 R$ from the centre of a planet of mass $M$ and radius $R$ has an initity velocity $u$. The velocity with which the object hits the surface of the planet is
( $G$-Universal gravitational constant)
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 11th May Morning Shift
The ratio of the radii of a planet and the earth is $1: 2$, the ratio of their mean densities is $4: 1$. If the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth is $9.8 \mathrm{~ms}^{-2}$, then the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the planet is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 10th May Evening Shift
Two stars of masses $M$ and $2 M$ that are at a distance $d$ apart, are revolving one around another. The angular velocity of the system of two stars is ( $G$-Universal gravitational constant)
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 10th May Morning Shift
The ratio of the accelerations due to gravity at heights 1280 km and 3200 km above the surface of the earth is
(Radius of the earth $=6400 \mathrm{~km}$ )
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 9th May Evening Shift
Regarding fundamental forces in nature, the correct statement is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 9th May Morning Shift
The energy required to take a body from the surface of the earth to a height equal to the radius of the earth is $W$. The energy required to take this body from the surface of the earth to a height equal to twice the radius of the earth is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 9th May Morning Shift
A ring has a mass $M$ and radius $R$. The distance of the point on its geometric axis from its centre at which the gravitational field is strongest is
TS EAMCET 2023 (Online) 12th May Morning Shift