AIPMT 2012 Prelims
Paper was held on Sun, Apr 1, 2012 10:00 AM
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Maximum nutritional diversity is found in the group
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Which statement is wrong for viruses?
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Nuclear membrane is absent in
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The cyanobacteria are also referred to as
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The most abundant prokaryotes helpful to humans in making curd ftom milk and in production of antibiotics are the ones c
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Which one single organism or the pair of organisms is correctly assigned to its or their named taxonomic group?
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Which one of the following microbes forms symbiotic association with plants and helps them in their nutrition?
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Which one of the following is common to multicellular fungi, filamentous algae and protonema of mosses?
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Which one of the following is a correct statement?
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Cycas and Adiantum resemble each other in having
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In which one of the following, the genus name, its two characters and its phylum are not correctly matched, whereas the
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Pheretima and its close relatives derive nourishment from
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Placentation in tomato and lemon is
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Cymose inflorescence is present in
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Phyllode is present in
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How many plants in the list given below have composite fruits that develop from an inflorescence? Walnut, poppy, radish
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The gynoecium consists of many free pistils in flowers of
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The coconut water and the edible part of coconut are equivalent to
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Vexillary aestivation is characteristic of the family
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Which one out of A - D given below correctly represents the structural formula of the basic amino acid?
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Which one is the most abundant protein in the animal world?
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The given diagrammatic representation shows one of the caregories of small molecular weight organic compounds in the liv
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Which one of the following is wrong statement?
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During gamete formation, the enzyme recombinase participates during
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A process that makes important difference between C3 and C4 plants is
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The correct sequence of cell organelles during photores piration is
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Which one of the following is the correct statement for respiration in humans?
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People who have migrated from the planes to an area adjoining Rohtang Pass about six months back
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A certain road accident patient with unknown blood group needs immediate blood transfusion. His one doctor friend at onc
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The maximum amount of electrolytes and water (70 $$-$$ 80 percent) from the glomerular filtrate is reabsorbed in which p
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Select the correct statement regarding the specific disorder of muscular or skeletal system.
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Which part of the human ear plays no role in hearing as such but is otherwise very much required?
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The human hind brain comprises three parts, one of which is
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A person entering an empty room suddenly finds a snake right in front on opening the door. Which one of the following is
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Which one of the following pairs of hormones are the examples of those that can easily pass through the cell membrane of
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What is correct to say about the hormone action in humans?
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Both, autogamy and geitonogamy are prevented in
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An organic substance that can withstand environmental extremes and cannot be degraded by any enzyme is
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Which one of the following is correctly matched?
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Even in absence of pollinating agents seed-setting is assured in
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Signals for parturition originate from :
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Which one of the following statements is false in respect of viability of mammalian sperm?
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The leydig's cells as found in the human body are the secretory source of
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In a normal pregnant woman, the amount of total gonadotropin activity was assessed. The results expected was :
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The test-tube baby programme employs which one of the following techniques ?
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What is the figure given below showing in particular ?
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A normal - visioned man whose father was colour bilind, marries a woman whose father was also colour - blind. They have
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F2 generation in a Mendelian cross showed that both genotypic and phenotypic ratios are same as 1 : 2 : 1. It represents
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If one strand of DNA has the nitrogenous base sequence as ATCTG, what would be the complementary RNA stand sequence
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Removal of introns and joining of exons in a defined order during transcription is called
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Which one of the following is not a part of a transcription unit in DNA ?
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Ribosomal RNA is actively synthesized in
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Removal of RNA polymerase -III from nucleoplasm will affect the synthesis of
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Evolution of different species in a given area starting from a point and spreading to other geographical areas is known
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Which one of the following options gives one correct example each of convergent evolution and divergent evolution ?
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The extinct human who lived 1,00,000 to 40,000 years ago, in Europe, Asia and parts of Africa, with short stature, heavy
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What was the most significant trend in the evolution of modern man (Homo sapiens) from his ancestors ?
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Motile zygote of Plasmodium occurs in
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Common cold differs from pneumonia in, that
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Which one of the following in not a property of cancerous cells whereas the remaining three are ?
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Cirrhosis of liver is caused by the chronic intake of
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Which part would be most suitable for raising virus free plants for microporpagation ?
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Which one of the following is a case of wrong matching ?
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A patient brought to a hospital with myocardial infarction is normally immediately given
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Monascus purpureus is a yeast used commercially in the production of :
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A nitrogen - fixing microbe associated with Azolla in rice fields is
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Which one of the following is an example of carrying out biological control of pests/diseases using microbes ?
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The figure below is the diagrammatic respesentation o the E.Coli vector pBR 322. Which one of the given options correctl
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PCR and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism are the methods for
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A single strand of nucleic acid tagged with a radioactive molecule is called
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Which one is a true statement regarding DNA polymerase used in PCR ?
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For transformation, micro - particles coated with DNA to be bombarded with gene are made up of
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Consumption of which one of the following foods can prevent the kind of blindness associated with vitamin 'A' deficiency
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Giiven below is an imaginary pyramid of numbers. What could be one of the possibilities about certain organisms at some
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Which one of the following is not a functional unit of an ecosystem?
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Which one of the following is not a gaseous biogeochemical cycle in ecosystem ?
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Identify the possible link "A" in the following food chain : Plant → insect → frog →"A"→ Eagle
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The upright pyramid of number is absent in
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Which one of the following areas in India, is a hotspot of biodiversity?
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Gymnosperms are also called soft wood spermatophytes because they lack
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Water containing cavities in vascular bundles are found in
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Closed vascular bundles lack
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Companion cells are closely associated with
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The common bottle cork is a product of
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Compared to those of humans, the erythrocytes in frog are :
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Select the correct statement from the ones given below with respect to Periplaneta americana
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Select the the correct statement from the following regarding cell membrane
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What is true about ribosomes ?
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Which one of the following does not differ in E.coli and Chlamydomonas ?
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The highest number of species in the world is represented by
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Given below is the representation of a certain event at a particular stage of a type of cell division. Which is this s
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Widal Test is carried out to test :
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Yeast is used in the production of
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In which one of the following options the two examples are correctly matched with their particular type of immunity?
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Maximum number of electrons in a subshell with $$l$$ = 3 and n = 4 is
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The correct set of four quantum numbers for the valence electron of rubidium atom (Z = 37) is
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Identify the wrong statement in the following.
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Which one of the following pairs is isostructural (i.e., having the same shape and hybridization) ?
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Which of the following species contains three bond pairs and one lone pair arround the central atom ?
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Bond order of 1.5 is shown by
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The pair of species with the same bond order is
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In which of the following reactions, standard reaction entropy change ($$\Delta $$So) is positive and standard Gibb's en
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Standard enthalpy of vaporisation $$\Delta $$vapHo for water at 100oC is 40.66 kJ mol$$-$$1. The internal energy of vapo
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The enthalpy of fusion of water is 1.435 kcal/mol. The molar entropy change for the melting of ice at 0oC is
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pH of a saturated solution of Ba(OH)2 is 12. The value of solubility product (Ksp) of Ba(OH)2 is
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Equimolar solutions of the following substances were prepared separately. Which one of these will record the highest pH
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Buffer solutions have constant acidity and alkalinity because
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Among the following compounds the one that is most reactive towards electrophilic nitration is
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Which nomenclature is not according to IUPAC system?
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In the following reaction The major product is
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Which of the following acids does not exhibit optical isomerism?
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In the following sequence of reactions the end product (C) is
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When Cl2 gas reacts with hot and concentrated sodium hydroxide solution, the oxidation number of chlorine changes from
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A mixture of potassium chlorate, oxalic acid and sulphuric acid is heated. During the reaction which element undergoes m
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The correct order of decreasing acid strength of trichloroacetic acid (A), trifluoroacetic acid (B), acetic acid (C) an
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CH3CHO and C6H5CH2CHO can be distinguished chemically by
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Predict the products in the given reaction.
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Acetone is treated with excess of ethanol in the presence of hydrochloric acid. The product obtained is
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Deficiency of vitamin B1 causes the disease
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Which one of the following sets of monosaccharides forms sucrose?
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pA and pB are the vapour pressure of pure liquid components, A and B, respectively of an ideal binary solution. If xA re
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Limiting molar conductivity of NH4OH $$\left[ {} \right.$$i.e.  $$\Lambda _{m\left( {N{H_4}OH} \right)}^0$$$$\left
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In a reaction, A + B $$ \to $$ product, rate is doubled when the concentration of B is doubled, and rate increases by a
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In a zero-order reaction, for every 10oC rise of temperature, the rate is doubled. If the temperature is increased from
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Which of the following statements is not valid for oxoacids of phosphorus?
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In which of the following compounds, nitrogen exhibits highest oxidation state?
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Sulphur trioxide can be obtained by which of the following reaction?
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Which of the statements is not true?
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Identify the alloy containing a non-metal as a constituent in it.
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Which one of the following is an outer orbital complex and exhibits paramagnetic behaviour?
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The damping force on an oscillator is directly proportional to the velocity. The units of the constant of proportionalit
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The motion of a particle along a straight line is described by equation x = 8 + 12t $$-$$ t3 where x is in metre and t i
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The horizontal range and the maximum height of a projectile are equal. The angle of projection of the projectile is
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A particle has initial velocity $$\left( {2\overrightarrow i + 3\overrightarrow j } \right)$$ and acceleration $$\left(
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Two spheres A and B of masses m1 and m2 respectively collide. A is at rest initially and B is moving with velocity v alo
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A solid cylinder of mass 3 kg is rolling on a horizontal surface with velocity 4 m s$$-$$1. It collides with a horizonta
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The potential energy of a particle in a force field is $$U = {A \over {{r^2}}} - {B \over r}$$ where A and B are positiv
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Two persons of masses 55 kg and 65 kg respectively, are at the opposite ends of a boat. The length of the boat is 3.0 m
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When a mass is rotating in a plane about a fixed point, its angular momentum is directed along
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A car of mass 1000 kg negotiates a banked curve of radius 90 m on a frictionless road. If the banking angle is 45o, the
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ABC is an equilateral triangle with O as its centre. $${\overrightarrow F _1},{\overrightarrow F _2}$$ and $${\overright
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The height at which the weight of a body becomes $${\left( {{1 \over {16}}} \right)^{th}}$$, its weight on the surface
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A geostationary satellite is orbiting the earth at a height of 5R above the surface of the earth, R being the radius of
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A spherical planet has a mass MP and diameter DP. A particle of mass m falling freely near the surface of this planet wi
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If the radius of a star is R and it acts as a black body, what would be the temperature of the star, in which the rate o
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Liquid oxygen at 50 K is heated to 300 K at constant pressure of 1 atm. The rate of heating is constant. Which one of th
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One mole of an ideal gas goes from an initial state A to final state B via two processes : It first undergoes isothermal
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A thermodynamic system is taken through the cycle ABCD as shown in figure. Heat rejected by the gas during the cycle is
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When a string is divided into three segments of length $$l$$1, $$l$$2 and $$l$$3 the fundamental frequencies of these th
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Two sources of sound placed close to each other, are emitting progressive waves given by y1 = 4sin600$$\pi $$t and y2
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An electric dipole of moment p is placed in an electric field of intensity E. The dipole acquires a position such that t
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What is the flux through a cube of side $$a$$ if a point charge of q is at one of its corner?
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Four point charges $$-$$Q, $$-$$q, 2q and 2Q are placed, one at each corner of the square. The relation between Q and q
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In the circuit shown the cells A and B have negligible resistances. For VA = 12 V, R1 = 500 $$\Omega $$ and R = 100 $$\
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A ring is made of a wire having a resistance R0 = 12 $$\Omega $$. Find the points A and B, as shown in the figure, at wh
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If voltage across a bulb rated 220 volt-100 watt drops by 2.5% of its rated value, the percentage of the rated value by
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A milli voltmeter of 25 milli volt range is to be converted into an ammeter of 25 ampare range. The value (in ohm) of ne
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Two similar coils of radius R are lying concentrically with their planes at right angles to each other. The currents flo
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An alternating electric field, of frequency $$v$$, is applied across the does (radius = R) of a cyclotron that is being
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A compass needle which is allowed to move in a horizontal plane is taken to a geomagnetic pole. It
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A coil of resistance 400 $$\Omega $$ is placed in a magnetic field. If the magnetic flux $$\phi $$ (Wb) linked with the
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The current $$(I)$$ in the inductance is varying with time according to the plot shown in figure. Which one of the foll
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In an electrical circuit R, L, C and a.c. voltage source are all connected in series. When L is removed from the circuit
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The electric field associated with an em wave in vacuum is given by E = $$\widehat i$$ 40 cos (kz $$-$$ 6 $$ \times $$
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A ray of light is incident at an angle of incidence i, on one face of a prism of angle A (assumed to be small ) and emer
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When a biconvex lens of glass having refractive index 1.47 is dipped in a liquid, it acts as a plane sheet of glass. Thi
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A concave mirror of focal length $$f$$1 is placed at a distance of d from a convex lens of focal length $$f$$2. A beam o
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The magnifying power of a telescope is 9. When it is adjusted for parallel rays the distance between the objective and e
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A 200 W sodium street lamp emits yellow light of wavelength 0.6 $$\mu $$m. Assuming it to be 25% efficient in converting
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Monochromatic radiation emitted when electron on hydrogen atom jumps from first excited to the ground state irradiates a
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An $$\alpha $$-particle moves in a circular path of radius 0.83 cm in the presence of a magnetic field of 0.25 Wb/m2. Th
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An electron of a stationary hydrogen atom passes from the fifth energy level to the ground level. The velocity that the
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Electron in hydrogen atom first jumps from third excited state to second excited state and then from second excited to t
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Two ideal diodes are connected to a battery as shown in the circuit. The current supplied by the battery is
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C and Si both have same lattice structure; having 4 bonding electrons in each. However, C is insulator where as Si is in
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The figure shows a logic circuit with two inputs A and B and the output C. The voltage wave forms across A, B and C are
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