AIPMT 2014
Paper was held on Sun, May 4, 2014 10:00 AM
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Which of the following shows coiled RNA strand and capsomeres?
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Five kingdom system of classification suggested by R.H. Whittaker is not based on
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Archaebacteria differ from eubacteria in
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Viruses have
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The motile bacteria are able to move by
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Which structures perform the function of mitochondria in bacteria?
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Anoxygenic photosynthesis is characteristic of
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Which one of the following is wrong about Chara?
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Male gametophyte with least number of cells is present in
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Which of the following is responsible for peat formation?
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Select the taxon mentioned that represents both marine and fresh water species.
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Which one of the following living organisms completely lacks a cell wall?
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Planaria possesses high capacity of
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Planaria possesses high capacity of
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A marine cartilaginous fish that can produce electric current is
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Placenta and pericarp are both edible portions in
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An example of edible underground steam is
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When the margins of sepals or petals overlap one another without any particular direction, the condition is termed as
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Which one of the following statements is correct?
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Select the option which is not correct with respect to enzyme action.
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Which one of the following is a non - reducing carbohydrate?
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During which phase(s) of cell cycle, amount of DNA in a cell remains at 4C level if the initial amount is denoted as 2C?
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In 'S' phase of the cell cycle
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The enzyme recombinase is required at which stage of meiosis?
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In which one of the following processes CO2 is not released?
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Dr. F. went noted that if coleoptile tips were removed and placed on agar for one hour, the agar would produce a bending
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A few normal seedlings of tomato were kept in a dark room. After a few days they were found to have become white -colour
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Which one of the following growth regulators is known as 'stress hormone'?
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Approximately seventy percent of carbon-dioxide absorbed by the blood will be transported to the lungs
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Person with blood group AB is considered as universal recipient because he has
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How do parasympathetic neutral signals affect the working of the heart?
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Which of the following causes an increase in sodium reabsorption in the distal convoluted tubule?
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Select the correct matching of the type of the joint with the example in human skeletal system.
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Stimulation of a muscle fiber by a motor neuron occurs at
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Injury localized to the hypothalamus would most likely disrupt
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Which one of the following statements is not correct?
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Identify the hormone with its correct matching of source and function.
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Flight-or-flight reactions cause activation of
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Which one of the following shows isogamy with non-flagellated gametes?
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An aggregate fruit is one which develops from
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Geitonogamy involves
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Function of filiform apparatus is to
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Pollen tablets are available in the market for
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Non-albuminous seed is produced in
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The shared terminal duct of the repoductive and urinary system in the human male is
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The main function of mammalian corpus luteum is to produce
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Select the correct option describing gonadotropin activity in a normal pregnant female.
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Tubectomy is a method of sterilization in which :
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Assisted reproductive technology, IVF involves transfer of :
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Which of the following is a hormone releasing Intra Uterine Device (IUD)?
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Transformation was discovered by :
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Which one of the following is wrongly matched?
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Select the correct option ;
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Which is the particular type of drug that is obtained from the plant whose one flowering branch is shown below?
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At which stage of HIV infection does one usually show symptoms of AIDS ?
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To obtain virus−free healthy plants from a diseased one by tissue culture technique, which part/parts of the diseased pl
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Which one of the following fungi contains hallucinogens?
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An alga which can be employed as food for human being is :
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What gases are produced in anaerobic sludge digesters ?
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An analysis of chromosomal DNA using the Southern hybridization technique does not use:
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Which vector can clone only a small fragment of DNA ?
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Commonly used vectors for human genome sequencing are :
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The first human hormone produced by recombinant DNA technology is :
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Just as a person moving from Delhi to Shimla to escape the heat for the duration of hot summer, thousands of migratory b
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Given below is a simplified model of phosphorus cycling in a terrestrial ecosystem with four blanks (A-D). Identify the
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Match the following and select the correct option: .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;width: 100%} .tg td
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If 20 J of energy is trapped at producer level, then how much energy will be available to peacock as food in the followi
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An example of ex situ conservation is :
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A species facing extremely high risk of extinction in the immediate future is called :
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The organization which publishes the Red List of species is :
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Given below is the representation of the extent of global diversity of invertebrates. What groups the four portions (A-D
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You are given a fairly old piece of dicot stem and a dicot root. Which of the following anatomical structures will you u
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Tracheids differ from other tracheary elements in :
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Choose the correctly matched pair :
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Choose the correctly matched pair:
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The solid linear cytoskeletal elements having a diameter of 6 nm and made up of a single type of monomer are known as:
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The osmotic expansion of a cell kept in water is chiefly regulated by:
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Match the following and select the correct answer : .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;width:100%} .tg td
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Equal masses of H2, O2 and methane have been taken in a container of volume V at temperature 27oC in identical condition
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When 22.4 liters of H2(g) is mixed with 11.2 litres of Cl2(g), each at S.T.P. the moles of HCl(g) formed is equal to
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1.0 g of magnesium is burnt with 0.56 g O2 in a closed vessel, Which reactant is left in excess and how much ? (At. wt.
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What is the maximum number of orbitals that can be identified with the following quantum numbers ? n = 3, l = 1, m1 = 0
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Calculate the energy in joule corresponding to light of wavelength 45 nm. (Planck,s constant, h = 6.63 $$ \times $$ 10$$
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Be2+ is isoelectronic with which of the following ions ?
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Which of the following orders of ionic radii is correctly represented ?
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Which of the following molecules has the maximum dipole moment ?
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Which one of the following species has plane triangular shape ?
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Which of the following statements is correct for the spontaneous adsorption of a gas?
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For the reaction, $${X_2}{O_{4\left( l \right)}}\,\, \to \,\,2X{O_{2(g)}}$$ $$\Delta $$U = 2.1 kcal, $$\Delta $$S = 20
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Which of the following salts will give highest pH in water?
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Using the Gibb's energy change, $$\Delta $$Go = +63.3 kJ, for the following reaction, Ag2CO3(s) $$\rightleftharpoons$$
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For a given exothermic reaction, Kp and K'p are the equilibrium constants at temperatures T1 and T2, respectively. Ass
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For the reversible reaction, N2(g) + 3H2(g) $$\rightleftharpoons$$ 2NH3(g) + heat The equilibrium shifts in forward
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In the Kjeldahl's method for estimation of nitrogen present in a soil sample, ammonia evolved from 0.75 g of sample neut
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What products are formed when the following compound is treated with Br2 in the presence of FeBr3?
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Identify Z in the sequence of reactions :
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Which of the following organic compounds has same hybridization as its combustion product (CO2)?
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Which of the following compounds will undergo racemisation when solution of KOH hydrolyses?
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Which of the following will not be soluble in sodium hydrogen carbonate?
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Among the following sets of reactants which one produces anisole?
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The pair of compounds that can exist together is
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(I)   H2O2 + O3 $$ \to $$ H2O + 2O2 (II)   H2O2 + Ag2O $$ \to $$ 2Ag + H2O + O2 Role of Hy
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In acidic medium, H2O2 changes Cr2O72- to CrO5 which has two ($$-$$O$$-$$O$$-$$) bonds. Oxidation state of Cr in CrO5 is
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Which one is most reactive towards nucleophilic addition reaction?
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In the following reaction, the product (A) is
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Which of the following will be most stable diazonium salt RN2+X$$-$$?
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Which of the following hormones is produced under the condition of stress which simulate glycogenlysis in the liver of h
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D(+)-glucose reacts with hydroxyl amine and yields an oxime. The structure of the oxime would be
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Of the following 0.10 m aqueous solutions, which one will exhibit the largest freezing point depression?
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When 0.1 mol MnO$$_4^{2 - }$$ is oxidised the quantity of electricity required to completely oxidise MnO$$_4^{2 - }$$ to
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The weight of silver (at. wt. = 108) displaced by a quantity of electricity which displaces 5600 mL of O2 at STP will be
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Acidity of diprotic acids in aqueous solutions increases in the order
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The reaction of aqueous KMnO4 with H2O2 in acidic conditions gives
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Reason of lanthanoid contraction is
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Magnetic moment 2.83 BM is given by which of the following ions? (At. nos. Ti = 22, Cr = 24, Mn = 25, Ni = 28)
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Among the following complexes the one which shows zero crystal field stabilization energy (CFSE) is
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Which of the following complexes is used to be as an anticancer agent?
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If force (F), velocity (V) and time (T) are taken as fundamental units, then dimensions of mass are
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A projectile is fired from the surface of the earth with a velocity of 5 m s$$-$$1 and angle $$\theta $$ with the hor
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A particle is moving such that is position coordinates (x, y) are (2 m, 3 m) at time t = 0, (6 m, 7 m) at time t = 2 s
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A balloon with mass m is descending down with an acceleration a (where a < g). How much mass should be removed from i
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A system consists of three masses m1, m2 and m3 connected by a string passing over a pulley P. The mass m1 hangs freely
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The force F acting on a particle of mass m is indicated by the force-time graph shown below. The change in momentum of t
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A body of mass (4m) is lying in x-y plane at rest. It suddenly explodes into three pieces. Two pieces, each of mass (m)
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A solid cylinder of mass 50 kg and radius 0.5 m is free to rotate about the horizontal axis. A massless string is wound
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The ratio of the accelerations for a solid sphere (mass m and radius R) rolling down an incline of angle $$\theta $$ wit
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Dependence of intensity of gravitational field (E) of earth with distance (r) from centre of earth is correctly represen
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A black hole is an object whose gravitational field is so strong that even light cannot escape from it. To what approxim
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Copper of fixed volume V is drawn into wire of length $$l$$. When this wire is subjected to a constant force F, the exte
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A certain number of spherical drops of a liquid of radius r coalesce to form a single drop of radius R and volume V. If
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Steam at 100oC is passed into 20 g of water at 10oC. When water acquires a temperature of 80oC, the mass of water presen
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Certain quantity of water cools from 70oC to 60oC in the first 5 minutes and to 54oC in the next 5 minutes. The temperat
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A monatomic gas at a pressure P, having a volume V expands isothermally to a volume 2V and then adiabatically to a volum
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A thermodynamic system undergoes cyclic process ABCDA as shown in figure. The work done by the system in the cycle is
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The mean free path of molecules of a gas, (radius r) is inversely proportional to
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The oscillation of a body on a smooth horizontal surface is represented by the equation, X = A cos$$\left( {\omega t} \
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If n1, n2 and n3 are the fundamental frequencies of three segments into which a string is divided, then the original f
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The number of possible natural oscillations of air column in a pipe closed at one end length 85 cm whose frequencies lie
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In a region, the potential is represented by V(x, y, z) = 6x $$-$$ 8xy $$-$$ 8y + 6yz,   where $$V$$ is in vol
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A conducting sphere of radius R is given a charge Q. The electric potential and the electric field at the centre of the
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Two thin dielectric slabs of dielectric constants K1 and K2(K1 < K2) are inserted between plates of a parallel plate
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The resistances in the two arms of the meter bridge are 5 $$\Omega $$ and R$$\Omega $$ respectively. When the resistance
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A potentiometer circuit has been set up for finding the internal resistance of a given cell. The main battery, used acro
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Two cities are 150 km apart. Electric power is sent from one city to another city through copper wires. The fall of pote
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Two identical long conducting wires $$AOB$$ and $$COD$$ are placed at right angle to each other, with one above other su
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In an ammeter 0.2% of main current passes through the galvanometer. If resistance of galvanometer is G, the resistance o
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Following figures show the arrangement of bar magnets in different configurations. Each magnet has magnetic dipole momen
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A thin semicircular conducting ring (PQR) of radius r is falling with its plane vertical in a horizontal magnetic field
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A transformer having efficiency of 90% is working on 200 V and 3 kW power supply. If the current in the secondary coil i
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Light with an energy flux of 25 $$ \times $$ 104 W m$$-$$2 falls on a perfectly reflecting surface at normal incidence.
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A beam of light of $$\lambda = 600$$ nm from a distant source falls on a single slit 1 mm wide and the resulting diffra
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In the Young's double slit experiment, the intensity of light at a point on the screen where the path difference $$\lamb
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The angle of a prism is A. One of its refracting surfaces is silvered. Light rays falling at an angle of incidence 2 A o
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If the focal length of objective lens is increased then magnifying power of
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When the energy of the incident radiation is increased nby 20%, the kinetic energy of the photoelectrons emitted from a
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If the kinetic energy of the particle is increased to 16 times its previous value, the percentage change in the de Brogl
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The binding energy per nucleon of and nuclei are 5.60 MeV and 7.06 MeV respectively. In the nuclear reaction $${}_3^7Li
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Hydrogen atom in ground state is excited by a monochromatic radiation of $$\lambda $$ = 975 $$\mathop A\limits^ \circ $
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The given graph represents V-I characteristic for a semiconductor device. Which of the following statement is correct
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The barrier potential of a p-n junction depends on (1)   type of semiconductor material (2)   amou
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