Complex Numbers · Mathematics · TS EAMCET
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
If $z=\frac{(2-i)(1+i)^{3}}{(1-i)^{2}}$, then $\arg (z)=$
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 11th May Morning Shift
$z=x+i y$ and the point $P$ represents $z$ in the argand plane. If the amplitude of $\left(\frac{2 z-i}{z+2 i}\right)$ is $\frac{\pi}{4}$, then the equation of the locus of $P$ is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 11th May Morning Shift
$\alpha, \beta$ are the roots of the equation $x^{2}+2 x+4=0$. If the point representing $\alpha$ in the argand diagram lies in the 2nd quadrant and $\alpha^{2024}-\beta^{2024}=i k,(i=\sqrt{-1})$, then $k=$
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 11th May Morning Shift
If $z=x+i y$ satisfies the equation $z^{2}+a z+a^{2}=0, a \in R$, then
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 10th May Evening Shift
If $z_{1}, z_{2}, z_{3}$ are three complex numbers with unit modulus such that $\left|z_{1}-z_{2}\right|^{2}+\left|z_{1}-z_{3}\right|^{2}=4$, then $z_{1} \bar{z}_{2}+\bar{z}_{1} z_{2}+z_{1} \bar{z}_{3}+\bar{z}_{1} z_{3}=$
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 10th May Evening Shift
If $\omega$ is the complex cube root of unity and
$\left(\frac{a+b \omega+c \omega^{2}}{c+a \omega+b \omega^{2}}\right)^{k}+\left(\frac{a+b \omega+c \omega^{2}}{b+a \omega^{2}+c \omega}\right)^{l}=2$, then $2 k+l$ is always
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 10th May Evening Shift
If $z_{1}=\sqrt{3}+i \sqrt{3}$ and $z_{2}=\sqrt{3}+i$, and $\left(\frac{z_{1}}{z_{2}}\right)^{50}=x+i y$, then the point $(x, y)$ lies in
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 10th May Evening Shift
The roots of the equation $x^{3}-3 x^{2}+3 x+7=0$ are $\alpha, \beta, \lambda$ and $\omega, \omega^{2}$ are complex cube roots of unity, If the terms containing $x^{2}$ and $x$ are missing in the transformed equation when each one of these roots is decreased by $h$, then $\frac{\alpha-h}{\beta-h}+\frac{\beta-h}{\gamma-h}+\frac{\gamma-h}{\alpha-h}=$
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 10th May Evening Shift
If $x$ and $y$ are two positive real numbers such that $x+i y=\frac{13 \sqrt{-5+12 i}}{(2-3 i)(3+2 i)}$, then $13 y-26 x=$
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 10th May Morning Shift
If $z=x+i y$ and if the point $P$ represents $z$ in the argand plane, then the locus of $z$ satisfying the equation $|z-1|+|z+i|=2$ is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 10th May Morning Shift
One of the values of $(-64 i)^{5 / 6}$ is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 10th May Morning Shift
If $\frac{(2-i) x+(1+i)}{2+i}+\frac{(1-2 i) y+(1-i)}{1+2 i}=1-2 i$, then $2 x+4 y=$
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 9th May Evening Shift
If $z=1-\sqrt{3} i$, then $z^3-3 z^2+3 z=$
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 9th May Evening Shift
The product of all the values of $(\sqrt{3}-i)^{\frac{2}{5}}$ is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 9th May Evening Shift
The number of common roots among the 12 th and 30th roots of unity is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 9th May Evening Shift
If $\sqrt{5}-i \sqrt{15} \doteqdot r(\cos \theta+i \sin \theta),-\pi<\theta<\pi$, then $r^2\left(\sec \theta+3 \operatorname{cosec}^2 \theta\right)=$
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 9th May Morning Shift
The point $P$ denotes the complex number $z=x+i y$ in the argand plane. If $\frac{2 z-i}{z-2}$ is a purely real number, then the equation of the locus of $P$ is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 9th May Morning Shift
$x$ and $y$ are two complex numbers such that $|x|=|y|=1$.
If $\arg (x)=2 \alpha, \arg (y)=3 \beta$ and $\alpha+\beta=\frac{\pi}{36}$, then $x^6 y^4+\frac{1}{x^6 y^4}=$
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 9th May Morning Shift
One of the roots of the equation $x^{14}+x^9-x^5-1=0$ is
TG EAPCET 2024 (Online) 9th May Morning Shift
If $z_1$ and $z_2$ are complex numbers such that $\left|z_1+z_2\right|=\left|z_1\right|+\left|z_2\right|$, then the difference in the amplitude of $z_1$ and $z_2$ is
TS EAMCET 2023 (Online) 12th May Morning Shift
If $i=\sqrt{-1}$, then $1+i^2+i^4+i^6+\ldots \ldots+i^{2024}=$
TS EAMCET 2023 (Online) 12th May Morning Shift
If $\frac{1+i \cos \theta}{1-2 i \cos \theta}$ is purely real, then $\cos ^3 \theta+\sin ^2 \theta+\cos \theta+1=$
TS EAMCET 2023 (Online) 12th May Morning Shift
If $\theta=\frac{\pi}{6}$, then the 10 th term of the series $1+(\cos \theta+i \sin \theta)^1+(\cos \theta+i \sin \theta)^2+\ldots$. is
TS EAMCET 2023 (Online) 12th May Morning Shift
If $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are non-zero integers and $z=(\alpha+i \beta)(2+7 i)$ is a purely imaginary number, then minimum value of $|z|^2$ is
TS EAMCET 2023 (Online) 12th May Morning Shift